I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1571 Weird Abyss Xuanming! Divine Weapon Pavilion!

After hearing this sentence, Wang Mang's face turned even darker.

People from other worlds, doesn't that mean they are spies from other top worlds?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang had the urge to leave the Abyss Nine Clans now.

However, according to the original guess, his whereabouts have already been known by other top powers.

Wouldn't it be more dangerous to leave the Abyss Nine Clans now?

Made, shouldn't have come back.

After complaining in his heart, Wang Mang once again looked at Abyss Bo Yang who was drinking heavily.

When he took a big gulp and put down the wine jar, Wang Mang asked:

"Friend Bo Yang, do you have any more detailed news?"

While speaking, he exerted his great power and brought a jar of wine.

Putting the spirit wine in front of Abyss Bo Yang, Wang Mang stretched out his hand, motioning for him to drink and talk.

Seeing this, Abyss Bo Yang did not hesitate, opened the altar of spirit wine and said at the same time:

"Hi~ Not long after these people appeared, the news of your expulsion from the eight tribes suddenly spread."

After hiccupping, Abyss Bo Yang's eyes were a little wandering at this time.

After hearing his answer, Wang Mang frowned slightly.

Obviously, what Abyss Bo Yang said made him very confused.

Is it the news that someone inquired about him and was expelled?

What shit, drunken nonsense?

Wang Mang, who couldn't figure it out, turned his gaze to Abyss Xuanming.

Then, he opened his mouth to ask for proof:

"Fellow Daoist, is what he said true?"

Hearing this, Abyss Xuan Ming, who was sipping alcohol, stopped immediately.

"I'm not too sure about this, but I seem to have heard about your expulsion."

His eyes were half-closed, and he said indifferently.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang became even more suspicious.

These two messages have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

However, Wang Mang felt that things were not simple.

No matter, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover it with soil!

Picking up the wine jar, he took a sip.

A gloomy light flickered in Wang Mang's eyes.

In this way, because Wang Mang was in a bad mood because of the two news, he stopped talking and started drinking.

And Abyss Bo Yang didn't stop, and he didn't speak even if his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

As for Abyss Xuanming, he was drinking wine in small sips.

The courtyard, which was still extremely lively, became quiet at this moment.

There was only the sound of swallowing, which sounded from time to time.


A sudden muffled sound almost made Wang Mang throw the wine jar out of his hand.

Following the prestige, he saw that Abyss Bo Yang was lying on the wooden table.

That voice might have come from knocking his head.

At this moment, Abyss Xuanming suddenly said:

"Brother Wang Mang, you have to be careful in this Clan Grand Competition."


A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and Wang Mang was taken aback.

Looking at Wang Mang who cast his gaze, Shen Yuan Xuanming wiped his mouth with his sleeve:

"All the rules of the General Clan Competition have been changed this time."

"It's completely different from last time."

After hearing his words, Wang Mang was very calm.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said without changing his expression:

"Hehe, let's change it."

"Do you still naively think that this seat can only win by rules?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming nodded in agreement.

If Wang Mang was only at Immortal Realm back then, he would have won the second place in the General Clan Grand Competition.

Now that the Immortal Realm is at the first level, how strong should it be?

"Well, it's almost time to drink, I will take Bo Yang away first."

He stood up slowly and spoke.


As soon as the words fell, a great power wrapped Abyss Bo Yang lying on the table.


Abyss Xuanming nodded to Wang Mang, took Abyss Bo Yang and left.

Looking at his back, Wang Mang frowned, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"It's strange that you can't tell?"

Standing in the courtyard, Wang Mang muttered in a low voice.


Looking at the somewhat messy desks and chairs, Wang Mang didn't bother to tidy them up, and walked directly towards the bedroom.

At this moment, Elder Heiyan's voice suddenly came into his ears:

"Boy, the patriarch has something to look for you."

Before the person arrives, the voice arrives first.

After a few breaths, Elder Heiyan appeared in the sky above the courtyard.

Seeing this, Wang Mang did not hesitate, and followed him and flew into the distance.

Flying above, looking down at the people below, Wang Mang raised the corner of his mouth and said slowly:

"Elder Heiyan, who did you use the marriage talisman on?"

As soon as the words fell, Elder Heiyan suddenly stopped.

I saw his dignified face, and looked around cautiously.

"His grandma, don't talk nonsense, kid."

Seeing that the people below didn't seem to hear, Heiyan said angrily.

Looking at the extremely cautious Hei Yan, Wang Mang smiled silently.

Nodding his head, Wang Mang said cheerfully:

"Let's go, elder, didn't the patriarch come to me for something?"

"Don't delay."

Looking at Wang Mang with a smile on his face, Hei Yan gave him a hard look.

As if warning Wang Mang.


While speaking, he quickly rushed towards the patriarch's hall.

Seeing this, Wang Mang quickly followed.

After a while, the two arrived in front of the patriarch's hall.

Under the leadership of Hei Yan, Wang Mang walked in.

What caught the eye was two rows of lifelike statues.

Two rows of statues hug the throne in the middle.

And the abyss skeleton sits on the throne.

"Patriarch, Wang Mang brought it here!"

Hei Yan, who was on the side, cupped his hands and said respectfully.

"Well, Elder Heiyan, you go down first."

"It's the patriarch."

With the end of the conversation, Hei Yan glanced at Wang Mang and left slowly.

After he left, the abyss on the throne slowly stood up.

Looking at Wang Mang, he said without changing his expression:

"Do you still remember my original promise?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes flickered brightly.

These are his fifteen seventh-rank middle-grade top-level magical weapons, are they about to arrive?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang smiled excitedly, grinned and said:

"Master Patriarch, are you talking about the fifteen seventh-rank middle-grade top-level divine weapons?"

Seeing Wang Mang who was like a hungry wolf, Shen Yuankui chuckled speechlessly.

Sure enough, there are some things that cannot be changed.

"Come with me!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly appeared beside Wang Mang.

He grabbed Wang Mang's shoulder, and his speed soared instantly, turning into a streamer and fleeing.

After a few breaths, the two appeared in front of a simple and atmospheric three-story attic.

On the gate on the first floor, the three big characters of Shenbing Pavilion are engraved on the door plaque.

Seeing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but look forward to what would happen after entering!

The abyss at the side had a panoramic view of Wang Mang's expression, he shook his head and said slowly:

"Okay, what are you still doing in a daze, let's go, there is what you want inside."

After finishing speaking, Abyss Skull walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Seeing this, Wang Mang quickly followed.

squeak! squeak!

With a piercing sound, the door was slowly pushed open.

However, the scene in front of him made Wang Mang stunned.

In the attic on the first floor, there are countless seven-tier middle-rank divine weapons.

Take a closer look, at least no less than five thousand.

The most important thing is that Wang Mang has never felt anyone since he came in.

In other words, no one guards this place?

"Master Patriarch, is there no one to guard such an important place?"

"Is there a shortage of people? If it doesn't work, I can also watch it!"

Looking at these magical soldiers, Wang Mang swallowed greedily and said.

Hearing this, Shen Yuanke said angrily, "Don't think about it."

"There are dedicated elders guarding here, and you are not in a good enough state to perceive it."

"Uh, okay."

Wang Mang suddenly felt a little regretful.

During the conversation between the two, Shen Yuanhu had already led Wang Mang to the second floor.

As the door on the second floor was opened, strands of bright beams shot out impressively.

When he saw the scene inside, Wang Mang's eyes widened!

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