I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1572 Obtain fifteen pieces of seventh-rank middle-grade top magic weapons!

Wang Mang's eyes widened as he looked at the seventh-tier middle-grade top-tier divine weapons on display on the second floor.

There is no other reason, there are at least 60 or 70 top-level seventh-level middle-grade magic weapons in front of you.

This is just the background of a clan, so exaggerated.

For a moment, Wang Mang's heart couldn't help but burst into waves.

Looking at Wang Mang with a fiery face, Shen Yuankui scanned the surroundings and said slowly:

"That's enough, all the magic weapons here are top-tier seventh-tier middle-grade ones. You can choose fifteen of them yourself."

While speaking, he walked towards the stairs on the second floor.

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately looked away, looking at the empty stairs, Wang Mang couldn't help guessing secretly in his heart.

In this Shenbing Pavilion, only the second floor stores the seventh-rank middle-grade top magic weapons, so what about the third floor?

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help thinking about it.

Suppressing his curiosity, Wang Mang began to look at the magic soldiers around him.

At a glance, there are halberds, knives, swords, shields, armor...

Seeing so many weapons, Wang Mang had the idea of ​​packing them all up and taking them away.

But as soon as I thought about the elders guarding what Abyss Skull said before, the thought disappeared.

After randomly selecting fifteen magical weapons, Wang Mang walked slowly towards the stairs.

Looking at the tightly closed stone gate at the top of the stairs, Wang Mang walked curiously.

Boom! Boom!

I saw that Wang Mang reached out and knocked lightly on the stone door.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Wang Mang.

"Have you chosen?"

Wang Mang was patted on the shoulder, and at the same time, the voice of Abyss Skeleton rang in his ears.

Turning his head to look, Shen Yuankui was just smiling, standing on the stairs beside Wang Mang.

He glanced at him suspiciously, then glanced back at Shimen.

Wang Mang asked curiously:

"Master Patriarch, what is stored on this third floor?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuanke glanced at Wang Mang lightly and said:

"It's not you at this stage, you can know."

"Let's go, since the choice is made."


Since Shen Yuanke didn't tell him much, naturally he didn't want him to know.

Although Wang Mang was a little curious, he didn't ask too much.

In this way, Wang Mang followed Abyss and left the Shenbing Pavilion.

The silhouettes of the two of them flew across the sky above the Eight Fen Clan.

Looking at the many courtyards below, Wang Mangzhong's eyes flashed a gleam.

At this moment, Shen Yuanke said slowly to Wang Mang:

"By the way, the Zongzu Grand Competition is about to start again."

"I want you to come back this time, just for this time's Abyss Competition."

After hearing his words, Wang Mang nodded thoughtfully:

"Well, I know this, what's wrong?"

"This time the patriarch is going to ask me what to do."

Hearing this, Abyss Skull chuckled speechlessly.

Then, he said to Wang Mang:

"This time, the General Clan Grand Competition, I need you to win the first place."

"I believe that with your strength, it should not be difficult."

Hearing this, Wang Mang's eyes flashed a gleam, and he cried poorly:

"I will devote myself to the order of the patriarch."

"But it's just on hand recently..."

While speaking, Wang Mang did not forget to wink at him.

Glancing at Wang Mang, Shen Yuankui shook his head helplessly:

"I have fifteen top-level magic weapons on my body, and you still come to cry poorly with me?"

"Ahem, isn't this body missing some Dao crystals?"

Wang Mang replied without blushing.

As for the more than 10 billion dao crystals in the system, he simply ignored them.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Shen Yuanhu did not hesitate to take out a token and throw it at Wang Mang.

Taking it over, Wang Mang smiled silently looking at the five big characters engraved on the token.

Order of the Young Patriarch!

"In the past, there were no young patriarchs in the Eight Clans. This token was made only recently."

"With this token, you can get 100 million Dao Crystals every month."

Abyss said without looking back.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang felt shocked in his heart.

You must know that, judging from the deposits of Shenyuan Xuanming and Shenyuan Baiyang, the resources available to the patriarch of the sub-clan are definitely not as much as him.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang was extremely grateful to Abyss in his heart.

In order to save him before, Abyss Skeleton did not hesitate to use the storage talisman that stored the strike of the quasi-eighth-order powerhouse.

After he escaped from the abyss world, the abyss bone also sent Elder Heiyan to guard the way.

Looking at his back, Wang Mang made a vow to himself in his heart.

No matter what happens in the future, I can't forgive him.

At this moment, the shackles in Wang Mang's heart seemed to be opened.

Just like this silently followed the abyss, and soon the two returned to the patriarch's palace.

After entering the palace, Abyssal Skeleton sat on the throne.

And Wang Mang was standing below, waiting for him to speak.

After being silent for a while, Abyss Skeleton rested his head on the throne with one hand and said slowly:

"By the way, every month you can go to the Shenbing Pavilion to receive two seventh-rank middle-grade top-level magic weapons."

Hearing this, the way Wang Mang looked at him suddenly changed.

Receive two pieces every month, the good guy wants to bind him to the Eight Clans for a long time.

But Wang Mang still didn't want to wait for the chief of the Abyss Nine Patriarchs.

After all, nothing compares to devouring other worlds.

At this point, Wang Mang hesitated for a moment, but still said what was in his heart:

"Patriarch, I plan to go to other worlds after the General Clan Competition is over."

"Elder Heiyan should have told you that I can become stronger by devouring corpses."

"Among the Nine Clans of the Abyss, I am also very slow in improving my strength."

It is said that the abyss on the throne has long been expected.

Looking at Wang Mang lightly, he said unhurriedly:

"I have to say that this is indeed a somewhat heaven-defying ability."

"However, it is far from enough to become a top powerhouse."

"After you step into the Eternal Realm, all the advantages you have now will be turned into clouds."

"Here, this seat can provide you with the resources to cultivate to the eternal realm."

"At the same time, it can also allow you to cultivate to the other two extreme levels."

When Wang Mang heard the word extreme state, he immediately became interested.

You must know that the current him has only opened the Yuanshen Extreme Realm.

Before adding the blood coffin, Wang Mang also had some guesses in his mind.

"Patriarch, what is the so-called Extreme Realm?"

Looking at the abyss, Wang Mang's eyes glowed a little.

It can be said that Wang Mang's current understanding of the extreme state is completely non-existent.

When he awakened to the extreme state of Yuanshen, he was also confused.

Those powerhouses in the eternal sanctuary in the endless sanctuary, judging from his expression of the extreme soul, he also knew that this thing might be awesome.

But the specifics are not clear.

Looking at Wang Mang with a puzzled expression on his face, Shen Yuankui smiled silently.

Afterwards, he popularized science to Wang Mang:

"When stepping into the eternal realm, the power of the Dao will generate Dao Rhyme."

"You know the power of Dao Yun, even if you think about it."

"After stepping into the eternal realm, the combat power will directly leap to an incredible level."

"That's right, it's all brought by Dao Yun."

"The strength of Dao Yun also determines the combat power of an Eternal Realm."

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