I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1592: The crushed Wang Mang!

After hearing Wang Mang's reply, Shen Yuankui frowned.

After staring at this phantom for a long time, Abyss said puzzledly:

"It wasn't like this before."

While speaking, he gave Wang Mang a deep look, and continued: "Don't use this power during training."

Hearing this, although Wang Mang felt a little regretful, he still did it.

As the phantom disappeared, the coercion pervading the crowd dissipated immediately.

At this moment, Wang Mang also noticed the strangeness of several elders.

All of a sudden, his heart skipped a beat.

It seems that the appearance of the phantom of the ancient god will have a great impact on these elders?

With the emergence of this idea, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a little excited.

It seems that this change in the appearance of gods and demons is not a bad thing.

At this time, the Ninth Elder on the stage wiped his forehead with lingering fear.

Seeing Wang Mang who was distracted standing on the ring, the Ninth Elder couldn't help but feel rippling in his heart.

His grandma's, is Ancient God Phantom so strong?

Staring at Wang Mang, the Ninth Elder's expression was extremely ugly.

"Hey boy, the training is not over yet."

Seeing that Wang Mang hadn't recovered for a long time, the Ninth Elder reminded him angrily.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly came to his senses.

Wang Mang glanced at him absent-mindedly, and nodded dully.

The next moment, Ti held the massacre halberd and attacked him.

Seeing Wang Mang attacking straight at him, the Ninth Elder's brows twitched.

In an instant, countless dao rhymes appeared around Wang Mang.

"Do you still dare to be distracted when fighting against each other, and look down on the old man?"

Staring at Wang Mang, he scolded viciously.

As he squeezed with one hand, Dao Yun around Wang Mang instantly shrank.

In an instant, Wang Mang's heart suddenly rang an alarm.

He quickly waved the massacre halberd, and quickly slashed towards the surroundings.

The domineering divine thoughts in the primordial spirit were also vented in an instant.

boom! boom! boom!

Following the sound of countless muffled sounds, several bombardments hit the incoming Dao Yun.

However, it couldn't break through the gradually shrinking dao rhyme.

"Immortal body."

"Swallow the starry sky!"

For a moment, Wang Mang didn't hesitate, and fired all the firepower.

In an instant, on Wang Mang's arm, thick veins popped out like ferocious dragons.

Countless golden glows reflected from Wang Mang's body.

Holding the massacre halberd tightly, Wang Mang slashed at Dao Yun with all his might.


With the sound of a roar, the Ninth Elder's incomparably strong Dao Yun was suddenly blasted with a crack.

Seeing this, Wang Mang's face suddenly showed a gleam of joy.

Just when he was about to hit the second blow, the crack he just hit was immediately filled.

In an instant, Wang Mang's face collapsed.

The Ninth Elder at the side smiled cheerfully and said, "You really think this old man is a vegetarian?"

"You're still far behind, kid."

At this time, Hei Yan, who was watching the battle in the corner, couldn't stand it anymore, and whispered to an elder beside him: "This old man is still as shameless as ever!"

"Facing a junior in the Immortal Realm, he actually used Dao Yun to attack the whole process."

Hearing this, an elder beside him also nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, the elder also whispered: "If the old man comes up, he will definitely not use Dao Yun."

Hearing this, Hei Yan couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

Seeing the elder's swearing appearance, Hei Yan felt speechless for a while.

His grandma's didn't use Dao Yun in the whole process, even he didn't dare to say that.

As soon as he thought of this, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Hei Yan's face.

Wait for a good show to watch.

At this time, Shen Yuanke appeared on the ring, and as he waved his hand lightly, the Dao Yun that was gradually compressing Wang Mang disappeared suddenly.

In an instant, Wang Mang fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Originally, the appearance of gods and demons was his important reliance, but now he is not allowed to use it.

There is no chance of winning at all.

Seeing Wang Mang's dead dog's appearance, the Ninth Elder smiled terrified.

Afterwards, he walked to Wang Mang's side and said with a smile on his face:

"How about it, kid."

"You still have a long way to go."

"It's all for your own good..."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was also speechless.

I tm thank you!

The Ninth Elder was still talking on his own, and he didn't notice the black-faced Abyss Skeleton at the side.

Several elders standing in the corner showed speechless expressions seeing him still chattering there.


Elder Heiyan pretended to cough again.

But the Ninth Elder, who was talking more and more vigorously in the arena, didn't hear it at all.

At this moment, the abyss on the side said dissatisfiedly: "Okay."

"Elder Ninth, go down first."

Hearing this, the Ninth Elder stopped.

Glancing at Wang Mang with unfulfilled interest, the Ninth Elder slowly descended towards the ring.

After following him down, Abyss Skull pointed to Hei Yan's side.

"Eighth Elder, it's your turn."

Helping Wang Mang up, Shen Yuanke casually took out a pill and handed it to Wang Mang.

After receiving the elixir, Wang Mang began to refine it on the spot.

In this way, the time of a stick of incense passed.

Wang Mang regained his vitality.

Seeing this, the Eighth Elder, who had been waiting for a long time on the ring, stretched his muscles.

"Okay boy, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Rubbing his fists, the eighth elder said eagerly.

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Mangsheng said unrequitedly, "Come on."

As soon as the words fell, the Eighth Elder, who was ready to go, rushed towards Wang Mang in an instant.

Looking at the menacing Eighth Elder, Wang Mang's expression was extremely strange.

Originally, he thought it was another blow from Dao Yun's dimensionality reduction.

Unexpectedly, the eighth elder would fight him physically.

For a while, Wang Mang also smiled in relief.

The next moment, Wang Mang's whole body began to tremble slowly.

This is because the body is hyperactive.

The whole body was tense, and the blood in Wang Mang's body began to surge crazily.

Countless muffled voices sounded from Wang Mang's body.

Clenching his fist, Wang Mang threw at the attacking Eighth Elder without reservation.


As the fists of the two collided, a violent wave spread wildly.

In an instant, the expression of the Eighth Elder changed slightly, and he quickly adjusted back.

The arrogance of a strong man in the Eternal Realm made him suppress his facial expression.

Seeing the expressionless Eighth Elder, Wang Mang was also surprised.

The next moment, his fist was violently released.

In an instant, the Eighth Elder, who was holding on, couldn't stretch himself anymore.

I saw that he took a few steps back and shook his numb arm vigorously.

Looking at Wang Mang with a smile on his face, the Eighth Elder couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

His grandma's, she was obsessed with ghosts, and even went to fight the physical body with the refining gods and overlords.

Now it's all right, it's embarrassing in front of everyone.

At this moment, Kurohiko shouted loudly:

"Come on, old guy, remember that you don't need Dao Yun."

Hearing this, the Eighth Elder, who was just about to perform Dao Yun, stopped immediately.

In an instant, he had already greeted Hei Yan thousands of times in his heart.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly showed a bright smile on his face.

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