I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1548 Conversation with Elder Heiyan!

The faces of the two patriarchs with lower realms suddenly darkened.

The dao rhyme around them disappeared immediately.

In an instant, the figures of the two trembled, and they half knelt down one after another.

This terrifying dao rhyme not only shattered their dao rhyme, but also invaded their physical bodies.

Due to the gap in realm, the two patriarchs were immediately defeated.

Only the two clan ancestors are still struggling to support them.

After a while, the two clan ancestors finally lost under this extreme suppression.

Looking at the four people whose breath had shrunk a lot, Heiyan nodded in satisfaction.

"Have you figured out the situation now?"

Kurohiko said with a grim expression.

Hearing this, the four of them all looked at Heiyan with gloomy expressions.

After a moment of silence, Mo Gu suppressed the horror in his heart and said in a low voice:

"Just mention it if you have any conditions."

He knew that it would be easy to kill them with Hei Yan's strength.

However, Hei Yan didn't make a move for a long time, but wasting time with them here.

This also shows that this person does not intend to kill them for the time being.

Thinking of this, Mo Gu breathed a sigh of relief.

After hearing Mo Gu's words, Hei Yan said indifferently:

"Hehe, I have no interest in you ants."


As soon as the words fell, five barriers formed by his Dao Yun immediately surrounded several people.

His figure flashed and disappeared in place.


At this time, Wang Mang was sitting cross-legged in the gap to heal his injuries.

The next moment, Elder Hei Yan's figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Seeing Wang Mang covered in bruises, Hei Yan hastily threw a seventh-grade middle-grade healing pill to him.

After taking the pill, Wang Mang swallowed it without hesitation.

The next moment, as the pill was taken, a warm current slowly repaired Wang Mang's body.

"Use the power of the Great Dao to stimulate the full effect of the medicine!"

Hei Yan, who was at the side, reminded him.

Hearing this, Wang Mang quickly followed what he said.

All of a sudden, with the power of the Great Dao slowly flowing in the body,

The remaining medicinal effects were also fully stimulated.

Seeing Wang Mang who was gradually recovering, Hei Yan said lightly:

"Those people, have you thought about how to deal with them?"

After hearing his words, Wang Mang was silent for a moment:

"Elder, why are you here?"

Heiyan smiled silently, and said cheerfully:

"The old man has been by your side for a long time."

"It's just that you didn't find out."

Looking at the smiling Hei Yan, Wang Mang didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this moment, scenes of the Nine Clans of the Abyss slowly emerged in his mind.

Suppressing the slightly raised corners of his mouth, Wang Mang asked with some doubts:

"Elder, what is my identity among the nine clans of the abyss?"

Hearing this, Hei Yan replied thoughtfully:

"Of course you are the young patriarch of the Eight Clans."

"The old man is also under the order of the patriarch to protect you in secret."

After hearing his words, Wang Mang took a deep look at him.

Then, he said with some expectation:

"Then, the fifteen pieces of seventh-rank middle-grade top divine weapons that the patriarch promised to me..."

While speaking, Wang Mang kept looking at Hei Yan's waist.

Wang Mang's eyes flashed when he saw the kit hanging from Elder Heiyan's waist.

Seeing this, Hei Yan said angrily:

"Don't look, the patriarch never mentioned this matter to the old man."

"Let's talk about it when you return to the Abyss Nine Clans."

Hearing this, the inexplicable light in Wang Mang's eyes disappeared immediately.

The next moment, he sighed in disappointment and said:

"Oh, all right."

"It's a joy for nothing."

Looking at Wang Mang's dull pupils, Hei Yan was immediately happy:

"You boy, you are not happy to have the old man, a strong man in the eternal realm, secretly protecting you?"

After hearing his words, Wang Mang whispered in low interest:

"Where will it be? I'm too happy to have time."

Hearing this, Hei Yan shook his head helplessly, and cursed with a smile:

"Okay, isn't it just a magic weapon, what else can the patriarch do without you?"

"When you go back, the old man will help you mention this."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang immediately revived with full blood.

"Then there will be Elder Lao."

Seeing this, Hei Yan nodded slowly.

The next moment, he spoke to Wang Mang again:

"By the way, after harvesting this world, you can go back with the old man."


After hearing this, Wang Mang's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of surprise.

Looking at the shocked Wang Mang, Hei Yan showed a meaningful smile on his face:

"Don't be so surprised, some ants are killed as soon as they are killed."

"Which strong man didn't walk out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing at Wang Mang, Elder Heiyan solemnly reminded:

"But remember, don't extend your hand to the nine clans of the abyss."

"Otherwise, the patriarch will not be able to protect you at that time."

Hearing this, Wang Mang replied nonchalantly:

"Don't worry, I won't do such a stupid thing."

He is not stupid enough to provoke the top forces before his wings are full.

This is no less than courting death directly.

The next moment, as if he had thought of something, he quickly said to Hei Yan:

"Elder, why don't you help me kill all life in this world!"

"As long as there are corpses left!"

"Don't think about it, the old man will not make a move unless it is a matter of life and death."

Kurohiko refused without thinking.

After all, what Wang Mang needs now is frustration and motivation.

Interfering too much in his growth will not do him any good in the future.

With this in mind, Kurohiko spoke again and said:

"The old man is shooting once at most."

"When your strength is not enough, you'd better keep a low profile."

He is very worried now, because of his existence, Wang Mang is going to die recklessly.

If this is the case, the strong in this world will not have the slightest experience with Wang Mang.

This is not the result he wants.

Hearing this, Wang Mang pondered for a moment, then slowly said:

"Yes, that's fine. Do you have extra Dao crystals on your body?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Elder Hei Yan's face darkened suddenly.

The next moment, full of pain, he threw a kit to Wang Mang.

"That's all, the old man is gone."

As soon as the words finished, Wang Mang quickly opened the kit like a hungry wolf seeing fat.

"Why only 50 million Dao Crystals?"

While speaking, he did not forget to put the kit in his pocket.

Seeing this, the corners of Hei Yan's mouth couldn't help twitching, and he said with a dark face:

"Give it back to the old man if you think it's too little!"

"How can it be? Isn't 50 million dao crystals a bit inconsistent with your status?"

Speechlessly rubbing his forehead, Hei Yan said earnestly:

"Young people, strength is the most important thing, and Dao Jing is something outside of you."

Hearing this, Wang Mang curled his lips and said in a low voice:

"Che, I'm talking about lightness, and I don't see you..."


Before he finished speaking, Hei Yan slapped Wang Mang on the back of the head.

Looking at Wang Mang who hesitated to speak, Hei Yan said helplessly:

"Okay, how are you going to deal with those people?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's expression suddenly became complicated:

"Ancient Essence!"


"You to that girl..."

"No, I need his body, but not now."

"Okay, the old man will help you once."

"By the way, the marriage talisman you used that day..."


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