I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1570 Conversation with Abyss Bo Yang! It seems that someone from the top power is coming.

Following the prestige, two familiar figures suddenly appeared at the gate of the courtyard.

"You two, long time no see!"

Frowning and scanning the jars of spiritual wine lifted up by the power of the two, Wang Mang smiled even wider.

Among the nine clans of the abyss, these two can be regarded as his few friends.

Seeing them now, Wang Mang is also very happy from the bottom of his heart.

"What are you still standing at the door for?"

Seeing the two standing at the door, Wang Mang smiled brightly and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Shenyuan Boyang and Shenyuan Xuanming walked towards Wang Mang, dragging the spirit wine.

Boom! Boom...

After placing the spirit wine in the courtyard, Abyss Bo Yang suddenly smiled, and said cheerfully:

"Brother Wang Mang, I didn't expect that we would meet again."

"Hahaha, today the three of us gathered together again without getting drunk."

While speaking, he patted Wang Mang's shoulder gently.

Looking deeply at Abyss Bo Yang, Wang Mang's eyes flashed with slight astonishment.

Unexpectedly, this guy has already raised his cultivation to the seventh level of immortality.

"Okay! I must get drunk today!"

Withdrawing his gaze, Wang Mang also agreed with pride.

At this time, the silent Abyss Xuanming just listened to the conversation between the two.

Quietly looking at Wang Mang, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

The huge and invisible evil spirit and resentment hidden in Wang Mang's body made him feel palpitations.

This is how many people have been killed!

Feeling the bottomless aura on Wang Mang, Abyss Xuanming was even more surprised.

Sure enough, in a short period of time, this guy became stronger again.

Glancing at Abyss Bo Yang, who was having a great time chatting with Wang Mang, he moved his lips and said slowly:

"Okay, why don't we drink and talk?"

Hearing this, the two people who were still talking suddenly stopped.

Glancing at Abyss Xuanming, Wang Mang also nodded, and said happily:

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm getting carried away when we get together again today."

"Please take two seats."

While speaking, he took out the space kit that he had looted earlier.

In an instant, three wooden chairs and a large wooden table appeared in the courtyard.

After all three of them were seated, Abyss Bo Yang couldn't wait to put the three altars of spirit wine on the table.

"Come, come, drink!"

While speaking, he had already opened a jar of spirit wine, hugged the jar and drank it.

Seeing this, Wang Mang and Shen Yuan Xuanming looked at each other and smiled, and opened the wine jars one after another to drink freely.


Putting down the remaining half of the wine jar, Shen Yuan Xuanming looked at Wang Mang, with sparkles in his eyes.

"Brother Wang Mang, why don't you tell us something about your business."

Hearing this, Abyss Bo Yang also put down the wine jar, and said in full agreement:

"Yes, after leaving for so long, what happened?"

After hearing what the two said, Wang Mang frowned slightly.

His business is either devouring or killing.

Interesting things, he really hasn't encountered much.

After a moment of silence, Wang Mang's face was complicated.

Then, he curled his lips and said:

"It's just doing one thing repeatedly, there's nothing to say."


Abyss Xuanming said with great interest.

"You might as well say it."

Abyss Bo Yang on the side also said with a smile.

Hearing this, he also began to think about things in this line of work.

Yuanwu Small World, Xuanyu Small World, Endless Sanctuary Intermediate World.

A look of reminiscence appeared in Wang Mang's eyes.

Suddenly, he smiled in relief, and the corners of his lips curled up:

"I have been to three worlds, but I haven't encountered anything interesting."

"Maybe it's because this seat is busy improving its strength."


After hearing Wang Mang's answer, Abyss Bo Yang suddenly felt very speechless.

On the other side, Abyss Xuanming, after hearing Wang Mang talk about the three worlds, his eyes flashed and he began to think.

"Tsk tsk tsk, then it's no different from not going out."

"If it were me, I would definitely take a good tour."

Abyss Bo Yang's face was full of envy, and he said in amazement.

Hearing this, Wang Mang smiled silently, without further explanation.

If he is in the Abyss Nine Clans, his strength will improve, but he is definitely not where he is now.

At this time, Wang Mang caught sight of Abyss Xuanming who was thinking deeply.

Staring at Abyss Xuanming, who hadn't spoken much from the beginning to the end, Wang Mang's eyes had a hint of inquiry.

What's wrong with this product? Although there were few words in the past, it is not like it is now.

Feeling the breath in his body, Wang Mang frowned suspiciously, his expression full of puzzlement.

The realm aura of Abyss Xuanming is actually lower than that of Abyss Bo Yang?

How can this be? In his memory, Abyss Xuanming is superior to Abyss Bo Yang in both talent and understanding.

It seemed that something had happened during his absence.

Just like that, Wang Mang was in a daze, and Shen Yuan Xuanming remained silent.

This weird atmosphere made Abyss Bo Yang, who was constantly drinking beside him, very uncomfortable.

"You guys are drinking."

Finally, Abyss Bo Yang couldn't help but to speak, interrupting the two people who were contemplating.

Wang Mang, who came back to his senses, quickly picked up the wine jar and took a sip.

Abyss Xuanming wasn't meditating either, and started drinking.

At this time, Wang Mang glanced at Abyss Xuanming from the corner of his eyes, and asked nonchalantly:

"By the way, did anything happen to the Nine Clans of the Abyss during the time I left?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming's figure froze undetectably.

After putting down the wine jar lightly, he said slowly:

"You have to ask Bo Yang about this, I've been working hard and didn't pay much attention to it."

"Uh, nothing seems to have happened. It's just that when I was wandering around, a few weird people asked about your situation."

Abyss Bo Yang thought for a while, pouted his mouth and said.

As soon as the words fell, the faces of both Wang Mang and Shen Yuan Xuanming were full of weirdness.

"Oh? Someone asked you about my situation?"

Wang Mang's eyes glowed dangerously, and he asked in a low voice.

When he heard him say that, the first thing Wang Mang thought of was Shen Xuan Bai Ye.

Although the two sides have not met a few times, it can be regarded as a knot.

Especially when he thinks of Shenxuan Baiye, who is backed by such a giant as the Shenxuan clan, he is also extremely afraid.

It is believed that the news that he has the inheritance of the ancient gods has already been known by the Xuan Shen clan.

According to the attitude of those top forces in the auction house before the competition for the corpses of the inheritors of the ancient gods.

He must have also entered the attention of other top forces.

From now on, his life will probably not be too clean.

For a while, Wang Mang thought a lot.

His face was also very gloomy.

According to Abyss Bo Yang, those people are probably spies from other top forces.

Doesn't it mean that it is more dangerous to return to the Nine Clans of the Abyss now?

Among the nine clans of the abyss, there are not a few people who spy on his ancient god inheritance.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

Just when Wang Mang was dreaming, Abyss Bo Yang said again:

"Most of the realm auras of those people are immortal and immortal."

"And it doesn't look like a local person from the clothes."

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