I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1559 Defeat! The bone city that was slaughtered!

In one of the windowsills of countless houses.

A woman watched the battle in the sky full of worry.

At this moment, a childish voice sounded slowly:

"Mother, what happened."

I saw a girl rubbing her sleepy eyes and muttering.

Hearing this, the woman hurriedly picked up the child:

"An'an, why are you awake?"

"Hmm~~ It's so noisy."

The girl buried her head in the woman's chest, humming and chirping.

Gently stroking her little head, the woman did not speak again.

At this moment, the girl looked around and asked slowly:

"Where's father?"

Hearing her words, the woman paused for a moment of silence:

"Your father is beating bad people."


At this time, in the sky.

Feeling the power of countless avenues, Wang Mang said disdainfully:

"Just relying on you ants?"

As soon as the words fell, an incomparably vast devouring avenue erupted centered on Wang Mang.

In an instant, this devouring avenue crazily eroded the power of other avenues with a destructive force.

In just an instant, countless guards were killed.

Many avenue powers that had previously appeared in the sky were also defeated.

All of a sudden, countless pieces of minced meat fell towards the ground.

In Bone City, it also rained blood.

Looking at the blood-red sky, the residents who hid in their houses to watch the battle were startled.

It was like this for a while.

All of Wang Mang's guards who attempted to attack in the sky were killed.

Only the captain of the guards was still in Wang Mang's hands.

Incomparably rich blood filled Wang Mang's surroundings.

Blood stained the sky.

At this time, Wang Mang glanced at the captain of the guard with great interest:

"Your support doesn't seem to be coming, does it?"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang clearly felt his body tremble.

The voice transmission from the captain of the guard to the guard just now did not deceive Wang Mang.

Let him go to report the news, just to see if the Bone Race will come to support.

Sure enough, as he guessed, all the clans are unwilling to provoke him now.

Even if they hit the door, they wouldn't care.

At this time, the captain of the guard, whose chest was pierced by Wang Mang, stared at Wang Mang.

If eyes could kill, Wang Mang would have died thousands of times by now.

Besides, the power of the Dao in his body was completely absorbed by Wang Mang.

Now he has no power to resist.

Looking at the captain of the guards whose face was full of hatred and unwillingness, Wang Mang chuckled lightly:

"You have lived peacefully under the authority of the Bone Clan, but now you have become outcasts."

"Without the protection of the Bone Race, you are just ants who are slaughtered."

"Now you can watch how this seat destroys your hometown."

As soon as the words fell, the Devouring Avenue entrenched around him suddenly attacked many eaves.


"Let me go please."

"Where are the people of the Bone Race gone?"

"Someone come and save me."

"Devil, this man is a devil!"


Suddenly, countless roars accompanied by screams resounded impressively.

Many buildings, large areas were destroyed.

Even the people in it were devoured.

In an instant, the entire Bone City was in chaos.

At the same time, the captain of the guard in Wang Mang's hands began to tremble continuously.


"With your strength, what's the use of killing these powerless people!"

I saw that his face was extremely ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said sharply.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang glanced at him lightly:

"You don't need to act like I have any deep hatred."

"The weak are ruled by the strong to life and death."

"Isn't this the rule since ancient times?"

"If you want to blame, blame you for being too weak."

Wang Mang, it's rare to waste a few words with him.

Looking at the people being slaughtered continuously, the captain of the guard turned his head and tightly closed his eyes.

Lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said with some unfinished thoughts:

"It's not interesting."

As soon as the words fell, his hand was pulled out from the chest of the captain of the guard.

"Pfft! Cough cough."

As a column of blood spurted out, he began to cough profusely.

The next moment, a gust of devouring Dao suddenly wrapped him up.

Under his unwilling eyes, Wang Mang smiled slowly.

Then, the voice of the system resounded in the mind:

【Ding! Swallow the weak at the first level of the Immortal Realm! Get 100,000 Dao Crystals! 】

Looking at the almost destroyed area, Wang Mang didn't stop there.

Continue to rush towards other places in Bone City.

In this way, under Wang Mang's full efforts to destroy, Bone City soon became a ruin.

This time Bone City brought him a total of 250 million Dao Crystals!

Looking at the Bone Race Land not far away, Wang Mang left without the slightest hesitation.

"Starry Sky Ancient Clan, this seat is here."


Just like that, a few days passed.

During this time, the ancient city of Xingkong was also captured by Wang Mang.

Compared with the original two cities, Starry Sky Ancient City provided Wang Mang with 300 million Dao Crystals!

At the same time, the news of Wang Mang's massacre of the city also spread to the only remaining three big clan cities.

Suddenly, the whole world panicked.

Everyone was afraid that Wang Mang would suddenly come to their town.

Regarding Wang Mang's brutal and inhumane behavior, the major clans also remained silent.

It's as if it disappeared.

At this time, in a courtyard of the Mo tribe.

Mo Xiaoyou was by the window sill, staring at the clan members who were chattering.

In the past few days, news of Wang Mang has been coming in continuously.

But it's all negative news.

For example, Wang Mang beheaded and killed people in other cities.

There are even rumors that Wang Mang has gone mad and become a monster who only knows how to kill.

All kinds of news made Mo Xiaoyou very worried.

"What happened to you?"

Her face was full of worry, and she said in a heavy low voice.

The next moment, she seemed to have made some important decision, and hurried towards Mogu's courtyard.

At this time, Mo Gu was sitting cross-legged at the tea table, and beside him was Mo Yang who was silent.

Looking at the nine bottles of ancient spirit essence, Mo Yang sighed helplessly.

"Father, today is not as good as choosing another day. Let Xiaoyou refine this ancient spirit earlier."

Hearing this, Mo Gu took a sip of tea and said slowly:

"Well, then go and inform Xiaoyou."


After speaking, Mo Yang stood up and prepared to go to Mo Xiaoyou's courtyard.

"By the way, what do you think about Xiaoyou's future?"

Mo Gu's sudden opening made Mo Yang's figure stop.

Then he sat down again.

"Father, I want to send Xiaoyou to a certain force in the big world."

"It's just that there is no suitable choice yet."

After hearing his words, Mo Gu nodded slowly:

"This is one of the few ways."

"However, the strong behind Wang Mang may not let us leave this world."

Hearing this, Mo Yang also rubbed his brows with a headache:

"Yes, but I have no intention of sending Xiaoyou there myself."


Mo Gu looked at him with some doubts.

Just when Mo Yang was about to speak, Mo Xiaoyou's voice suddenly came:


"I have something to tell you!"

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