I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1551: The Ancestors of the Negotiations! Obtain the ancient spirit!

Seeing that Hei Yan took back the talisman paper, these people breathed a sigh of relief.

But when they thought of their ending, the faces of the eight people suddenly darkened.

At this moment, Mo Yang among several people said to Hei Yan:

"My lord, can you leave some blood for us?"

"As long as you promise, I will definitely cooperate fully when the time comes!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the people who crossed their faces around him suddenly flashed.

Although the final outcome is death, they can keep their descendants alive.

In this way, it is not completely unacceptable.

At this point, several people nodded in agreement:

"Yes, as long as there is a way out for the old man's heir!"

"Me too!"



After hearing the words of several people, Heiyan pondered for a moment.

Then, he paused and said slowly:

"The patriarch and patriarch of the great clan must die."

"As for your descendants, there are only two who can survive."


As soon as the words fell, these people all showed a look of loneliness and unwillingness.

If they die, how far can their ineffective descendants go.

Without their protection, his descendants can only become one of thousands of mortals.

After a brilliant life, it turned out to be such an ending in the end.

At this point, these people suddenly had mixed feelings.

Staring at the few people who were in Liushen Wuzhu, Hei Yan also didn't speak to urge them.

After all, this is the point of the talk, and it's not a big deal to give them some time to think about it.

It was so silent for a long time.

In fact, Mo Gu already had a candidate in his heart, but he was not in a hurry to speak.

The same is true for Mo Yang beside him.

Finally, Kurohiko spoke impatiently, breaking the silent atmosphere:

"Okay, enough time has been given to you."

"Keep your Dao Yun in the bodies of your descendants, and I will naturally save their lives when the time comes."

"That `s a deal."

After finishing speaking, Hei Yan just looked at them indifferently.

For a moment, he had a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of several people.

Reconciled, yearning, despair.

In the end, relief expressions appeared on the faces of several people.

"I hope my lord will keep my promise."

Looking deeply at Hei Yan, Mo Yang said helplessly.

After he spoke, the others did not hesitate, and all echoed:

"That's all."

"I agreed."

"The old man is too."


After hearing several people's speeches one after another, Heiyan nodded in satisfaction:

"Okay, I hope you don't play any tricks, otherwise there won't be any living people in this world."

"I believe you can tell which is more important."

At this moment, the ancestor of the Guangming clan among several people suddenly said:

"My lord, why don't you make an oath of the Dao?"

"That's right, let those of us who are about to die rest assured."

Hearing this, Hei Yan looked at him indifferently, and said calmly:


"This seat, Hei Yan, swears by the Dao, if you break your promise with the others, you will be devoured by the Dao and die!"

As soon as the words fell, a muffled thunder sounded impressively, as if responding to Hei Yan's words.

This scene seemed to give a few people a reassurance.

At this moment, the original worries disappeared.

They believed that Hei Yan would not dare to violate Dao Dao's oath and take action against their descendants.

After making the great oath, Hei Yan suddenly remembered Wang Mang's words.

The next moment, he glanced around among the few people, and said slowly:

"By the way, this seat needs the ancient spirit."

"I don't know about you..."

"My lord is willing to exchange nine bottles of ancient spirit essence for one more quota."

"What do you think?"

Before Hei Yan finished speaking, Gu Zu hurriedly spoke.

Hearing this, Hei Yan agreed without thinking:


"Thank you, my lord, the ancient spirit is stored in the clan."

"Later, the old man will pick it up himself."


After hearing that Gu Zu had successfully exchanged items with Hei Yan for a quota, the eyes of several people around him flickered.

Just when they were about to speak, Hei Yan said straightforwardly:

"This seat only needs the ancient spirit, and there is no need to think about the others."


At this time, in the original battlefield.

After Wang Mang took the elixir given by Mo Xiaoyou, he sat cross-legged and began to heal his injuries.

And Mo Xiaoyou was sitting beside him, her clear eyes were just staring at Wang Mang.

At the same time, a scent hit Wang Mang's nose from time to time.

Perhaps it was unnatural to be seen by her like this, Wang Mang said in a low voice, turning a blind eye:

"When are you going to see it?"


Hearing this, Mo Xiaoyou smiled sweetly, and responded tantalizingly:


"Ha ha."

After she finished speaking, she did not forget to raise eyebrows at Wang Mang secretly.

At the same time, a slender hand stretched towards Wang Mang's cheek.

Just touching Wang Mang's cheek like this, her brows and eyes are full of shyness.

As if surprised by her outrageous behavior, her hand stopped immediately.

? ? ?

Although Wang Mang was said to have a solid mind, he was still shocked by Mo Xiaoyou's astonishing move.

Good guy, let's get started!

After reacting, Wang Mang was at a loss for a while.

A little flustered, Wang Mang took his hand away from his face, and said angrily:

"What are you doing!"

"Get your hands off!"

Looking at the flustered Wang Mang, Mo Xiaoyou whispered in a funny voice:

"Cut, don't let me touch it."

"Don't be so mean."

As soon as the words fell, she stretched out her hands towards Wang Mang at the same time.

Seeing Mo Xiaoyou getting worse, Wang Mang only felt provoked.

The next moment, not to be outdone, he pinched Mo Xiaoyou's pretty face.

In an instant, two broad and powerful palms were constantly rubbing her cheeks.

Feeling the softness from his fingertips, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth could not help but slowly rise.

Mo Xiaoyou was like this, letting Wang Mang rub her pretty face, but her bright smile was so conspicuous.

To Wang Mang, it feels like a kitten that needs to be touched by its owner!


Suddenly Wang Mang's face froze, and he returned to his previous indifference in an instant.

At the same time, he quickly retracted his hand.

Seeing the change in Wang Mang's face, Mo Xiaoyou's heart skipped a beat.

"What's wrong?"

She asked with some concern.

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced at her indifferently, and said indifferently:

"It's okay, by the way, if there's nothing else, just leave first."

Still with the same indifferent attitude as before, this change immediately made Mo Xiaoyou feel dizzy.

She didn't understand why Wang Mang, who was showing some signs of excitement just now, suddenly became so indifferent?

This sudden indifference was like a moat separating the two of them.

Mo Xiaoyou didn't know how to approach Wang Mang like this.

She suppressed the disappointment in her heart, bit her teeth and said:

"Stop joking, Wang Mang."

"It was fine just now."

At this moment, how much she wished that Wang Mang could return to the way he was just now.

But only a pair of indifferent pupils responded to her.

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