I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2013 Significantly improved!

Following Wang Mang's appearance around the strands of body-hardening brilliance, he took the lead in absorbing a touch of brilliance.

The quenched body brilliance that is still around is also pouring in one after another.

In an instant, Wang Mang was enveloped by an incomparably gorgeous color.

The meridians of the cells in the body began to sublimate with the baptism of the quenched brilliance.

For a moment, Wang Mang seemed to hear the joyful sound in his body.

Body quenching brilliance came and went quickly.

Under the greedy absorption of the body, the surrounding brilliance has already looked dim.

The remaining brilliance also fell into his body immediately.

Except for the few wisps left for Gouzi, the rest of the body-hardening brilliance was absorbed in an instant.

Appropriately slow down the accompanying traction that devours Dao Yun, and always keep a distance from those few rays of brilliance to avoid being absorbed by yourself.

He secretly moved his muscles, and the next moment there was a crashing sound in his body.

The reminder this time is very obvious.

If you are still in the second-ring universe, you will definitely have no problem resisting those seventh-tier middle-rank divine weapons.

Next, you can try to hunt Chaos Beast by yourself.

Wang Mang thought about it, and waved to the dog not far away.

Seeing this situation, Gouzi's face was overjoyed, and his four bodies turned into afterimages and came to Wang Mang's side in an instant.

"Hey, master, isn't my method very good?"

It had a flattering face and was still waiting for Wang Mang's compliment.

But the next moment it was grabbed by the neck of fate and lifted up.

Seeing Wang Mang's face so close to Chi Chi, Gou Zi suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Wang Mang's trembling came in response.


A muffled sound sounded.


"Didn't the master promise not to blame me?"

Hearing this louder sound than last time, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

"Of course, it's just how much the body has improved this time under the experiment."

"By the way, I'll give you a ride too."

After finishing speaking, he raised his arm and immediately exerted strength, throwing the dog in his hand towards the remaining body quenching brilliance.

Under Wang Mang's unreserved efforts, Gouzi suddenly turned into an afterimage across the chaos.

Let's not wait to say that this time Wang Mang's improvement is very significant.

Even if a dog with a strong body wants to, it is difficult to offset the huge force on his body in the air.

Unless you use supernatural powers, then you will be exposed.

In desperation, it could only exert its power for a moment when passing through the tempered brilliance, and snatch the brilliance away.

Seeing Guanghua disappear with Gouzi, Wang Mang snorted coldly.

The next moment, Devouring Daoyun erupted at the soles of his feet, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

Only a melodious sound was left in place.

"I'll go see if there are any Chaos Beasts nearby, and practice."

Hearing this, Wu Ya chuckled a few times, and disappeared in place together.

After walking through the chaos for some time, Wang Mang finally met the first Chaos Beast.

From a physical point of view, it is quite satisfactory.

As soon as he got close, billowing spiritual radiation rushed towards his soul.

In an instant, his primordial spirit was surrounded by a layer of Devouring Dao Rhyme.

Without the harassment of mental radiation, Wang Mang looked at the Chaos Beast with murderous intent.

The height of the realm is linked to the intensity of strength.

At present, the fusion of Devouring Dao Yun and several initial sources of divinity is still going on, although the progress has stagnated,

But from the current point of view, his Devouring Daoyun is definitely progressing towards a higher level.

In addition, it is almost impossible to obtain dao crystals in the chaos.

Realm, primordial spirit, body.

If you want to close the gap with those fake eighth-orders in a short time, you can only start with the physical realm.

The hunting of this chaotic beast is absolutely indispensable in a short time!

The rhyme of devouring dao is released, and a strange and ominous breath is present.

Ruouowu whispers linger around like the whispers of demons.

The powerful characteristics of engulfment and assimilation simultaneously radiate and explode with supernatural power, infecting everything around.

Even spiritual radiation cannot escape the fate of being swallowed and assimilated.

It is worth mentioning that after Devouring Dao Yun absorbed the spiritual radiation of the Chaos Beast, the whisper seemed to be a little louder.

The celestial-level traction constantly tore at the devouring beast's deformed body.

It caused the latter to howl again and again.

Countless tentacles protruded from its body, and began to wriggle irregularly.

Seeing the Chaos Beast reacting so strongly, Wang Mang felt a little different.

Just when he was about to speed up his progress, countless tentacles suddenly rioted and lashed at Wang Mang.

In Wang Mang's sight, these tentacles are very slow, as long as he wants to, he can completely avoid them.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he remained indifferent to the oncoming tentacles.


A few tentacles struck Wang Mang's body, and the latter flew upside down in an instant.

Wang Mang managed to stabilize his figure, feeling the injury caused by this blow.

His chest had collapsed, and several ribs were broken.

At the same time, other parts have received a lot of impact, and the muscles have exploded!

But in an instant, Wang Mang's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one breath, he had already returned to his original state.

After getting the answer he wanted, Wang Mang laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"This resilience still works in chaos!"

At this moment, Wang Mang's eyes were already filled with excitement, and his face was full of arrogance.

I thought that the strong resilience of the body would also be weakened in the Chaos Realm.

Now it seems that it has not been affected!

What a surprise!

Even if his body has been greatly sublimated, his recovery power is still strong.

Then it can almost be concluded that the recovery power of the purgatory god body will not be affected by changes in body strength.

No loss, it is a powerful system that leads directly to the Nine Nethers and Hell!

After a few words of praise in his heart, Wang Mang also flew towards the Chaos Beast with an excited expression on his face.

Next is the hand-to-hand part!

After seeing Wang Mang appearing, the Chaos Beast, who was tortured by that great traction force, suddenly burst into anger from the eyes on its forehead.

After a roar, all the tentacles lashed towards Wang Mang.

"A real man has to fight head-to-head!"

Wang Mang shouted with high fighting spirit, and then his face showed an arrogant and wild laugh!

As soon as the words fell, the veins on his right arm suddenly popped up, and with a punch of boundless divine power, he broke through the chaos and slammed straight at the drawn tentacles. ;

Under the tremendous force, this unpretentious punch has a tremendous impact.

Break through the chaos and shake the Nine Netherworld, forming a huge shock wave!

Before the tentacles touched Wang Mang's fist, they were affected by the shock wave, their actions were slightly affected, and their power was weakened a little.

When Wang Mang's fist arrived as expected, several tentacles were like praying mantis arms blocking a car, and they were directly defeated!

Seeing this scene not far away, Wu Ya's eyes widened.

"I wipe!"

"Now you can hunt Chaos Beast alone??"

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