I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1576 The strength has improved again! Receive the benefits of the young patriarch!

【Ding! Ultimate Realm Enlightenment Scroll: After using this item, you can enter a special stage of enlightenment. 】


[Note: There is a chance of awakening a special physical extreme state when enlightened! 】

"Is it just a probability? I thought it would be possible to open the extreme state of the physical body."

After hearing the system's item introduction, Wang Mang felt a little disappointed.

In Wang Mang's view, probability is the same as nothing.

Looking at the Eternal Realm Fifth Layer Experience Card in his personal belongings, Wang Mang said slowly:

"System, check this stuff."

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

[Eternal Realm Fifth Heaven Experience Card: After using it, you can forcibly upgrade your cultivation base to Eternal Realm Fifth Heaven. 】

[Note: The promotion time is three sticks of incense! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

Another powerful hole card!

"Three sticks of incense time is enough to do a lot of things."

A gloomy look flashed across Wang Mang's eyes.

After getting this experience card, he was looking forward to the arrival of other top powers.

At that time, it will be able to devour the corpses of several Eternal Realm powerhouses, which can be regarded as a bumper harvest!

At this point, Wang Mang murmured expectantly:

"Shenxuan Baiye, don't let me down."

At this moment, he suddenly saw the order of the young patriarch hanging on his waist,

"He has been asleep for two months, and he still hasn't received the benefits of the young patriarch."

Holding the order of the young patriarch, Wang Mang said slowly.

Pushing open the bedroom door, a glare of sunlight made Wang Mang squint his eyes.

With a burst of Dao fluctuations erupting from his body, Wang Mang's figure disappeared immediately.

Wang Mang's figure flew across the sky of the Eight Clans like a bright comet.

The people who were cultivating below looked up without knowing why.

Flying over the sky repeatedly, Wang Mang's figure never stopped.

Finally, after half a stick of incense, Wang Mang finally saw the Shenbing Pavilion.

"found it!"

Wang Mang's figure quickly flew towards the Shenbing Pavilion.

Afterwards, Wang Mang slowly landed in front of the Shenbing Pavilion,

Looking at the closed door, Wang Mang walked towards the Shenbing Pavilion unhurriedly.

Just as he was about to reach out to push the door open, an incomparably powerful Taoist rhyme appeared and bounced Wang Mang away.

For a moment, Wang Mang took several steps backwards.

Seeing this, Wang Mang also knew that it was the elder guard who made the move.

He quickly took out the order of the young patriarch, and said:

"Elder, this is the order of the young patriarch!"

As soon as the words fell, the dao rhyme filling the gate suddenly disappeared.

In an instant, the figure of an old man appeared in front of the gate impressively.

At a glance, the old man was wearing a black robe, his white hair was like frost, and there was a hideous scar on his right face.

A pair of sharp eyes swept across Wang Mang's body like sharp sword lights.

At the same time, Wang Mang was also slowly looking at the old man.

He kept searching for the figure of the old man in his memory.

Never met this person?

new here?

Looking at the old man in black robe, Wang Mang frowned slightly.

In this way, the two looked at each other for a long time.

The next moment, the figure of the old man disappeared.

At the same time, a sentence slowly entered Wang Mang's ears:

"The patriarch has an order that you can only pick two pieces each month."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the Shenbing Pavilion suddenly opened.

Seeing this, Wang Mang did not hesitate, and directly stepped into the Shenbing Pavilion.

Passing by countless seventh-tier middle-rank divine soldiers, Wang Mang walked straight to the stairs leading to the second floor.

In a few breaths, Wang Mang came to the second floor.

Looking at the many magical weapons displayed on the stage, Wang Mang directly took four of them.

Wang Mang left directly after bringing these four seventh-tier middle-grade top-level magic weapons into the system space.

Roaming in the sky, Wang Mang's eyes kept scanning the buildings below.

The magic weapon has been received, where did Dao Jing go to get it?

At this moment, a familiar figure below made Wang Mang stop suddenly.

Looking at the Abyss Temple surrounded by several people, Wang Mang thought for a while and flew towards him.

At this time, Wang Mang's aura was also felt in the Shenyuan Temple where he was instructing his junior sister and younger brother.

Suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. After seeing Wang Mang's figure, Abyss Temple said to the people around:

"Okay, let's go."

"What's the problem, come back tomorrow."

Waving his hand, Abyss Temple spoke.

Hearing this, the faces of the people around him showed expressions as if they had been reborn.

In a few breaths, everyone around him ran away.

Looking at their backs, Abyss Temple shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, with several strong winds blowing, Wang Mang stood beside him.

"Long time no see, Fellow Daoist Wang Mang."

Looking at Wang Mang, Shenyuan Temple smiled and greeted him lightly.

But when he sensed the looming evil spirit on Wang Mang's body, his heart skipped a beat.

He couldn't be more familiar with this kind of breath.

Back then when he sacrificed the Sword of Slaughter, evil spirits emerged from his body from time to time.

But compared with Wang Mang's body, it's completely insignificant.

For a moment, he couldn't help being curious about Wang Mang.

How many lives does this have to kill?

"Fellow Daoist, do you know where the Dao Crystals are distributed in the clan?"

Ignoring the surprised eyes of Abyss Temple, Wang Mang asked directly.

Hearing this, Abyss Temple came back to its senses.

Looking at Wang Mang suspiciously, he said slowly:

"The resources for cultivation within the clan are distributed in Liuyun Pavilion."

While speaking, he pointed the direction to Wang Mang.

"Thank you!"

As soon as the words fell, his figure flew towards the direction pointed by the Abyss Temple.

Looking at the back of Wang Mang's departure, Shenyuan Temple whispered with great interest:

"Interesting route."


At this time, Wang Mang had arrived at Liuyun Pavilion mentioned by Shenyuan Temple.

Many clan members lined up waiting to go forward to receive resources.

The distribution of these resources are two old men, one is responsible for checking the news with this booklet.

After the verification is successful, another old man will distribute the corresponding resources.

Seeing this, Wang Mang's figure flashed, and he suddenly appeared in the crowd.

The appearance of Wang Mang immediately caused everyone to exclaim.

"Fuck, isn't this the young patriarch?"

"It seems that you haven't seen the young patriarch come to receive resources before, have you?"

"Hehe, the figure of the young patriarch is rarely seen at ordinary times."

"So, didn't we hit the jackpot?"

"Well, it seems to make sense!"

"What are you doing standing in front? Don't you know how to make way for the young patriarch!"

"That's right, the young patriarch has a lot of things to do every day, so what should you do if you delay?"

"Oh, that's right!"


All of a sudden, the people in front of Wang Mang gave way to Wang Mang one after another.

Seeing this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth couldn't help twitching.

The old man at the front also saw Wang Mang.

For a moment, a trace of panic flashed across his face.

The same is true for another old man on the side.

The two looked at each other in unison.

They both understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

In the next moment, a great power erupted from the bodies of the two of them.

At the same time, their figures fled towards the horizon impressively.

Seeing this, Wang Mang frowned suspiciously.

Are these two people distributing resources? How did you run away?

(From now on, it will be updated every day, and this book is almost finished, and I have been writing it since chapter 1400.)

(Because it is the first time to write a novel, the writing is not very good, but I am ashamed of readers.)

(But this book is getting cold now, I have to plan a new book for my life)

(Sorry guys, I read all your comments.)

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