While speaking, she also carefully looked at the injuries on Wang Mang's body.

After seeing that she had almost recovered, she was secretly relieved.

The next moment, I saw that she took out a space kit from nowhere.

After Mo Xiaoyou fumbled in the kit for a while, he took out a small bottle of healing medicine and handed it to Wang Mang:

"Here, take it."

Seeing the pill that Mo Xiaoyou handed over to him, Wang Mang was stunned.

"Take it."

Seeing Wang Mang who was unresponsive, Mo Xiaoyou's face became anxious.

I saw that she directly raised Wang Mang's hand, opened his palm and put the bottle in it.

"This is a seventh-rank middle-grade pill, which can speed up the recovery of your hidden wounds."

Mo Xiaoyou said to Wang Mang with a smile.

Looking at Mo Xiaoyou who was smiling, Wang Mang's mouth seemed to be slightly raised.

After accepting the bottle of elixir, Wang Mang looked at her suspiciously.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaoyou quickly turned his head to the side.

Two blushes quickly appeared on her cheeks.

Feeling the power fluctuations in Mo Xiaoyou's body that resembled Dao Yun, Wang Mang frowned a little:

"What's the matter with this breath in your body?"

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoyou turned around in a daze:

"Huh? What?"

Looking at Mo Xiaoyou who was full of doubts, Wang Mang said seriously:

"What's the matter with this power in your body?"

After seeing the worry on Wang Mang's face, Mo Xiaoyou was overjoyed and said silently:

"Is he caring about me?!"

"Hee hee, it must be!"

The next moment, she cheerfully said to Wang Mang:

"This power has been with me since I was born."


"Stop using it now."

She was only halfway through when she was interrupted by Wang Mang.

"Oh fine."

"If it weren't for you, people wouldn't use it."

Somewhat dissatisfied with Wang Mang's attitude, Mo Xiaoyou muttered resentfully.

As soon as the words fell, the half-way rhyme in her body that was ready to be released suddenly disappeared.

Feeling the disappearing breath in her body, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he pretended to be indifferent and said:

"In the future, you are not allowed to use that power at any time."

"Do you understand."

"Well, I see, it's really long-winded."

Mo Xiaoyou replied nonchalantly.

"By the way, where is my grandpa?"

Only now did she remember her missing grandfather and father.

Hearing this, the tenderness in Wang Mang's eyes was replaced by indifference.

Hei Yan has already told him what Mo Gu and Mo Yang did.

At the same time, he kept reminding in his heart that all of this has nothing to do with Mo Xiaoyou.


Exhaling deeply, Wang Mang tried not to be so cold in his tone:

"I don't know where Elder Heiyan took him."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, a little curiosity flashed across Mo Xiaoyou's face:

"Huh? Elder Heiyan? Is it the name of a strong man who suddenly appeared?"

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be quite simple."

After finishing speaking, Mo Xiaoyou just looked at Wang Mang quietly, as if waiting for his next sentence.

After a moment of silence, Wang Mang said slowly:

"Well, actually I still have an identity."

"Abyss Nine Clans, the young patriarch of the Eighth Clan."

"Wow, that's amazing!"


"Ha ha."

Looking at Mo Xiaoyou who was full of admiration, Wang Mang shook his head helplessly.

What to say, what to believe, is this guy a fool.


At this time, in the void.

Several patriarchs and patriarchs were brought here by Hei Yan.

Looking at the restrained people, Hei Yan chuckled disdainfully.

"Let's talk, if I want your life, it will not be the current situation."

Hearing this, the faces of several people suddenly became ugly.

Although this is the truth, is it necessary to say it so bluntly?

The next moment, only seeing the unsightly Patriarch Ming suddenly showed a bright smile:

"My lord, if you have any orders, just speak up."

"Old man, don't hesitate!"

Seeing Ming Zu who was flattering Hei Yan like a dog's leg, several people around showed expressions of contempt.

Hei Yan also frowned speechlessly.

Ignoring this guy, Hei Yan slowly opened his mouth and said:

"This seat called you over, there is only one thing."

"The patriarchs and patriarchs of the six major clans are not allowed to attack Wang Mang."

As soon as the words fell, these people immediately nodded and agreed:

"Okay, one small thing."

"Don't worry, my lord, the old man will definitely obey the instruction!"

"Among peers in the endless sanctuary, no one can defeat Wang Mang. What's the point of doing this?"


At this time, Mo Yang, who was on the side, made an opinion.

Hearing this, Hei Yan glanced at him faintly:

"Oh? So what good advice do you have?"

After hearing his words, Mo Yang quickly said:

"We suppressed the realm and fought against Wang Mang, so as to have the effect of tempering."

"Or in the next endless jihad, all the Holy Sons unite to deal with Wang Mang!"

As soon as the voice fell, Heiyan immediately refused:

"I don't have so much time to waste here."

"The Nine Clans of Abyss are still waiting for Wang Mang's return."

"Just follow the first one you said."

At this moment, the ancestor of the Starry Sky Clan on the side seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said anxiously:

"If we are defeated by Wang Mang, there will only be a dead end left for us, right?"


After he finished speaking, the faces of several people suddenly changed.

All of a sudden, Dao Yun in several people's bodies began to stir.

Seeing this, Hei Yan whispered disdainfully:

"Oh? It seems that you want to die now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an extreme coercion swept out of his body.

Just when the sword was on the verge of breaking out, Mo Yang suddenly said:

"My lord, it is fine for me to practice for Wang Mang, but I have a small condition."

Hearing this, Hei Yan glanced at him suspiciously.

Ignoring him, a wave of Dao Yun overwhelming the heavens suddenly burst out.

"Very well, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet!"

In an instant, Hei Yan's figure disappeared in a flash.


With a muffled sound, the ancestors of the starry sky tribe among the few people were immediately repelled.

At the same time, the surging Dao Yun in his body stagnated and was directly imprisoned.

With just one blow, the ancestors of the Starry Sky Clan lost their fighting power.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Yan clan hastily shouted in a low voice:

"It seems that there is only one battle!"

As soon as the words fell, an incomparably hot dao rhyme appeared impressively.

At the same time, the remaining seven people also showed their housekeeping skills.

In an instant, several destructive forces appeared on several people.

Seeing this, Hei Yan was not afraid at all, and said calmly as before:

"How can a mere group of ants shake the sky?"

As soon as the words fell, a breath of extinction suddenly came from his body.

The next moment, a piece of talisman paper glowing with black light slowly floated in front of him.

With the appearance of this piece of talisman paper, the seven people who still wanted to resist were immediately discouraged.

"My lord has something to discuss!"

"My lord, stop quickly, we just want to appreciate your supreme figure!"


All of a sudden, the few people who had lost their fighting spirit begged for mercy.

Although I really don't want to, the aura on this talisman is too terrifying!

Seeing this, Hei Yan slowly put away the talisman paper.

After all, he only has one storage talisman containing a full blow from the abyss!

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