I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1560 The Greatly Shrunk Bright City! Carpenter for girls!

At this time, in Guangming City.

The usually bustling streets are very deserted and quiet at this moment.

Since the news of Wang Mang's massacre spread, many residents of the big city moved to the small city one after another.

After all, Wang Mang's current record of slaughtering cities is only three big cities.

This also made these people naively think that Wang Mang just had an enmity with the big clan and would not slaughter the small town.

At this time, Wang Mang's figure was standing in the sky above Guangming City.

Feeling the sporadic residents, Wang Mang's face became extremely ugly.

Compared with the other three big clan cities, there are far fewer residents in this Bright City.

Not even half of that number is far off.

Staring closely at the empty house, Wang Mang's expression sank.

"Huh? Where did all these people go?"

He stood in mid-air, murmured full of doubts.

The next moment, his figure flashed, and he quickly appeared in a small courtyard.

In this dilapidated courtyard, Wang Mang felt two auras.

He casually glanced at the surrounding environment.

What caught my eye was a few bundles of firewood placed in a mess in the small courtyard.

In the courtyard, there are many tables and chairs made of wood.

On one of the smooth wooden tables was a small rattle.

A weather-beaten cottage sits in the courtyard.

Wang Mang squinted his eyes looking at the houses lacking bricks and tiles.

Two weak auras came from this room.

Looking at the hut full of cracks on the walls, Wang Mang walked slowly.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

As Wang Mang kept approaching, the two people hiding in the room began to tremble unceasingly.


Wang Mang slowly pushed open the wooden door, followed by a piercing voice.

After the door was completely pushed open, Wang Mang could see the scene in the room.

Burnt half-extinguished candles, a small wooden bed.

There was also an old man tremblingly holding a sword and watching Wang Mang cautiously.

The clothes on his body were covered with patches.

The eye sockets were even more cloudy, without any halos.

Beside his calf, a young figure looked at Wang Mang from time to time.

If you look closely, it's a girl.

Black hair, fair melon-seeded face, and a pair of watery eyes under the curved eyebrows.

Her ill-fitting clothes looked so awkward.

The girl looked straight at Wang Mang, her face full of curiosity.

Looking at the old and the young, Wang Mang frowned.

Then, he slowly opened the mouth and said:

"Old man, what about the rest of the city?"

Hearing this, a trace of fear flashed across the old man's face:

"They're all gone."

"Oh? Where did you go?"

"I don't know."

After hearing the old man's answer, Wang Mang nodded lightly.

"Why don't you go?"

"Hehe, I can't stand the toss when I'm old." The old man smiled helplessly.

Hearing this, Wang Mang continued to look at the girl who was a little shy.

An elderly carpenter with a little girl?

Looking at the two people who depended on each other, Wang Mang thought in his heart.

The next moment, a gust of Devouring Dao emerged from Wang Mang's body and shot straight towards the courtyard.

Seeing this, the old man's face changed suddenly, and at the same time, his hand holding the sword tightened a little.

Seeing the old man who was facing a formidable enemy, Wang Mang smiled silently.

In an instant, several waves of great power rushed towards the girl.

For a moment, the old man swung his sword and slashed at Wang Mang.

At the same time, he shouted hoarsely:

"Xiao Ting, run!"


With a cracking sound, the sword shattered the moment it hit Wang Mang.

The next moment, Devouring Avenue approached the girl straight away.

In an instant, the old man's wrinkled face suddenly became extremely ferocious.

"I'm fighting with you!"

While speaking, he swung his fist and punched Wang Mang.

Suddenly his figure stopped, and he saw two devouring avenues entangled his ankles.

For a moment, the old man's heart was ashamed.

The next moment, I saw Devouring Dao just caressing the girl's face.

At this time, the girl was completely frightened by the old man's actions and froze in place.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

I saw that the girl was full of worry and said while hugging the old man's trouser legs.

Seeing the unscathed girl, the old man hurriedly looked towards Wang Mang.

"What the hell are you trying to do!"

The old man growled a little angrily.

Wang Mang glanced at him indifferently, but did not speak.

The next moment, the Devouring Avenue in the small courtyard suddenly returned.

On top of it, there is a rattle.

The rattle slowly flew towards the girl.

Seeing this, the girl took it timidly,

As she held the rattle, the Devouring Avenue disappeared.

The next moment, Wang Mang's figure disappeared in place.

Seeing this, the old man let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wang Mang, who appeared above the small courtyard, left a space kit casually and left.

"The two of you are just ants, and you won't get many dao crystals if you devour them."


At this time, in a small town.

In a luxurious courtyard, a young man and an old man stood quietly in front of the window.

Looking at the overcrowded streets, the young man said slowly:

"Are the clans preparing to retire?"

"The town where Wang Mang massacred the big clan, they didn't move at all?"

Hearing this, the old man beside him said lightly:

"The big family is not a fool, this matter is not as simple as you think."

His seemingly casual sentence revealed an unusual solemnity in his words.

If so, Wang Mang would definitely be able to recognize that this young man was a member of his camp in the endless jihad in the past.

Although the holy son of his small clan is no better than that of the big clan, he is still living a happy life.

In this small city, there is also less chaos and hustle and bustle in the city of big clans.

However, as the residents of these big clan cities migrated here one after another, all this changed.

This also made the young man feel dissatisfied.

The next moment, the boy seemed to have thought of something, and said worriedly:

"What if Wang Mang calls?"

"Even those big clans dare not resist, don't we just let others slaughter us?"

Hearing this, the old man hesitated for a while, not knowing what to say for a while.

The conversation between the two ended there.


Just when the two were silent, a roar sounded impressively.

What followed was Wang Mang's resonant voice:

"Ants, can't you find me if you hide?"

Wang Mang's teasing voice resounded throughout the small town.

All of a sudden, the two people in the courtyard trembled at the same time.

The four eyes met, the old man smiled sadly and said in a deep voice:

"Run away."

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the old man resolutely flew towards where Wang Mang was.

Looking at the back of the old man, the young man knew that this farewell might not be able to see him again. Tears flashed in his eyes at this point:

"You must come back alive!"

He lowered his head and trembled slightly, shouting loudly.

"Okay... If the old man can't come back, remember to help me take care of Xiaoyuan and myself!"

The old man's voice in response raised his voice unconsciously, revealing a slight sense of desolation, and even some individual endings trembled slightly.

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