I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1558 Guards who risked their lives to death!

At this time, in Bone City.

Beside a steamed stuffed bun shop, several elderly women were gathering together to discuss something.

Beside them, there are several young children laughing and playing together.

The women chatted happily, looking at their children from time to time.

Their faces are full of happiness, with a faint smile, and their eyes are full of pampering when they look at these children.

Pedestrians coming and going on the street, some are trotting anxiously, while others are strolling slowly.

Vendors yelling loudly, guards passing by from time to time, pedestrians in a hurry, and beautiful women smilingly greeting customers in front of the brothel.

The whole city is well organized and full of peace and tranquility.


At this moment, a violent explosion broke the scene.

Following the sound of the explosion, everyone in the city stopped what they were doing and looked towards the city gate.

Just when they didn't know why, a life-killing avenue of devouring suddenly appeared in the city.

Although they didn't know what happened, everyone who felt a little panic still chose to hide in the house.

A very small number of people chose to run towards the city gate.

At this time, at the gate of Bone City.

A cloud of bloody dust began to spread slowly.

This scene shocked the guards who rushed over during the inspection.

"Everyone be careful, someone is invading!"

"Don't get close yet!"

The captain of the guard commanded in an orderly manner.

At this moment, a figure flew out of the smoke and appeared in front of their eyes.

Seeing this, the guards who didn't know what happened all clenched their spears tightly.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, the fragmented city gate suddenly appeared in their eyes.

All of a sudden, the guards looked at Wang Mang's figure standing in the air in disbelief.

They are too familiar with the appearance of this person, and their holy son died at the hands of this person.

Judging by his current situation, he is still preparing to invade Bone City! ?

At this moment, Wang Mang's unstoppable figure in the endless jihad resurfaced in their minds.

If they really fight, have they fought?

Swallowing with difficulty, the guards looked at Wang Mang with fear.

The guard captain in front of them also took a deep breath:

"The holy son of the Mo clan, I don't know what is the purpose of coming to the bone city?"

While speaking, he also quietly transmitted voice to a guard behind him:

"Quickly report to the Bone Race, we will hold him back."

As soon as the words fell, the guard rushed towards the Bone Race Land without the slightest hesitation.

After he left, the captain of the guard continued to look at Wang Mang.

Looking at Wang Mang who didn't respond and was unmoved.

The face of the captain of the guards was full of ugliness. I'm afraid the visitor was not kind.

He gritted his teeth and shouted to the guards behind him:

"Everyone, behind us is our home."

"No matter what, we must protect it!"

"I have sent someone to notify the Bone Race, what we have to do now is to resist him before the Bone Race's support arrives!"

"Do you have confidence!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the guards behind him showed resolute expressions on their faces.

"Have confidence!"

"Defend to the death!"


As voices echoed one after another, they all raised their spears and aimed at Wang Mang.

At this moment, they were all ready to die.

"very good!"

The captain of the guard said in satisfaction.

At this time, Wang Mang, who was in mid-air, looked at the imposing guards and smiled mockingly.

Most of these guards are in the Immortal Realm, and the captain of the guard in front of the crowd is only in the Immortal Realm First Layer.

Such a small force, wanting to fight against him is nothing more than a dream.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang began to drive the power of the great way in his body.

The next moment, countless Devouring Dao roared towards them.

Seeing this, the captain of the guard below did not sit still.

"Everyone, let's go together!"

While speaking, the spear in his hand erupted with a burst of sharpness, smashing the incoming Dao of Devouring.

Straight towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this, the guards behind them also shouted and followed closely:




All of a sudden, countless guards flew into the sky, and rushed towards Wang Mang one after another.

Countless strands of great power gushed out from their bodies.

Looking at the people who came one after another, Wang Mang sneered disdainfully.

The next moment, his figure flashed, leaving only an afterimage.

The captain of the guard, who had lost his target, immediately rang the alarm bell, and was vigilant about his surroundings.


I saw that Wang Mang's body suddenly appeared in front of him, and at the same time a hand pierced his chest.

Feeling a sharp pain in his chest, he looked down in disbelief.

His chest had been completely pierced, and blood flowed out like he didn't want money.

"Ahem, is the gap so big? I don't even have time to react."

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, the captain of the guard said in a low voice with a distorted expression.

Hearing this, Wang Mang squinted his eyes and didn't answer him.

Feeling the hot blood on his wrist, Wang Mang twisted his arm cruelly.

This scene made the guards who came to stop.

Even the strongest captain among them was instantly killed, wouldn't they die if they went up?

For a moment, the faces of these guards were full of hesitation and fear.


"Leave me alone, pick up the guns in your hands!"

Looking at the crowd who were about to be scared away one after another, the captain of the guard spoke with difficulty.

While speaking, he tightly grasped the arm in his chest with one hand, and the other hand holding the spear tremblingly moved towards Wang Mang.

At the same time, countless avenue powers erupted from his body.

Seeing this, the hesitant guards at the rear attacked Wang Mang one after another without stopping.

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, countless spears hit Wang Mang, making dull sounds one after another.

However, these long spears could not harm Wang Mang.

As if touching an extremely solid object, the spear just smashed on his surface.

No matter how hard they tried, the spears could not sink an inch.

For a moment, the faces of these guards were full of disbelief.

Glancing at these people from the corner of the eye, Wang Mang said indifferently:

"You clearly know that you are not your opponent, why don't you run away?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the faces of these people became even uglier.

At this moment, the captain of the guard who was held by Wang Mang smiled:

"The responsibility lies!"

"Everyone, make persistent efforts to hold him back, and wait for the Bone Race's support!"

His words greatly encouraged the scattered guards.

In an instant, these guards rekindled their fighting spirit, and their eyes were full of light.

Many different avenue powers erupted from their bodies without sparing any effort.

For a moment, the sky was colored by the power of these avenues.

The residents below all looked towards the sky worriedly.

These residents put their hands together and prayed.

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