I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1585 The old man fights against the will of the world!

The will of the world lightly held the old man's fist, and looked up and down at the old man with a fiery glow in his eyes.

When it looked at the old man's abdomen, the mysterious origin in it suddenly stirred up.

In an instant, the mysterious and mysterious aura slowly wrapped the old man, shielding the prying eyes of the will of the world.

At this moment, the other hand of the old man slammed towards the world's Dharma Body fiercely.


With a crisp sound, his attack was blocked again.

Withdrawing his gaze, the will of the world said slowly: "Not bad power."

"Unfortunately, it's still too small."

As soon as the words fell, the nine dao rhyme sequence chains on Shijiefa burst out with a vast and incomparable breath.

Nine unsurpassed Dao rhymes floated around the Dharma Body of the world at the same time.

The moment these dao rhymes appeared, the old man broke free with all his might.

The mysterious origin in his body, like an erupting volcano, continuously erupted with bright glow.

Staring at this incomparably mighty World Law Body, the old man's eyes froze.

The clenched fists began to tremble slowly, and an invisible momentum was quietly brewing around him.

The strong wind blew, and the old man's white hair kept fluttering, and the Taoist robe on his body also rattled.

In the next moment, a punching intent piercing through the world suddenly appeared.

In an instant, the wind and cloud surged, and the void around the old man began to twist slowly.

The continuously gushing white rays, as if the space spanned forever, stood around the old man.

Looking indifferently at the radiant old man, the will of the world said with some regret:

"The future of this kind of power is definitely not weaker than Dao."

"However, the will of the universe cannot tolerate you."


In an instant, the nine Daoyun chains erupted with destructive power and rushed towards the old man.

For a moment, the dao rhyme all over the sky seemed to turn into a boundless abyss, trying to suppress the old man.

The nine chains were the first to bear the brunt, pulling towards the old man from different directions.

Watching intently, the overwhelming supernatural powers struck.

The old man moved slowly.

I saw him calmly making a gesture to welcome the enemy.

A layer of translucent white light suddenly appeared around him.

At this time, the old man is like an ordinary mortal.

All kinds of visions that were around him before have disappeared.

Instead, there is a simple and majestic Qingming atmosphere.

The mysterious origin in his body, because it has been sublimated to the extreme, has begun to wither gradually.

Looking at the aloof World Dharma Body, the old man murmured expressionlessly:

"Since there is no way for the future to exist."

"Then let's show it vigorously at this time!"

"It's better to be short-lived than to be dim forever!"

As soon as the words fell, the mysterious origin in his body began to burn crazily.

Apparently, it was planning to raise the old man's combat power to the highest level despite everything.

For this mysterious source, the old man is like its father.

It can also feel the despair and unwillingness of the old man.

The next moment, a wave of white flames that burned everything crazily rushed out of the old man's body.

The moment this white flame appeared, both Wang Mang, who was watching the battle, and the will of the world all changed their expressions.

The breath of annihilation instantly filled the minds of people in the whole world.

"God, do you dare to take a punch from me?"

In an instant, a roar of anger echoed between heaven and earth.

I saw the old man swinging his fist and attacking the world's Dharma Body.

The old man completely ignored the bombardment of the nine Daoyun shackles.

Under the support of endless white flames, these attacks were incinerated before they even got close to him.

Staring at the approaching figure of the old man, the World's Dharma Body trembled subtly and imperceptibly for a moment.

The next moment, the Daoyun on Shijiefa's body was instantly pulled away.

When the old man struck, the world's law body had completely dissipated.

Then, a giant face suddenly appeared in the air.

Obviously, facing the old man's terrifying white flames, the will of the world is also afraid.

It can also see that the old man's current state will not last long.

Instead of fighting recklessly and losing a powerful dharma body, it is better to evacuate first.

The old man standing in the void also understood the idea of ​​the will of the world.

Laughing coldly, the old man's face was full of disdain.

Feeling the situation in his body, a trace of madness flashed in the old man's eyes.

The next moment, the white flames around him kept rushing towards the sky as if they were about to burn the sky.

In an instant, the void was burned and shattered.

But in an instant, the space was restored again.

Over and over again, the two sides became so stalemate.

The will of the world didn't dare to show up, and the old man couldn't hurt him.


As the old man began to cough, his breath also began to drop rapidly.

All of a sudden, the will of the world hidden in the dark suddenly became excited.

But the white inflammation around the old man has not disappeared yet, and it dare not act rashly.

"The sky is also afraid of me!"

"The sky is also afraid of me!"

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

I saw the old man laughing unscrupulously as if stunned.

But at this moment, his eyes were dim, full of loneliness and unwillingness.

The next moment, his figure suddenly fell towards the bottom.

The white inflammation on his body also slowly dissipated.

Even though the mysterious source is constantly protecting the old man's frail body.

But the strength far beyond the limit of the body is enough to make the old man's body collapse.

If it weren't for the power of the mysterious source constantly wandering around the old man, he wouldn't be able to persist until now.

Now that the mysterious source is close to dissipating, the old man's body naturally begins to collapse.

At this time, the dying old man was lying on the ground, staring at the sky blankly.

A trace of origin in his body is constantly repairing his body.

But the original power at this time is already too small.

The speed of recovery is completely inferior to the collapse of the old man's body.

Feeling the abnormal movement in his body, the old man came back to his senses and smiled slowly.

Stretching his hands tremblingly towards his abdomen, the old man whispered with difficulty:


"But the old man is already dying, so don't waste your strength."

"The old man is the pioneer of this road, and this road has not been broken!"

As soon as the words fell, a pure white ray of origin suddenly appeared in his hands.

All of a sudden, the world was in turmoil frantically.

Countless dao yun roared and blasted towards the old man's position.

Strive to throw the origin in his hand towards the island of the Eight Clans.

As a white light flashed across, countless attacks followed.


The land below instantly collapsed.

At this time, a sliver of origin thrown by the old man crossed the void and fell directly into Wang Mang's body.

All of a sudden, the trace of black mist that remained in Wang Mang's body began to surge crazily.

The next moment, Wang Mang only felt a huge wave of information appear in his mind.

Afterwards, this huge amount of information hit Wang Mang's mind, causing him to faint.

Hei Yan, who was blessing the formation at the side, saw the sudden change and immediately sent a voice transmission to Abyss:

"Master Patriarch, the source of the old man's power seems to have entered Wang Mang's body?!"

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