I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2012 Super wide-range Qingyan!

Wisps of green flames continued to appear around Wu Ya, and the extremely hot aura made Wu Ya in Wang Mang's sight slowly distort.

Beads of sweat oozed from Wang Mang's forehead, and evaporated before it completely dripped from his cheeks.

Even Chaos was directly burned into nothingness.

As the surrounding temperature began to soar rapidly, Wang Mang's breathing gradually became heavier.

Such a terrifying Qingyan.

Staring at the distorted figure, Wang Mang thought to himself.

Wang Mang's pupils shrank slightly, and the pitch-black swallowing Taoist rhyme surged out.

Like ink in water, it infects the surrounding area in an instant.

The faint murmur became clearer.

This time, Wang Mang also vaguely heard something.

Before he had time to think about this, he quickly used the characteristic of devouring Daoyun.

The traction of the abyss, like the gravity of a celestial body, constantly pulls and devours all the surrounding matter.

Qingyan, high temperature, chaotic turbidity...

At this time, the Devouring Dao Yun is like a gluttonous mouth, greedily absorbing everything.

The most intuitive thing is that the chaotic and turbid air, which was not known how far away, turned into trickles at this time, slowly rushing towards Wang Mang's position.

Assimilation and devouring are the two most powerful characteristics, constantly changing the surrounding environment.

The strange and ominous atmosphere is like an abyss like an ocean!

The mysterious whispers that disturbed the spirit became more and more intense!

The creepy aura suppressed Qing Yan on the other side.

The extremely dark dao rhyme permeates and suppresses the chaotic turbidity. What a spectacular scene this is!

The murmurs under the chaos are faintly visible and breathtaking, don't let gods and ghosts enter!

It has to be said that in terms of momentum alone, Wu Ya was temporarily suppressed by Wang Mang.

Wu Ya, who was in the blue flames on the other end, saw this scene and slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Can one's strength be transformed to such a level in a small retreat?"

"Hehe, it can't be seen clearly."

As soon as Wu Ya's voice fell, the surrounding things visibly shook.

Along with that great traction too.

The next moment, the sparks around him started to start a prairie fire!

A swipe of green flame gushed out, and the fire was in turmoil in an instant.

An incomparably hot air wave soared into the sky.

The blue flames that burned the sky and boiled the sea instantly began to spread, continuously burning the surrounding Devouring Daoyun.

"Boy, have you seen Gaoge in Chaos?" Wu Ya said to Wang Mang calmly.

"What?" The sudden sentence made Wang Mang a little confused.

Before he could think about it, Qingyan had already spread to his front.

Under the scorching of Qingyan, there was a sound of squeaks all around.

Even his Devouring Dao Yun cannot avoid being burned.

The wisps of green inflammation revealed the terrifying high temperature, like maggots attached to the bone.

Once it is glued, it will only end up being burned.

"Looking good." Wu Ya's voice came from not far away.

Wang Mang, who was defending against Qing Yan, glanced distractedly in Wu Ya's direction.

Just this one glance shocked him.

I saw that the blue flame heat wave whose diameter could not be seen at a glance was erupting from Wuya.

In just one breath, the wave of blue flames had already struck.

The scorching high temperature, even through the Devouring Dao Yun, Wang Mang can already feel his body as if being roasted on a bonfire.

Looking at the surroundings, they were completely enveloped by green flames.

At a glance, the surrounding Qingyan field can't be seen.

Even with strong resilience and the resistance of Devouring Dao Yun, there is no need to worry about losing for the time being.

But he really didn't know how to decipher Qing Yan, who couldn't see the end at a glance.

In front of such a huge Qingyan, Devouring Daoyun can only do enough to protect himself.

At the same time, the surrounding temperature continued to rise.

All the previous momentum and prestige disappeared at this moment.

Facing the burning flames, Wang Mang obviously had no choice but to suffer.

His Devouring Dao Yun was also suppressed by this huge Qing Yan.

At this moment, hoarse wailing sounds suddenly came from afar.

Hearing this voice, it should be a Chaos Beast.

Suddenly Wang Mang realized, is this the song in the chaos that the latter said?

The next moment, Wuya's voice suddenly sounded.

"Boy, what are you still doing?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately glanced at Wu Ya Na.

In an instant, countless surging brilliance appeared in his sight.

Are they all dead?

Wang Mang was shocked.

"Hurry up and put away these Qingyan."

With so much quenched body brilliance, he can't care about anything else.

Hearing Wang Mang's words, Wu Ya raised the corner of his mouth, and slowly recalled the raging Qingyan.

With the disappearance of Qing Yan, Wang Mang unreservedly released the Devouring Dao Yun in his body.

The terrifying traction instantly covers all the brilliance.

Together with the thin chaotic turbidity that just appeared around it, it was directly absorbed, devoured and assimilated.

It's really strenuous to involve so much Guanghua all at once.

Now without reservation, the speed of the body-hardened brilliance rushing towards him is still slow.

At this moment, Gou Zi also came to Wang Mang's feet mysteriously.

Seeing so many body-hardening brilliance, it is extremely greedy.


"Master, can I share one or two of so many good things?"

"I can speed up Guanghua's progress."

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced down subconsciously.

Thinking that this time there is a lot of tempered body brilliance, so it is not a problem to divide this product.

Wang Mang said slowly:

"Yes, how can you speed up the progress of absorbing Guanghua?"

Hearing the words, Gouzi chuckled and faltered:

"Say it first...don't blame me afterwards."

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, stared at the dog and whispered, "Oh?"

Gouzi winked at Wang Mang for a while, and discussed:

"How about it?"

After staring at Gouzi for a while, Wang Mang finally agreed.

Anyway, it is also a product of the system, at least it will not cheat its own host.

The dog who got the answer grinned even wider.

"Remember to keep releasing your power all the time."

Gouzi didn't forget to remind Wang Mang before doing it.

Before Wang Mang could reply, it suddenly jumped up.

When it reached the height of Wang Mang's back, its front legs pushed against Wang Mang's back at the same time.

In an instant, a huge force swept across Wang Mang's body.


The next moment, Wang Mang suddenly turned into an afterimage and flew straight to Guanghua's position.

The corners of Wu Ya's mouth twitched when he saw this scene not far away.

I'm afraid this dog doesn't know how narrow-minded Wang Mang is.

It would be strange not to be beaten violently by then.

Wang Mang, who had 10,000 muddy horses running past in his heart, suddenly realized something when he saw the body quenching Guanghua getting closer.

That's right, can't you just move towards the body-hardening brilliance while casting the Devouring Dao Rhyme?

For a moment, Wang Mang was also embarrassed by this thought.

I didn't expect such a simple question.

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