I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1533 The unwilling Hao Shixuan!

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was not far away, turned slowly and looked at the bewildered Son of Light.

The next moment, his figure flashed and shot towards the Son of Light.


There was another loud noise, and the figure of the Holy Son of Light flew out in response, leaving only Wang Mang standing in the air.

Looking at the defeated two holy sons, Wang Mang violently swung the massacre halberd.

In an instant, the power of several avenues bombarded the two holy sons again.


As the ground shook for a while, trails of smoke and dust slowly floated up.

Even so, Wang Mang still didn't stop, and countless devouring avenues poured out of his body and bombarded the two holy sons.

The anger that was almost defeated by these two people just now was vented at this moment.

Although he really wanted to devour these two guys, he knew that now was not the time.

When he is strong enough to ignore those old guys in the future, these two people will not be able to escape his palm.

With this in mind, Wang Mang took a deep look at the fragmented ground.

"Just let you live a little longer."

As soon as the voice fell, he also stopped the output of the power of the avenue.

Seeing the two holy sons who had lost their resistance, everyone on the outside of the domain fell silent.

At this moment, there was a huge wave in their hearts.

But it seemed that the facts were too unbelievable, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

After a pause, a voice slowly came out from the crowd:

"The two holy sons, lost?"

After one person spoke, everyone said one after another:

"How can this be?"

"What is that mysterious aura?"

"Yeah, if it weren't for the sudden domineering aura, the two holy sons might not have been defeated!"

"Hehe, it's useless to talk too much, no matter what, Master Shengzi has won."

"That's right, Holy Son Wang Mang suppressed the two Holy Sons with one enemy and two strong."

"What an unexpected ending."


At this time, in the patriarch's pavilion.

Looking at the defeated two holy sons, the five patriarchs all showed expressions of disbelief.

The next moment, the starry sky patriarch said with a cloudy and uncertain face:

"Can't beat the two second-stage inheritance gods?"

As soon as the words fell, the patriarch Guangming who was on the side also said with some uncertainty:

"The two holy sons have the blessings of the second-stage inheritance gods, and the burst of divine power should be enough to defeat Wang Mang."

"It is probably due to the special extreme environment."

Hearing this, Mo Yang smiled cheerfully:

"It seems that the first place this time belongs to our Mo tribe."

"There are still two years."

After hearing Mo Yang's words, the expressions of all the patriarchs became subtler.

These words are nothing more than an indication of the future path of the Mo people.

As long as they win the first place in the two endless holy wars in a row, the Mo clan is the veritable number one clan.

This is also the rule established by previous generations of patriarchs.

Fortunately, the other patriarchs are used to being under the pressure of the Starry Sky Ancient Clan all the year round.

However, the patriarch of the starry sky, who has always been in a dominant position, suddenly became upset.

"If you want to shake the status of the Starry Sky Ancient Clan, it's not something a mere Wang Mang can do."

"Whether you Wang Mang is strong or not, there is only one person."

"So what if he can defeat the two Sons at the same time?"

"It's a big deal that the three holy sons join forces, and if this is not enough, there will be four!"

The head of the starry sky muttered in his heart dissatisfied.

At the same time, he quietly transmitted voices to several patriarchs.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the several patriarchs lit up, and they all cast a vague glance at Mo Yang at the same time.

Some are watching a play, some are sympathetic, and some are excited.

Mo Yang didn't notice all this, but the elders above the pavilion heard it clearly.

Immediately, Mo Gu took a sip of his tea calmly, and said lightly:

"Your juniors are a little restless."

While speaking, he also took a deep look at the old man in the blue Taoist robe.

Hearing this, the old man smiled and refilled Mogu's somewhat empty teacup:

"Hehe, we old fellows don't want to meddle in the affairs of the younger generation."

"This is also our original agreement."

As soon as the words fell, the ancestor of the Yan clan beside him also said with great interest:

"Not to mention, if Wang Mang can really lead the Mo people to the summit in this situation, I will be the first to recognize the status of the Mo people."

Listening to the conversation of these people, Ming Di smiled silently:

"This seat also agrees."

All of a sudden, several old men on the tea table looked at Mo Gu with smiles on their faces.

Seeing this, Mo Gu snorted dissatisfiedly, and said slowly:

"nothing is impossible."

"Remember what you said."


In the realm of the Ming clan.

Looking at the two holy sons who were seriously injured and the people who had passed out, Wang Mang looked around in a daze.

The next moment, his figure flashed towards the two holy sons on the ground.

At this time, Hao Shixuan, who fell on the ground and looked at the sky, fell into deep thought.

Then, he whispered with a dark expression:

"Ahem, is the gap really that big?"

"So what if you have an inheritance fetish? Isn't it no match for this person?"

At this moment, his heart was full of confusion.

At the same time, what the former Starry Sky Patriarch said to him gradually emerged:

"Shixuan, your talent is the strongest among the several holy sons. If you develop and inherit the gods, the future must be yours."

"Yes! Lord Patriarch!"

He also thought so before Wang Mang appeared. At that time, he won the first place in the endless jihad consecutively, and his glory was infinite.

But since Wang Mang's arrival, all this has changed.

"Is this guy really of the same generation as me?"

"Obviously the realm is lower than this seat, but the combat power is so terrifying."

"The supreme supreme Tianjiao, hasn't reached this level, has he?"

Looking up at Wang Mang's slowly falling figure, Hao Shixuan muttered to himself with a complicated expression.

At this moment, his invincibility has been broken by Wang Mang.

At this time, Wang Mang looked at the two holy sons and finally landed beside Hao Shixuan.

"Ants, where is the origin of the world in the Mingzu realm?"

Wang Mang asked indifferently.

Hearing this, Hao Shixuan smiled bitterly, and stood up slowly:

"You have to ask the Holy Son of the Hades."

After hearing his words, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes.

Looking at Hao Shixuan who still had the strength to stand up, he was very unhappy and his thoughts of trampling this guy under his feet were gradually amplified.

But in the end he didn't do it.

Wang Mang turned around slowly and walked towards the Holy Son of the Mingzu.

At this moment, a voice came from behind him:

"Wang Mang, will there be a war in the future?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's advancing figure stopped for a moment, and then continued to walk towards the Holy Son of the Mingzu.

"Invincible at the same level, overwhelming the heavens."

"You're not qualified enough."

Wang Mang's ruthless ridicule was so harsh to Hao Shixuan's ears.

The next moment, he growled unwillingly:

"I don't believe it!"

As soon as the words fell, Scar of the Starry Sky attacked Wang Mang again.

Seeing this, Wang Mang shook his head with a light smile, and continued walking forward.

In an instant, a vast devouring avenue roared towards Hao Shixuan.

Immediately, the attacking Star Scar was scattered.

At the same time, Devouring Avenue blasted towards Hao Shixuan with undiminished power.


With a loud noise, countless avenues of devouring with Hao Shixuan as the center erupted.

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