I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1586 The Will of the Universe Appears! Fight across the ages!

Hearing this, the abyss in the center of the formation suddenly frowned.

He also saw with his own eyes how powerful that force was.

Just as he was meditating, there were waves of fluctuations in the clan guardian formation.

I saw that the will of the world turned its attention to the Eight Clans again.

Two scorching rays of light suddenly appeared on the formation.

At the same time, the sound transmission of the will of the world echoed in Abyssal's mind:

"Open the formation, I won't hurt other people."

Thinking of the attitude of the will of the world towards that mysterious power, Abyssal Skeleton immediately hesitated.

Now the source of the Tao is in Wang Mang's body.

If he wanted to eliminate the source of that power, Wang Mang would definitely be implicated as well.

After thinking about it, Abyssal Skull spoke to the will of the world:

"That power originates in our clan, the young patriarch."

"Is there any way to take out the source without hurting his life?"

After hearing the words of the abyss, the will of the world fell silent.

After a while, it sent a sound transmission to the abyss again:

"This is the meaning of the will of the universe."

As soon as the words fell, the pupils of Abyss Skull shrank suddenly.

The will of the universe!

For a moment, Abyss Skull was in a dilemma.

In his heart, Wang Mang has long been the future hope of the Eight Clans.

However, if the will of the universe is involved in this matter, it becomes complicated.


At this moment, a roar that spanned the ages suddenly sounded.

The next moment, the entire top world of the abyss was suddenly enveloped in an ominous black mist.


With a cracking sound, the space was suddenly broken.

At the same time, a giant hand that covers the sky is grabbing straight towards the land of the eight clans.

The next moment, countless indestructible chains suddenly appeared to wrap around the giant hand.

At this moment, both the patriarchs who were watching the battle and the will of the universe who were secretly watching were shocked.

The breath of this giant hand is too frightening.

Not to mention the power of time karma constantly bombarding the giant hands.

In an instant, countless stars in the universe began to shine.

The power of countless stars rushed towards the top world of the abyss quickly.

A human-shaped phantom slowly took shape under the blessing of the power of hundreds of millions of stars.

"Shooting across time is a felony!"

With the formation of a blue figure, the will of the world hidden in the void also appeared impressively.

All of a sudden, one yellow and one blue phantom suddenly appeared in the top world of the abyss.

Staring solemnly, half of the giant hand covering the sky, the will of the universe said dissatisfied:

"Those six old guys, what are they doing?"

World Will on the side was also ashamed when he heard this.

But it dare not talk about those six.

Looking at the giant hand that was about to break free, the will of the world asked cautiously:

"Is this the supreme giant from the future who wants to intervene?"

Constantly extracting the power of the stars, the will of the universe murmured rather puzzled:

"I don't know, but such a strong power of cause and effect should be."


Suddenly, an ear-piercing crack sounded.

I saw that the giant hand had already broken free from the shackles.

Just when he wanted to extract the mysterious source from Wang Mang's body, the will of the universe appeared beside the palm in an instant.

"Do you want to disturb this piece of ancient history!"

"Supreme blow."

Angrily yelling, the will of the universe slapped the giant hand fiercely.

In an instant, space collapsed and time flowed turbulently.

An attacking magical power carrying all kinds of avenues blasted towards the giant hand with a roar.



In an instant, the entire abyss world began to shake violently.

Suddenly, a supreme aura appeared and stabilized the abyss world.

Immediately, the rest of the world around them suffered.

Countless star worlds instantly collapsed under the aftermath of this blow.

The sky full of stars turned into dust.

The peerless powerhouses in the second ring universe all looked at this place in horror.

Those below the ninth level of the Eternal Realm trembled all over their bodies.

Even in the deepest part of the universe, a few eternal and mysterious figures are about to move.

"The supreme existence that has come across time!"


Facing this terrifying attack, the giant hand slowly stopped.

The next moment, countless strange and ominous breaths slowly emerged from his palm.

A force that annihilated the ages suddenly appeared.

In the face of this supreme power, the power of the will of the universe appears so small.

The attack of the will of the universe was instantly enveloped in black mist.

After touching the black mist, the attack of the will of the universe disappeared immediately.

Like a stone sinking into the sea, not even a little wave can be lifted.

Seeing this, a rare gloomy expression appeared on the face evolved by the will of the universe.

The will of the world watching the battle in the distance trembled.

It can't get involved in such a battle at all.

In addition to praying that these big guys will be gentler, it can only watch.

The next moment, an incomparably ferocious crack appeared in the universe.

In an instant, the endless power of time poured into the second ring universe in large quantities.

Slowly raising his head, a shocking picture was deeply engraved in everyone's minds.

Outside the crack, a stalwart figure suddenly appeared.

Countless forces of causal time constantly invaded him.

However, none of these supreme powers seemed to have the slightest influence on him.

His eyes are like the bright sun, exuding endless divine power.

Just a glance at it from afar has wiped out countless Eternal Realm powerhouses.

The mighty power that annihilates everything is entrenched around him.

At the same time, the giant hand in the top world of the abyss also disappeared.

Looking at this figure that has spanned the ages, the face of the will of the universe is extremely ugly.

The next moment, the origin of the universe in the will of the universe began to burst out with an eternal breath.

"The body of an ancient god, the power of the universe!"

"Shaping my Dharma body!"

As soon as the words fell, countless incomparably powerful charms were blessed in its body.

At the same time, mysterious and ancient runes densely appeared on it.

In an instant, its aura soared rapidly.

On its forehead, a conspicuous ring slowly emerged.

An ancient wild and powerful aura emanated from its body.

All the star worlds in the universe are sending power towards it.

For a time, the origin of the universe and the power of the stars all over the sky raised its strength to an unobservable level.

Even so, the will of the universe did not dare to act rashly.

Facing the existence that spans time, it dare not be careless.

At this time, the stalwart figure standing on the top of the long river of time slowly moved.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, endless ways and methods were immediately intertwined in his hands.

Under the evolution of endless Taoist power, a great halberd slowly took shape.

As the eucalyptus was fully formed, the river of time began to surge in an instant.

The great power that can be called taboo is contained in the eucalyptus, and the breath it emits at will makes the will of the universe tremble even after endless years.

The next moment, in the long river of time, He waved his hand violently.

An attack across the ages blasted out in an instant.

This blow cut off cause and effect, cut off the endless years separated, and hit the will of the universe directly.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was still in a coma, muttered in a low voice:

"There is no future and no past."

"Accept the power of me."

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