I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1593 The situation suddenly changes! His appearance is suspected!

Looking at Wang Mang with a smile on his face, a bad premonition permeated the Eighth Elder's heart.

Suppressing the strangeness in his heart, the Eighth Elder stared at Wang Mang, and slowly exhaled foul breath.

As his eyes narrowed, the incomparably vast power of the Great Dao surged out of his body.

Seeing this, the smile on Wang Mang's face became even wider.

As long as Dao Yun is not used, everything is easy to talk about.

With this in mind, Wang Mang also began to stimulate the power of the great way in his body.

In an instant, the Dao of Devouring, which contained the aura of black and white, instantly appeared around Wang Mang.

For a moment, the arena was occupied by two completely different avenues.

The power of the two avenues kept rushing towards each other.

The second round of confrontation has begun!

I saw that under the control of Wang Mang, the Dao of Devouring turned into countless bright star points.

The black and white qi contained in it has also been gradually differentiated.

Suddenly, an extremely strange black mist appeared impressively.

At the same time, an extremely ominous breath erupted from Devouring Dao in an instant.

This change caused Wang Mang's heart to stop suddenly.

Just when he wanted to take back the Devouring Dao, Wang Mang was horrified to find that the power of the Dao that used to be like his arms and fingers was out of his control!

For a moment, Wang Mang's face changed wildly, and he shouted loudly:

"The power of the avenue is out of control!"

"Seniors, help me!"

Hearing this, the faces of those who were fighting on the outside of the ring suddenly sank.

Nine majestic Dao rhymes gushed out of their bodies at the same time.

In an instant, nine different dao rhymes blasted towards the arena from all directions.

The eight elders and Abyssal Skeleton worked together in an attempt to suppress the unknown black mist.


Following the sound of several roars, the speed at which the black mist spread slowed down a little.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


Suddenly, an indistinct roar sounded from the black mist.

The original extreme coercion reappeared.

At the moment when this coercion appeared, the entire island of the Eight Clans suddenly sank.

All of a sudden, the members of the eight clans who didn't know what to do in the land of the eight clans turned their eyes to the patriarch hall.

At the same time, people in other clans all looked towards the eight clans.

Obviously, this palpitation made them feel uneasy.


In a secret space, the will of the world stared closely at Wang Mang.

Afterwards, he inexplicably whispered: "Are you going to come out!"

While speaking, a simple and simple mirror instantly appeared in front of its dharma body.

"This kind of power, even if it absorbs a little bit, it is enough to defeat the will of the universe!"

Aiming the mirror in Wang Mang's direction, the will of the world said in a somewhat frenzied voice.

The next moment, a ray of divine light pierced through the void and refracted.


At this time, in the patriarch hall of the eight clans.

With the sound of this roar, the black mist on the ring gradually solidified.

Afterwards, several elders discovered in horror that their Dao Yun was slowly absorbed by the black mist!

When they wanted to take back Dao Yun, Dao Yun, who had been acting like a finger, didn't respond in the slightest!

At the same time, the dao rhyme contained in their bodies is still rushing towards the black mist.

No matter what means they use, they cannot prevent this situation.

In this way, a few breaths of time passed.

As the black mist continued to draw Dao Yun back to feed itself, a pair of giant pupils glowing with radiance slowly appeared.

In an instant, space collapsed and time flowed turbulently.

At this moment, countless powers of the Great Dao continue to manifest in the void.

The origin of dao rhyme, which is difficult for even the strong in the eternal realm, gushes out like money at this moment.

The mysterious and misty interpretation sound came from nowhere.

Countless visions emerged at the same time, as if celebrating His appearance.

At the same time, an irresistible terrifying devouring force instantly appeared in front of Wang Mang.

Everything around was slowly drawn into the black mist.

All of a sudden, the heavens and the earth screamed, and it rained blood.

Like the origin of Dao Yun, every loss of a ray of sacred things like Dao Yun Yuan will trigger the vision of heaven and earth.

The will of the world hidden in the depths of the void looked at this terrifying phenomenon, not only did not feel sad, but felt extremely excited.

"Right, that is it!"

"Irresistible power!"

"The power of God!"


With the emergence of this devouring force, everything in the top world of the abyss is slowly drifting towards the eight clans.

Whether it's the densely packed figures in the sky, or the other eight islands that are gradually approaching the eight tribes.

No matter how strong the realm is, it cannot change this fate at this time.

The appearance of this devouring force seems to represent an irresistible, insurmountable, absolute divine power.

At this moment, the only source in Wang Mang's body began to violently turmoil.

In an instant, a huge and indescribably supreme aura suddenly appeared.

With the appearance of this aura, the only source that had been silent in the past burst out with supreme power in an instant.

Suddenly, countless chains exuding white clouds shot out from Wang Mang's body.

In an instant, the black mist that filled the secret room was blocked.

At the same time, the terrifying devouring power also disappeared.

As the chains continued to shrink, the black mist was returned to Wang Mang's body.

All of this happened in an instant.

Witnessing the strangeness caused by himself, Wang Mang stared at the front in a daze, and froze in place.

At this moment, countless questions appeared in his heart at the same time.

"So the black mist came from me?!"

Looking at his abdomen in disbelief, Wang Mang murmured a little lost.

And the elders outside the arena were also staring at Wang Mang.

I'm afraid that something terrible will happen.

None of the people present dared to act rashly.

After all, the black mist just now was too terrifying.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the white chain, their consequences can be imagined.

At this moment, the silence in the secret room was terrifying.

Wang Mang looked at his palm in a daze, wondering what he was thinking.

Others didn't dare to step forward to ask for a while.

As for the Eighth Elder who was in the ring with Wang Mang, he fainted from fright.

In this way, the time of a stick of incense passed slowly.

Finally, in the abyss outside the arena, his figure flashed beside Wang Mang.

Looking at the bewildered Wang Mang, Shen Yuanyu paused and said slowly:

"Okay, you go back and rest first."

While speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the eighth elder who fainted.

Staring blankly at his back, Wang Mang frowned puzzled.

The next moment, Wang Mang walked slowly towards the secret room.

The elders around just watched Wang Mang leave in a daze.

As Wang Mang disappeared from their sight, several people took action.

All of a sudden, several people appeared in the arena at the same time, surrounding the Eighth Elder.

Sensing his breath, Hei Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and luckily said: "Fortunately, I just passed out."

Hearing this, the few people around frowned tightly.

Afterwards, the Ninth Elder said in a deep voice: "If the old man's guess is correct, it is the supreme existence that fought against the will of the universe before, right?!"

"Why did He appear in Wang Mang's body?"

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