I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1577: The Dao Crystal Was Swallowed! Chen Guanshi passed away!

The next moment, Wang Mang's figure flashed and chased after one of them.

The people waiting to receive the resources below looked at each other for some unknown reason.

At this time, an old man who was running away at high speed couldn't help but change his face when he saw Wang Mang behind him.

His grandma, why don't you chase him!

For a moment, he quickly accelerated his escape speed.

Wang Mang, who was behind him, watched his speed increase in vain, and whispered with great interest:

"It runs pretty fast."

"Shadow Chasing Dreams!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's speed suddenly increased dozens of times.

In an instant, Wang Mang and the old man got closer.

Seeing this, a look of panic appeared on the face of the old man in front of him.

Countless powers of the Great Dao poured out of his body like money.

But at this time the old man hesitated.

If he attacked the young patriarch, it would be a capital offense!

"It doesn't matter, it won't be much better if you get caught!"

A trace of determination flashed across the old man's face.

The next moment, countless avenues bombarded, brewing and accumulating beside him.

Wang Mang, who was behind him, naturally also discovered this situation.

Suddenly, Wang Mang's expression changed.

It was unclear why they ran, but now it seems that things are interesting.

In an instant, several devouring avenues appeared around Wang Mang.

The next moment, the power of the Great Dao around the old man directly attacked Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang's pupils shrank, and the power of the Great Dao around him also rushed forward.


As a violent wave spread out in the sky, a roar also sounded.

All of a sudden, all the practitioners below were attracted by the collision waves.

Sitting cross-legged on the throne in the palace of the patriarch, Abyss Skeleton said slowly:

"Why do cats and dogs dare to make trouble?"

While speaking, he also chuckled lightly.

At this time, the elders in all directions rushed towards the place where the incident happened after the fluctuation appeared.


After the old man's attack was scattered, Wang Mang directly attacked the old man.

The massacre halberd suddenly appeared in Wang Mang's hands.

In an instant, countless devouring avenues quickly gathered on the eucalyptus.

Feeling the aura of the soaring avenue from behind, an anxious expression suddenly appeared on the face of the fleeing old man.

At the same time, he felt extremely regretful in his heart.

Originally, he and another person were in charge of distributing resources in the Abyss Octave.

Because Wang Mang's share is the largest among many resources.

Wang Mang did not come to claim it for a long time, which also made the two feel peeping.

In the end, they failed to resist the temptation of a large number of dao crystals, and privately swallowed the dao crystals that should be distributed to Wang Mang.

At first, they were a little worried when Wang Mang first came back.

However, after a month, Wang Mang hadn't come to claim it, and the two were completely relieved.

After Wang Mang's arrival, the two started to run away because they were afraid that things would be revealed.

For a moment, the old man who was being chased by Wang Mang had a bitter look on his face.

At this moment, the aura of Nine Daoes that made the sky slowly tremble suddenly appeared around the two of them.

The moment the nine breaths appeared, the old man in front of Wang Mang stopped suddenly.

At the same time, Wang Mang also caught up with him.

Looking at Wang Mang holding the massacre halberd, the old man's eyes were full of remorse.

"Who dares to make trouble here?!"

A scolding sound like furious thunder resounded through the sky immediately.

As soon as the words fell, nine figures suddenly appeared in the air and surrounded the two of them.

Among them is Elder Hei Yan, whom Wang Mang is familiar with.

At this time, Elder Heiyan stood up and said:

"Boy, what's going on?"

While speaking, he also looked at the old man beside Wang Mang.

Hearing this, Wang Mang shrugged and said slowly:

"I don't know, the person started running just to get the resources."

"By the way, there is another person."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Hei Yan frowned slightly.

Then, he said thoughtfully:

"Chen Guanshi, what's going on?"

As soon as the words fell, the old man's body trembled slightly.

Although it was only for a moment, all the people present except Wang Mang were Eternal Realm powerhouses, so they naturally noticed it.

All of a sudden, several elders looked at Guanshi Chen with a little unkindness.

This person has a problem at first glance!

Manager Chen didn't answer Hei Yan's question.

He just lowered his head so that people couldn't see his expression clearly.

Looking at the taciturn Chen Guanshi, Elder Heiyan's eyes flashed a trace of inquiry.

"You all go to work, the old man goes to Liuyun Pavilion to have a look."

As soon as the words fell, the other eight elders nodded one after another.

In an instant, they disappeared and returned to their respective posts.

After driving the other elders away, Hei Yan's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Let's go, follow the old man to have a look, and get your resources by the way."

Turning his gaze away, Elder Hei Yan said slowly to Wang Mang.

Hearing this, Wang Mang also nodded.

Grabbing the shoulders of Guanshi Chen and Wang Mang at the same time, the figures of the three of them turned into a stream of light and fled away.

In just a few breaths, the three of them returned to Liuyun Pavilion.

At this moment in Liuyun Pavilion, there are still a few clan members waiting to receive resources.

Seeing the three people coming, they hurried forward and said:

"What happened?"

"Yeah, I'm in a hurry for Chen Guanshi, so hurry up and send me this month's training resources!"

"By the way, where is the other manager? Why don't you see him?"


Looking at the few people who had different opinions, Elder Heiyan coughed lightly and said:

"Hey, there are more important things to investigate now."

"Come back tomorrow."

As soon as the voice fell, the few people who were still talking suddenly stopped.

After standing there for a moment, they left.

After all, the elders have spoken, and if they don't know the good and the bad, the end will be serious.

After several people left, Elder Heiyan stared at Guanshi Chen and said sharply:

"Okay, everyone is gone now, let's go and see the Dao Crystal in the inventory with the old man."

While speaking, Elder Heiyan used Daoyun to search Guanshi Chen.

Then I saw that a key was found from his body.

Looking at the key, Elder Heiyan was about to open the locked storage room.

At this moment, Guanshi Chen suddenly knelt down and kept kowtowing.

"Elder, the young one was obsessed with ghosts for a while, and secretly swallowed the Dao crystal of the young patriarch."

"Damn me, damn me!"

While speaking, he continued to kowtow.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Following several dull sounds, bloodstains appeared on the ground.

Bright red blood continuously flowed from his forehead.

But this does not arouse the sympathy of Wang Mang or Hei Yan.

Looking at Guanshi Chen who kept kowtowing, Elder Heiyan smiled coldly and said:

"You are so courageous, you dare to peep at the belongings of the young patriarch!"

As soon as the words fell, a wave of Dao rhyme quickly attacked him.


With a muffled sound, Chen Guanshi was immediately overwhelmed by the shrinking Dao Yun.

All of a sudden, blood and flesh splattered.

Seeing this, Wang Mang quickly used the power of the avenue to block Biaolai's flesh and blood.

"It almost splashed on me."

Wang Mang looked at Hei Yan resentfully, and said dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Hei Yan paused, and said slowly:

"Okay, the old man will report to the patriarch."

"This matter will come to fruition soon."

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