I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1573 Overwhelming power! Open the Eternal Blind Box!

After hearing his words, Wang Mang immediately understood.

No wonder it took so much effort to fight against that white-robed man before.

The white-robed man has just stepped into the Eternal Realm, but he can fight on par with him.

Logically speaking, this is unlikely.

After all, the master of the world in Xuanyu has reached the eternal realm, but he is still crushed by him.

Now that I think about it, the problem is Dao Yun.

Nodding thoughtfully, Wang Mang said slowly:

"It should not only be Dao Yun that determines the strength of the Eternal Realm."

When he said this sentence, Wang Mang already had the answer in his heart.

But he was not sure, so he asked about Abyssal Skeleton.

"That's right, the general strength of the Eternal Realm depends entirely on Dao Yun."

"However, some people who are talented against the sky can also step into the special extreme realm that can only be found in the eternal realm."

"There are three extreme states, commonly known as the three extremes."

"Every time you step into an extreme state, the bonus to combat power is unimaginable."

"You kid, you are awesome. You have stepped into the Yuanshen Extreme Realm just after you have reached the Immortal Realm."

While speaking, Shen Yuankui's gaze towards Wang Mang became extremely fiery.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang said indifferently:

"This... Extreme Realm really has such heaven-defying words as you said, why does it add so little to my current combat power?"

In Wang Mang's impression, the role of this Yuanshen Extreme Realm is to clear the soldiers.

To deal with those genuine Eternal Realm powerhouses, the effect is minimal.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the corners of Abyss Kui's mouth twitched uncontrollably on the throne.

Resisting the urge to punch Wang Mang, he said angrily:

"You are only at the first level of the Immortal Realm now. It is definitely impossible to deal with the Eternal Realm just by the Primordial Spirit Realm."

"Although the power of Dao Yun is weaker than the power of the three poles, it is not realistic to say that it can be completely crushed."

"When you step into the eternal realm, you will know."

Looking at the abyss skeleton with a weird expression, Wang Mang replied thoughtfully:

"I know the patriarch, but I still want to go out and practice."

"Among the nine clans of the abyss, it's not suitable for me."

Hearing this, Shen Yuanke didn't speak, just looked at Wang Mang so closely.

At the same time, a huge coercion suddenly fell on Wang Mang's shoulders.

For a moment, Wang Mang's knees were slightly bent.

It seems that there are several sacred mountains on the shoulders.

Perhaps it was stimulated by this coercion, and the domineering divine thoughts in the primordial spirit suddenly burst out.

In an instant, ripples began to appear in the surrounding space.

Wang Mang also felt that the pressure on his body was much less.

Although the power contained in this divine sense is small, the incomparable domineering will in it moved everyone in the abyss.

Staring at Wang Mang, a sharp light radiated from the sockets of Shen Yuankui's eyes.

The next moment, he whispered with great interest:

"Good idea, but I also have it!"

As soon as the words fell, a soaring divine sense gushed out from his primordial spirit.

All of a sudden, the abyss, which is as rich as jade, suddenly changed in Wang Mang's sight.

At this moment, he seemed to be the protagonist of the world, and countless great powers were ups and downs in front of this divine sense.

The originally somewhat refined face now looked so radiant.

The attack of this divine sense made Wang Mang's face change in vain.

The domineering divine sense, which was originally omnipotent, was suppressed back into Wang Mang's primordial spirit in front of this divine sense, as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

In an instant, Wang Mang half-kneeled uncontrollably under the coercion like the abyss like the sea.

But even so, Wang Mang still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Staring straight at the throne, Wang Mang's eyes were full of toughness.

Looking at Wang Mang's resolute face. Sitting cross-legged on the throne, Abyss Skeleton chuckled helplessly.

The next moment, the monstrous coercion that filled the hall suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Shen Yuankui's expression was very complicated. Looking at Wang Mang who was slowly standing up, he said calmly:

"Okay, after the General Clan Competition is over, where you want to go is up to you."

"If you can't get along outside, come back and practice with peace of mind."

After finishing speaking, before Wang Mang could speak, Shen Yuanku waved his arm.

In an instant, Wang Mang felt his world spinning for a while.

When he came to his senses, he had already returned to his courtyard.

Looking in the direction of the patriarch's hall, Wang Mang said softly:

"No matter what, I am a member of the nine clans of the abyss."

As soon as the words fell, he returned to the bedroom.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Wang Mang thought for a while and said slowly:

"System, open personal information."

The next moment, the figure of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Open personal information successfully! 】

In an instant, the personal information panel appeared in front of Wang Mang's eyes.

Wang Mang: The strongest of the heavens.

Cultivation realm: Immortal Realm Level 1 (Great Supreme Tianjiao).

Realm of physical body: level two of immortality (refinement of gods and hegemony, 20/100 Dacheng level).

Yuanshen Realm: Immortal Realm Third Level (Shen Yuan Value 400/500 Immortal Realm Fourth Level).

Cultivation as a special extreme state: not enabled.

The special extreme state of the physical body: not activated.

Yuanshen special extreme state: domineering extreme state (cannot be upgraded!)

Comprehensive Combat Strength: (Peak of the Second Layer of Eternal Realm.)

Divine pet status: unborn (4000/10000 shell breeding status).

Supernatural powers: Aspect of gods and demons (seventh-rank upper-rank), dream-chasing shadow (seventh-rank middle-rank), indestructible body (seventh-rank middle-rank), devouring starry sky (seventh-rank middle-rank).

Weapons: Slaughtering War God (seventh-tier mid-tier), Slaughtering Great Halberd (seventh-tier mid-tier top), ancient seventh-tier mid-tier divine weapon x12, seventh-tier mid-tier top divine weapon x15

Items: talent value 5.01 million, seventh-tier middle-grade Divine Blessing Talisman x1, seventh-tier middle-grade Bad Luck Talisman x2, seventh-tier middle-grade top divine soldier fragment x35, seventh-tier middle-grade Yuan-breaking Talisman x1, seventh-tier middle-grade concealment talisman x1, Eternal Treasure Chest x4, Eternal Blind Box x4.

Dao crystal value: 17.6 billion/8 billion (the second level of immortality)

Garbage bin: no

【Ding! It is enough to increase the Dao crystal value required for promotion! Do you want to start lifting? 】

After opening the personal information panel, the system prompt sounded again.


Without even thinking about it, Wang Mang refused.

Looking at the treasure chests and blind boxes among his personal belongings, Wang Mang muttered thoughtfully:

"It's been a long time since I opened the blind box of the treasure chest."

"Come test the waters today!"

"System, open the eternal blind box!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's prompt sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the Eternal Blind Box! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 100 million Dao Crystals! 】

Fuck, yes, Brother System, you have stood up today.

Hearing what was delivered this time, Wang Mang was extremely satisfied.

After a while, the system's lottery sound sounded for the second time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain 200 points of Shenyuan! 】

? ? ?

"System, have you been taken away?"

Wang Mang said in amazement.

The main items that are issued are too incompatible, the character of the system is too bad.

The next moment, the system's lottery sound sounded for the third time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain a piece of underwear for the strong in the Eternal Realm! 】

Hearing this reward, Wang Mang felt a little uneasy, and immediately settled down.


After a few breaths, the sound of the system's lottery prize sounded for the fourth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! get……】

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