I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2015: Dog's Mouth Takes Food!

Wang Mang couldn't believe his eyes.

I have been beating the Chaos Beast for so long, and this dog also has one in its mouth!

From the looks of it, it's estimated that this product has been eaten for a while.

"Show me." Wang Mang said to Gouzi unceremoniously, his tone full of refusal.

Can I come back after showing you?

Gouzi murmured in his heart, and instantly opened his gluttonous mouth, ready to swallow it in one gulp.

Fortunately, Wang Mang had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he stretched out his hand fiercely to snatch the remnant body of the Chaos Beast from its mouth.

"Bring it to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the saliva-stained remains of the Chaos Beast suddenly appeared in his hands.

After rubbing Gouzi's body in disgust, Wang Mang began to look at the chaotic beast that had shrunk several times in his hand.

It's true that the appearance is deformed, and the mental radiation is not weak.

Squeeze it a little, um, it's hard.

Wang Mang glanced at Gouzi in a subtle way.

I thought to myself: This guy has pretty good teeth.

The sharpness and sturdiness alone are already comparable to the materials used to refine the seventh-rank top-grade magic weapons, right?

But why is this Chaos Beast so small?

Could it be that this is a newly born Chaos beast seedling?

Wang Mang shook the Chaos Beast in his hand, and asked Gouzi, "Where did this thing come from?"

In this regard, Gouzi rolled his eyes and replied seriously:

"I picked it up."

Faced with such an outrageous answer, Wang Mang asked with a strange expression:

"Where did you pick it up?"

Gouzi shrank his neck and said solemnly: "I picked it up by the side of the road!"

The way to laugh, unless you can't help it...

Wang Mang was successfully amused by Gouzi's answer.

After wrapping the remnant of the Chaos Beast in his hand with the Devouring Dao Rhyme, Wang Mang also waited for the voice in his mind.

What's worth mentioning is that the time it took to completely devour such a tiny remnant was actually longer than the one he had killed before.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Devouring the remnants of a young Chaos Beast! Get 250 million Dao Crystals! 】

After hearing the prompt from the system, question marks were written all over Wang Mang's face.

? ? ?

Is it only at the same level as the one I killed just now? ?

Damn it!

In an instant, Wang Mang felt that his IQ was insulted.

Consciousness returned in an instant and lifted Gouzi up.

Staring at it tightly, Wang Mang said in a deep voice:

"You don't want to take it with you in the days to come, do you, Gouzi?"

Facing Wang Mang's threat, Gouzi's expression froze obviously.

It also wants to play dumb and get away with it:

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Wang Mang sneered for a moment, and said a few words in his heart.

The next moment, bursts of space ripples suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, the dog immediately panicked.

You know, unless Wang Mang actively summoned the system space, it would be impossible for it to leave that place for the rest of its life.

"I said, I said, I said!"

As soon as the voice fell, the space ripples rippling around suddenly disappeared.

Wang Mang just stared at Gou Zi straightly, and he swore that as long as this Gou Zi teased him, he would absolutely shut down the system for a hundred years.

No, there is no concept of time in the current chaotic world.

Then close it until you remember.

At this time, Gouzi swallowed his saliva, and said falteringly:

"Actually... actually..."

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang directly gave him a big pen pocket.

"Crackling, hurry up."

"I'll shut it down for a hundred years in Moji."


"I hunted this one. As for why it became smaller, I also changed it with magical powers."

"Master, can you see it?"

Under the threat of a hundred years, Gouzi quickly lost his composure and recruited them all.

Hearing its answer, Wang Mang looked at it suspiciously.

When its eyes fell on the latter's private position, it stubbornly blocked it with its short feet.

The next moment, Wang Mang gave it a large pen pocket.

"You hunted? Do you have this strength?"

"It's not honest, is it?"

In fact, Wang Mang already somewhat believed its answer, but he still wanted to cheat and see if he could get some new news.

As soon as the voice fell, the space ripples that disappeared just now reappeared around Gouzi.

Seeing this scene, Gouzi wanted to cry but had no tears.

TMD, to be honest, why don't you believe it.

As the ripples in the space became more intense, a space channel suddenly appeared.

Depend on! Come on!

"Master, master, give me a chance to prove myself!"

"I can really hunt Chaos Beasts!"

Gouzi kept struggling, looking at the space passage in horror.

The vaguely involved force seems to have explained its ending.

Regret, at this time Gouzi felt extremely regretful,

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be hungry.

It's good now, not to mention being robbed after eating half of it, and now my freedom will be gone.

Just when it regretted endlessly, the surrounding space ripples and space channels suddenly disappeared.

Um? The dog who reacted widened his eyes.

It looked to the side, and then looked at the expressionless Wang Mang above.

"Give you a chance to prove yourself, go get me a hundred Chaos Beasts."

Hearing this, Gouzi heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly agreed:

"Okay, okay."

"Don't worry, master, I am more reliable than Wu Ya in my work."

"Give me a little time, a thousand will not be a problem."

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced at Wu Ya not far away with great interest: "Oh?"

"Now I have a task for you, to fight Wu Ya with all my strength."

"If there is any concealment, you will understand the consequences."

Wang Mang stared at Gouzi with a half-smile and said.

The latter suddenly felt cold and shivered.

"No problem!" it said timidly.

After putting Gouzi down, Wang Mang said indifferently: "Go, your freedom depends on your next performance."

As soon as the words came out, Gouzi nodded quickly, and then stopped talking nonsense, his limbs turned into afterimages, and rushed towards Wuya.

At the same time, he yelled:

"Wu Ya, your dog grandpa is here to get your head!"

The moment they heard this, the corners of both Wang Mang's and Wu Ya's mouths twitched.

At the same time, countless runes appeared around Gouzi, and a phantom appeared.

Gouzi's body swelled countless times accordingly.

A fuzzy phantom appeared, and Wang Mang was taken aback for a while.

Holy crap!

So fierce!

Although this is just the beginning, Wang Mang can sense from the aura that this dog is definitely above him!

Damn, suddenly being overtaken by my dog, this feeling.

No, I have always been weaker than others.

Suddenly Wang Mang was a little envious of this dog.

It turned out to be a pseudo-eighth class when he was born.

Oh, I am not as good as a dog!

The only consolation is that this dog is his own.

And you have to be limited by yourself.


Look at the dog again.

The two have already started fighting.

Wu Ya used Qingyan from the very beginning.

And Gouzi is constantly devouring the surrounding chaos to strengthen himself.

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