I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1741 Use the time retrospective card!

Hearing this, Wang Mang was also taken aback.

Then he cast the Dao of Devouring in doubt.

The next moment, I saw the jet-black power of the Great Dao slowly gushing out from Wang Mang's body.

The pitch-black swallowing avenue is like ink, slowly exaggerating the surrounding mysterious and yellow karma.

At the same time, the strange force that was constantly affecting Wang Mang's senses was also isolated by the Dao of Devouring.

For a while, Wang Mang also heaved a sigh of relief.

Grandma, although suicide can temporarily immunize against the power to distort the five senses, the pain is really painful.

Not to mention self-injury, let alone how exciting it feels!

Bark! Bark! bark...

At this moment, one after another subtle sounds, like ants crawling, faintly entered Wang Mang's ears.

For a moment, Wang Mang also frowned slightly, and looked around, looking for the source of the voice.

As his gaze stayed, Wang Mang suddenly saw the power of cause and effect being slowly eroded.

If you don't look carefully, you can't even see it.

As for how Wang Mang found out.

At this time, in Wang Mang's body, he could clearly feel that the amount of Dao Dao being devoured was slowly increasing.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Mang himself did not know exactly what changed after the Great Dao was devoured.

Looking at it now, it seems that the Dao of Devouring can swallow everything around it to feed itself back.

Even to a certain extent, assimilate the surrounding items.

That's right, it's assimilation. At this time, Wang Mang's field of vision has a few more strands of the Dao of Devouring isolated from his body.

And this was done without Wang Mang's awareness.

If it weren't for the slow increase of the Dao of Devouring, Wang Mang could have easily noticed it.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but get excited.

Although the mutation that swallowed Dao was beyond his expectation, as long as his strength can be improved, everything is not a big problem!

After his own safety issue was resolved, Wang Mang once again looked at the ancient bronze coffin of the Ninth World.

What came into view was the dense cracks on the bronze coffin, which had already dimmed to the point where the figure was about to disappear.

All of a sudden, Wang Mang's pupils shrank crazily.

Since its appearance, the bronze coffin has been synonymous with invincibility in Wang Mang's heart.

I didn't expect to show a distressed look today.

Sure enough, the background of the top power should not be underestimated!

Although the bronze coffin has been severely damaged at this time, the Xuanhuang Tongtian Pillar opposite it is not much better.

The power of cause and effect is much dimmer than before, and the beam of light has shrunk by a large circle.

All kinds of phenomena all show that this causal beam of light can't last long.

For a moment, Wang Mang also nodded clearly, and looked around.

I saw the seven patriarchs sitting cross-legged on the spot with Xuanhuang's power of karma on their heads, recovering their Dao rhyme.

Although the surrounding land has been destroyed by the blurred figure and the power of cause and effect, it is not human.

But these patriarchs still have their own unique methods, absorbing Dao Yun from the void to restore themselves.

At this time, the eyes of the seven patriarchs were also staring at Wang Mang who was sitting cross-legged beside the bronze coffin.

The power contained in the clan protection array has almost been consumed.

If the terrifying coffin can continue to show its power, then they must be the ones who will suffer next.

"Let's take out all your hole cards."

The chief of the clan observed the situation on the field, and said to the people beside him in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding patriarchs nodded without hesitation.

With Qing Yi refusing to take out the token, they didn't have many ways to deal with this terrifying coffin.

The next moment, I saw the void around the patriarchs throbbing.

At the same time, a piece of talisman paper appeared in their hands.

Watching the actions of the seven patriarchs, Wang Mang also had his heart beating like an alarm.


In Wang Mang's cognition, the talisman paper that can be regarded as one of the trump cards by the patriarchs of the top powerful forces is the savings talisman!

But it still contains the kind of full-strength strike of a quasi-eighth-order existence!

Looking at the terrifying power that had been revived in their hands, Wang Mang's scalp was numb, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

Seven-way quasi-eighth-level full blow!

At this time, the constant time body is also over.

Now if he dies, he will really go to Jiuyou to report!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly became anxious.

A few breaths of time passed, and the hands of the seven patriarchs shone with dazzling light at the same time.

The terrifying breath shakes the void, and the space slowly recovers after being crushed.

The vast and majestic quasi-eighth-order power created an endless and fierce wind, causing ripples in the void.

Gusts of wind made Wang Mang's deep-space Taoist robe rattle.

Compared with the two forces that were on the field before, the quasi-eighth-level full-strength attack in the hands of the clan leaders is not much worse in terms of power.


At this time, in the depths of the void, the will of the world watching the battle felt ashamed watching the actions of these people.

First, the Qiling tribe was about to contact the adult above, and then this mysterious kid took out the coffin.

at last……

A series of things made the will of the world, who was watching the battle in secret, feel frightened.

Granny, is this a battle the will of the world can take part in?

Motionless is the power of the quasi-eighth order!

If you reach the top of the sky, you will be able to complete the Eternal Realm, which is still a lot worse than the quasi-eighth level.

With such a disparity in strength, the will of the world can only choose to watch the battle in secret, and then look for opportunities.


After pondering for a moment, Wang Mang silently said to the system in his heart:

"System, use the time retrospective card!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Use successfully!】

The next moment, streaks of silvery white light continuously rippling from Wang Mang's body.

The endless, vast and magnificent power of time covered the surrounding area in an instant.

This vision immediately attracted the attention of all parties.

Before everyone came back to their senses, the power of time suddenly surged.

In an instant, time and space tried a huge distortion.

The places covered by the power of time began to retreat one after another.

It's like a movie is playing backwards.


At this time, in the depths of the void, the will of the world looked at the area in which time was reversed, and said in surprise:

"Is that possible?"

"Even the supreme taboo mighty power of going back in time has appeared!"

"Could it be that not only the causes of the effects are secretly mixed up, but even the end of time..."

In the middle of speaking, it fell silent.

Looking at everything around him that began to look back, Wang Mang also had some surprises in his eyes.

At this time, his body is also being traced back under the influence of the power of time.

First devouring the Dao, then the constant time body, and then self-mutilation.

Although the body was retreating according to the original time trajectory, Wang Mang's thinking was not affected.

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