I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1549 The Three Belated Arrivals! The people who were taken away by Hei Yan!

After the conversation between the two ended.

Hei Yan looked at Wang Mang's injuries, and said slowly:

"It's almost there, let's go with the old man first."

Hearing this, Wang Mang stood up and moved his limbs:

"Well, let's go."

After speaking, the two looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Following a burst of fluctuations, the figures of the two disappeared immediately.


At this time, several people were imprisoned not far away.

After Hei Yan left, they tried to use their Dao Yun to break through the barrier that trapped them.

But no matter what they do, it's all in vain.

When their dao rhyme touched the barrier, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and no waves could be stirred up.

Seeing this, the bone ancestor among the five murmured with an ugly expression:

"Those spies are idiots! What the hell is Wang Mang expelled!"

While speaking, he punched the air angrily.

Looking at the bone ancestor who was venting, Mogu laughed at himself:

"Old guy, don't do useless efforts, just wait here with peace of mind."

"Our life and death depend on someone else's thought."

Hearing this, Mingzu, who was at another barrier, also said calmly:

"It seems that the news brought back by the spies is probably fabricated by the Abyss Nine Clan."

"Hehe, what a great handwriting, to let the whole world be used as a sharpening stone by Wang Mang!"

"Is this the courage of the top forces?"

After hearing Ming Zu's words, several people around became deep in thought.

At the next moment, several people showed a look of sudden realization by coincidence,

Obviously, Mingzu's words have completely awakened them.

Originally, I was curious about why the Nine Clans of the Abyss would give up Wang Mang, a genius like Wang Mang.

And why Wang Mang appeared in the Endless Sanctuary.

All the previous puzzles now have answers in their hearts.

At this thought, Mo Yang's calm face flashed a little, and he said thoughtfully:

"That is to say, which strongman left me here to train Wang Mang?"

After Mo Yang finished speaking, the faces of several people suddenly became weird.

Although what Mo Yang said was similar to what they guessed, why is this guy so calm!

If the whetstone is useless, what will happen is self-evident.

But at this moment, Mo Gu on the other side seemed to have thought of something, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Looking at the extremely calm Mo Yang, Mo Gu thought in his heart:

It seems that all of us are going to become Wang Mang's nourishment.

Haha, I didn't expect it to end like this.

That's all, it's just an old bone, and it's dead when it dies.

As long as Xiaoyou can survive, it doesn't matter.


At the same time, he took a deep look at Mo Yang who was thinking deeply.

At the same time, Mo Yang on the other side of the barrier sat cross-legged as if resigned to his fate.

Compared to the panic of other people, he seemed so calm.

Looking up at the sky in a daze, Mo Yang murmured with a gloomy expression:

"People from the Abyss Nine Races have intervened. It seems that this world is not far from destruction."

"Hehe, what a sarcasm."

At this moment, bits and pieces of his life flashed through his mind.

Afterwards, Mo Yang took out a pendant from the space kit.

Looking at the silver pendant, a rare tenderness appeared on his face.

"Ayou, I will definitely protect our daughter!"

"Even if you die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he put away the pendant.

At this moment, countless methods flashed through his mind.

But in the end he rejected them all.

The gap in strength is there, and it is not easy to make up for it.

Just when he was still melancholy, how to make Mo Xiaoyou survive.

Three familiar auras immediately interrupted his train of thought.

At a glance, three old men suddenly appeared around them.

The person who came was the ancestor of the other three major clans.

At this time, the three clan ancestors who arrived together suddenly became serious when they saw the trapped people.

At the same time, several questions appeared in their hearts at the same time.

Who did this?

How could someone suppress three patriarchs and two patriarchs at the same time?

But when they cautiously scanned the surrounding scene, a figure falling on the ground made their pupils shrink.

This person was none other than the head of the Hades clan who was severely injured by Hei Yan's blow.

Looking at the head of the Hades whose life and death are unknown, and the few people who were trapped.

The ancestor of the starry sky clan was full of shock, and he murmured in disbelief:

"How can this be?"

"Could it be that the high-level world is coming again?"

As soon as the words fell, countless dao rhymes gushed out from his body.

He looked around seriously, cautiously on guard.

This move made the other two clan ancestors puzzled.

The two patriarchs, who were belatedly aware of it, also quickly displayed the Dao Yun and hovered around their bodies.

Several people in the barrier smiled meaningfully when they saw the three ancestors coming.

At this time, the ancestor of the starry sky clan asked the trapped Mogu:

"Old guy, what's the matter with you?"

But when he saw the smile on Mo Gu's face, an ominous premonition immediately filled his heart.

Afterwards, Mo Gu slowly put away his smile and said lightly:

"The Nine Clans of the Abyss are here."

"By the way, is your son here?"

While speaking, Mo Gu still looked behind him.

It seems to be watching whether the patriarch of the starry sky is here.

Seeing Mo Gu acting strangely, the ancestor of the Starry Sky Clan frowned in dissatisfaction.

What time is this, this old guy is still so out of tune.

Just when he was about to speak, Mogu pointed behind him.

Turning around with some doubts, the sudden appearance of two figures made him feel like a formidable enemy.

The two clan ancestors on the side also stared at the visitor with serious expressions.

Looking at Hei Yan beside Wang Mang, the face of the ancestor of the starry sky clan changed suddenly.

He couldn't feel any breath, and just appeared beside him like this!

How strong it must be!

The next moment, a kind smile appeared on his old face:

"Guests from the Nine Clans of the Abyss, what instructions do you have for coming to the Endless Sanctuary?"

"If you have anything to say, it's better to go to my clan to talk."

Looking at the amiable ancestor of the Starry Sky Clan, the corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitched.

Hearing this, Hei Yan beside Wang Mang smiled silently.

With a wave of his arm, countless violent space fluctuations surrounded several people impressively.

All of a sudden, the faces of several people changed drastically.

Just when they were about to drive Dao Yun to resist, Hei Yan's sound transmission made them stop immediately.

The next moment, the space distorted for a while, and the figures of several people disappeared immediately.

In an instant, only Wang Mang was left in this huge place.

At this moment, a figure sprinting towards him immediately attracted Wang Mang's attention.

"Wang Mang, are you okay!"

I saw that Mo Xiaoyou spoke in a worried voice.

Seeing Mo Xiaoyou approaching, Wang Mang's face suddenly became complicated.

However, after sensing the energy in Mo Xiaoyou's body ready to be released, Wang Mang still said slowly:

"How did you come?"

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoyou rolled her eyes, and replied angrily:

"Of course, let's see if you pervert have been beaten to death."

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