I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1740 Power of Karma! Self-solved Wang Mang!

The muffled murmur echoed through the space in everyone's ears.

"What's this!"

"Great horror!"

"kill him!"


In an instant, the patriarchs reacted quickly and attacked Wang Mang one after another.

Facing the incomparable coercion, the immeasurable aura erupting from the whole body of the patriarchs tried to offset the pressure on their shoulders as much as possible.

The incomparably powerful dao rhyme flowed around them, and the bright rays of light shone on their bodies.

Even so, their speed was still greatly reduced under the influence of coercion.

At this moment, a coffin stood in front of them.


With a muffled sound, the lid of the bronze coffin was suddenly opened.

A blurry figure suddenly appeared on the bronze coffin.

The terrifying aura overwhelmed the eternity, causing the endless sky to tremble.

Looking at the figure in front of them, the various patriarchs swallowed hard.

What's this?

Just when everyone was in a daze, the patriarch immediately reacted, and immediately activated the big formation buried deep in the ground!

I saw the dao rhyme around him rushing to the ground, and the massive dao rhyme contained in his body disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, the patriarchs of the entire Yifen clan suddenly became turbulent.

The aura of supremacy permeates the entire clan. '

Chains glowing with radiant radiance swept towards the bronze coffin from all directions.

Among them, Wang Mang also sensed a familiar atmosphere.

That's right, at this time, the Dao of Karma in Wang Mang's body was also faintly turbulent.

Under Wang Mang's deliberate suppression, Karma Avenue became quiet.


At this moment, another muffled voice attracted Wang Mang's gaze.

It could be seen that countless chains were pulled towards the vague figure entrenched on the bronze coffin.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang also widened his eyes for fear of missing a detail.

As the attack of the chains arrived, the figure on the bronze coffin also burst out with dazzling light.

The terrifying air flow continuously spread towards the surroundings.

As the light around the figure increased to the extreme, a darkness suddenly emerged from it.

For a moment, Wang Mang rubbed his eyes involuntarily.

He thought he was dazzled.

The darkness that appeared in the center of this light was very similar to his own Dao of Devouring.

It's just that compared to my own, it must be countless times stronger.

A few breaths of time passed, and the original incomparably bright light has completely transformed into incomparably deep darkness at this moment.

The chains that had been continuously bombarding the figure also disappeared at this moment.

I don't know whether it was swallowed up or wiped out.

Seeing this situation, the faces of several patriarchs not far away changed wildly.

A great sense of crisis lingered in their hearts.

"Everyone bless the formation together!"

The next moment, the roar of the clan leader resounded loudly.

Hearing this, the patriarchs did not hesitate to immediately bless the Dao Yun in their bodies towards the big formation below.

The six Dao rhymes of the Ninth Heaven of Eternal Realm, like a rushing river, submerged into the depths of the ground.

In an instant, all the patriarch Dao Yun present were taken away.

Then I saw that the ground shaking of the entire Yifen became more intense.

The breath of karma became stronger and stronger, competing with the terrifying coercion.

Strips of mysterious yellow air erupted from the ground like pillars of heaven.

In an instant, the mysterious and mysterious power of cause and effect immediately covered the entire clan territory of the Yifen clan.

The supreme power that distorted reality all bombarded towards the bronze coffin of the ninth generation.

Seeing the power of cause and effect falling like drizzle, Wang Mang only felt his scalp go numb.

There is no other reason. At this time, Wang Mang is very close to the bronze coffin of the ninth generation.

If this continues, I will definitely be affected.


Subconsciously, Wang Mang wanted to ask the system for help.

But in the end he held back.

By the way, Time Avenue has returned to normal now!

For a moment, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly gave up bursts of light.

"Constant time body!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's whole body was suddenly surrounded by the phantom of the clock that suddenly appeared.

With the fall of the power of cause and effect, Wang Mang only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and all five senses were spinning.

Strange why there is no backtracking?

After a few breaths, Wang Mang had completely lost his vision.

It can only be difficult to perceive that everything around seems to be spinning.

Relying on the last trace of consciousness, Wang Mang released the domineering divine sense in the primordial spirit without sparing any effort.


With a muffled sound resounding in his mind, Wang Mang recovered a bit.

I saw that the mysterious yellow force of cause and effect did not directly cause any damage to his body, but exuded a mysterious yellow energy.

Rewriting everything around!

"Is this the causal road of tampering with the beginning and the end?"

"Why do I use the same fake ones!"

With such doubts, Wang Mang took out the Slaughter God of War and stabbed himself fiercely.


With a sharp pain, Wang Mang suddenly lost consciousness.

After a while, Wang Mang's body slowly recovered.

It has to be said that the power of cause and effect is indeed terrifying.

The power to distort reality has been applied to the Avenue of Time.

This also made Wang Mang's recovery much slower.

The moment his consciousness returned, the familiar sense of distortion reappeared in Wang Mang's senses.

For a moment, the corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitched crazily.

Taking a look at the situation on the field, Wang Mang picked up the massacre halberd and stabbed at himself again.


At this time, the incomparably thick causal beam of light was also somewhat dimmed under the attack of the black mist.

And the bronze coffin of the Ninth World was not much better.

I saw a few small cracks in the body of the bronze coffin.

The figure entrenched above it became even more blurred.

If Wang Mang saw it at this time, he would definitely turn pale with shock.

This is the first time that the bronze coffin has been deflated!

Seeing the gradually weakening power of cause and effect, the seven patriarchs present at the scene of the Qiling Clan also quickly began to recover the Dao Yun in their bodies.

There is no way, compared to the Dao Yun blessed by them, the power of cause and effect displayed by the formation is definitely better.

If all the dao rhymes in the bodies of the seven peerless powerhouses of the eternal realm and ninth heaven are taken out together, they can definitely destroy the intermediate world with ease.

Not even a few big worlds.

But compared to the causal power of this taboo level, their dao rhyme can only be used to stimulate the great array to awaken the power contained in it.

Looking at the constant stalemate in the battle, the eyes of the several patriarchs were completely numb.

The Clan War is one of the most important trump cards of the top powers.

But now that this hole card has been used, it still can't solve the mysterious coffin.

The reason why the hole card is called the hole card is that one is naturally terrifying in power, and the other is that it is used once less.

When the power contained in the formation is exhausted, this hole card will be scrapped.


After half a stick of incense, Wang Mang's body recovered again.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded impressively:

【Ding! The current environment host uses Devouring Avenue, there will be unexpected effects! 】

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