I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1578 Terrifying gaze! Go to Jiufen!

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slowly.

"Then when can I come to claim the Dao Crystal?"

Glancing at Elder Heiyan, Wang Mang asked nonchalantly.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Elder Heiyan turned around and opened the door of the storage room.


As the door of the storage room was opened, the scene inside was immediately presented in front of the two of them.

A large number of Dao crystals, like hills, are located in every corner of the storage room.

Seeing Wang Mang, his eyes were extremely hot.

Elder Heiyan looked at these Dao crystals and nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that these two people just swallowed your share of Dao Crystal."

While speaking, he locked the door of the storage room again.

Seeing this, Wang Mang became anxious immediately, and quickly said:

"Elder, don't you have so many Dao crystals?"

"Why don't you just take 200 million out?"

Hearing this, after Elder Heiyan locked the door, he turned around and said:

"The share of Dao Jing here is prepared in advance."

"After the old man reports to the patriarch, someone will take over as the steward here."

"If you give you 200 million Dao Jing directly, it will be difficult for the successor to account for it."

Seeing the worried Wang Mang, Hei Yan smiled silently.

"It's not that I won't give it to you, why worry about it for a while."

Walking out of Liuyun Pavilion slowly, Hei Yan said without looking back.

Hearing this, Wang Mang had no choice but to give up.

"Okay, the old man will go first."

As soon as the voice fell, Hei Yan's figure disappeared immediately.

At this time, Wang Mang was still standing in Liuyun Pavilion.

Glancing casually around, Wang Mang also got up and left.

Slowly flying over the Eight Clans, Wang Mang's eyes kept scanning below.

"It's been a long time since I went to Tianxiao Pavilion in the lower realm."

"Just call them both."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's figure sped up impressively.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang arrived outside the floating island of the Bafen Clan.

The nine boundless giant islands, like nine sacred mountains, are held up in the air by a vast force.

However, these nine islands are not regularly suspended in the air.

This also made Wang Mang difficult, after all, she had never been to the Seven Fen Clan or the Nine Fen Clan.

"Made, if I knew it, I would have asked the way first."

Standing in the air, Wang Mang murmured speechlessly.

The next moment, the domineering divine sense in his primordial spirit gushed out without sparing any energy.

In an instant, this divine sense covered all the nine major clans.

At this time, the abyss skeleton in the patriarch's hall felt the sudden appearance of divine thoughts, and said inexplicably:

"What is this kid doing again?"

Hei Yan, who was under the throne, also said cheerfully:

"Haha, who knows."

"By the way, Lord Patriarch, that kid Wang Mang is urging him to be anxious."


Hearing this, the corners of the mouth of Abyss Skull sitting cross-legged on the throne twitched.

He casually threw a space kit hanging on his waist to Hei Yan, and he said lightly:

"Okay, Liuyun Pavilion will be replaced by someone soon, you can give these Dao crystals to Wang Mang first."



At this time, in the patriarch hall of the Yifen clan.

An old man in a purple robe sat cross-legged on the throne with his eyes closed.

The moment this divine thought appeared, he suddenly opened his eyes.

A ray of light shot out from his eye sockets, looking directly at Wang Mang through countless buildings thousands of miles away.

The same situation is also happening in several ethnic groups.

In an instant, Wang Mang felt at least seven or eight sharp eyes sizing him up.

For a moment, he stood stiffly in the air, swallowing hard.

At the same time, countless cold sweats continued to emerge from his forehead.

"Is this the power of a strong person in the ninth level of the eternal realm?"

Resisting his trembling body, Wang Mang said with some serious emotion.

Just a few glances made him feel endless oppression.

These gazes come and go quickly.

After the last gaze disappeared, Wang Mang slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Withdrawing the domineering divine sense that was stimulated with all his strength, Wang Mang's expression brightened:

"found it!"

As soon as the voice fell, he flew towards an island quickly.


At this time, in the patriarch hall of the Yifen clan.

"Is it true that the Immortal Realm has stepped into the special Primordial Spirit Realm?"

"What an amazing junior."

Slowly closing his eyes, Abyss Jiuming sighed from the bottom of his heart.


At this time, Wang Mang had arrived on the island where the Qifen clan was located.

The moment he stepped into the territory of the Seven Fen Clan, Wang Mang once again noticed several gazes.

But compared with the few gazes just now, it is undoubtedly a world of difference.

Looking at the person below who was cleaning the road, Wang Mang landed directly beside that person.

This startled him, and he carefully looked at Wang Mang with the broom.

Slowly taking out a mid-grade seventh-rank long sword, he said solemnly:

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

Seeing this, Wang Mang was also speechless.

This is the fifth level of the Immortal Realm, and he dares to draw his sword in front of him.

"This seat is the young patriarch of the Eighth Fen clan, come to find the young patriarch of your Seven Fen clan."

While speaking, Wang Mang also took out the order of the young patriarch.

When Wang Mang took out the order of the young patriarch, the man quickly put away the long sword and long sword.

Smiling awkwardly, the man quickly said:

"The original young patriarch, please forgive me for the offense."

"Young Patriarch Xuanming's residence is there."

Pointing to a direction, he smiled.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded lightly:

"Thank you very much."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's figure disappeared immediately.

Seeing Wang Mang's leaving back, the man heaved a sigh of relief.

"His grandma actually drew his sword at the young patriarch!"

"Am I so brave!"


At this time, in the courtyard of Abyss Xuanming.

In front of Abyss Xuanming, there was a corpse wrapped in white gauze.

Looking at the corpse carefully, he said in a very puzzled way:

"No, why don't you even have the basic ability to act after refining the life essence of so many people?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the corpse's arms shook slightly.


"Forget it, let's refine more."

At this moment, Wang Mang's aura suddenly appeared in his perception.

In an instant, Shen Yuan Xuanming's expression changed, and he quickly put the corpse away.

When Wang Mang arrived, the corpse in front of him had already disappeared.

"Fellow Daoist Wang Mang, I don't know why you came here?"

Seeing Wang Mang approaching, Shen Yuan Xuanming suddenly showed a smile on his face.

At this time, Wang Mang slowly landed in his courtyard.

Looking at the smiling Abyss Xuanming, Wang Mang said slowly:

"Isn't this, I want to ask you to go to Tianxiao Pavilion with Bo Yang?"

"It took a lot of work to find you."

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming casually threw the kit bag at his waist, and said:

"Okay, let's call Bo Yang first."


As soon as the words fell, the figures of the two rushed towards the Jiufen clan.

on the way.

Looking at Wang Mang's back, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming pondered for a long time, and asked:

"Fellow Daoist Wang Mang, what happened to the huge evil spirit on your body before?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang squinted his eyes.

Then, without looking back, he said:

"Why bother to ask?"

After hearing Wang Mang's answer, Abyss Xuanming suddenly showed an expression that was so true.

"Fellow Daoist Wang Mang, where can we hunt and kill so many creatures?"

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