I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2016 Ten thousand hungry ghosts!

Between the two, each is majestic, fighting back and forth.

The previous battle ended hastily because he was afraid of disturbing Wang Mang's retreat.

This time, under the witness of Wang Mang, he can naturally fight to his heart's content.

The extremely hot Qingyan collided with the phantom that devoured the sky and the earth.

The fight between the two can only be described as a world apart.

Even in the chaotic world, it is extremely explosive.

Wang Mang couldn't help being amazed when he saw the dog who looked completely different from before.

It looked like a dead dog before, but now it looks like a war wolf.

Their battle lasted for a long time, and Wang Mang, who was watching the battle not far away, didn't know how much time had passed.

It wasn't until he saw that the two were injured to varying degrees that Wang Mang appeared around them and called for a stop:

"Okay, let's call it a day."

With the appearance of Wang Mang, both of them who were still out of breath withdrew their surrounding power.

Wuya glanced at Wang Mang angrily.

"Huh, your dead dog's strength is not bad."

Wang Mang was in a good mood and smiled lightly.

"not bad."

Wang Mang was very satisfied to see Gou Zi restored to its original state.

Although my strength is not enough for the time being, it is enough for my divine favor to be strong enough.

Lifting the dog up, Wang Mang began to examine its injuries.

After careful inspection for a while, he said to himself:

"Skin trauma, harmless."

Patting the gasping dog, Wang Mang reminded:

"Don't forget, the thousand Chaos Beasts you mentioned."

Hearing this, the dog sticking out his tongue nodded slowly.

Anyway, his own strength has been exposed, and it is estimated that he will inevitably be squeezed inhumanely by then.

A thousand? Gouzi expressed disbelief.

At least until the physical realm reaches the standard, I have to keep working hard.


In this way, after resting for half a day, Gouzi was led by Wang Mang to start hunting Chaos Beasts frantically.

Among them, in order to speed up the progress, Wang Mang also had the cheek to ask Wu Ya to help him hunt and kill Chaos Beasts.

In this regard, Wu Ya naturally has no objection.

He wished that Wang Mang's strength could improve quickly.

Otherwise, although he is amazing enough now, he still has no reference value.

With the hard work of the two wage earners, Wang Mang's physical realm began to improve at a faster rate.

Under Wang Mang's repeated urging, the two hunted and killed the Chaos Beast not only to isolate the body-hardened Guanghua from approaching, but also to bring the corpse to Wang Mang as intact as possible.

In this way, the rhythm of life has always been like this.

Until this day, a system prompt sounded in Wang Mang's mind.

【Ding! The system update is complete! The new panel also asks the host to check it by himself. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment.

After reacting, he quickly looked around.

Seeing that the two hadn't come back, Wang Mang quickly said in his heart:

"System, open the personal information panel."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the system suddenly sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Open the personal information panel successfully! 】

In an instant, a blue suspended panel appeared in front of Wang Mang.

Host: Wang Mang.

Realm cultivation base: the first level of the eternal realm.

Yuanshen Realm: Eternal Realm Triple Layer (Shen Yuan Value 3123/30000 Eternal Realm Quadruple Heaven).

Realm of physical body: quasi-pseudo-eighth level (hardened body brilliance 324/1000 pseudo-eighth level).

Comprehensive Combat Strength: The Eternal Realm is complete. (Invincible in the perfection of Eternal Realm, to a certain extent, can challenge the false eighth order.)

Supernatural powers; Aspects of Gods and Demons (seventh-rank top-rank), Ultimate Territory (seventh-rank middle-rank special), constant time body (unusable), rebellious space (unusable), fruit of all fruits (unusable), universe star sea (Seventh-order low-grade.)

Physical Talent: Absolute self-healing!

Divine pet: Gouzi (unnamed)

The Realm of Divine Favor: Pseudo-eighth level!

Personal Items: None.

Dao crystal: 100.3 billion/2000 billion Dao crystal (Eternal Realm Second Heaven.)

Status: OK.


Wang Mang's mouth twitched suddenly when he saw the series of unusable items in the supernatural powers column.

"System, what's going on?"

"You update it, just hack my supernatural power?"

As soon as the words fell, the system's voice sounded impressively.

【Ding! Answer to the host: Due to unknown changes in the original divinity of the six realms, the host's supreme dao rhyme has disappeared, and naturally the exclusive supernatural power cannot be used. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang's face froze.

"Damn it, wouldn't the task I worked so hard to do before be in vain??!"

【Ding! It is detected that there are too many waste products in the supernatural powers column, whether to swallow the unusable supernatural powers and replace unknown supernatural powers. 】

After hearing the words, Wang Mang agreed without hesitation.

"No problem, but what level is the supernatural power of this replacement?"

【Ding! Start permutation! 】

[Replacement in progress...]

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The replacement was successful! 】

[Supernatural power: Wan Dao Hungry Ghost (can be advanced to exclusive supernatural power)]

[Specific introduction: When using this supernatural power, there will be clusters of hungry ghosts around, and they can devour any substance indiscriminately. 】

[Introduction 2: Increase the devouring power of Devouring Dao Yun by 300%. 】

[Introduction to advanced supernatural powers: But when the devoured substances reach a certain level, the hungry ghosts of the ten thousand ways will transform into the hungry ghosts of the heavenly ways! 】

Hearing the system's series of introductions, Wang Mang's eyes straightened.

It doesn't matter to him that he devours any substance indiscriminately.

After all, the current Devouring Daoyun can also be said to be devouring indiscriminately.

But this 300% increase in devouring power is awesome.

Moreover, this supernatural power can still be advanced.


At this moment, there was a sudden movement in his shoulder.

"Wang Mang? Wang Mang?"

The latter's consciousness returned in an instant, and his gaze returned to normal.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Looking at Wu Ya, Wang Mang asked.

"What's wrong?" Hearing this, Wu Ya was speechless for a while.

Pointing to the brilliance of the galaxy-like brilliance of the hill-like corpse behind him, Wu Ya asked back:

"You don't want these anymore?"

Without hesitation, Wang Mang directly engulfed Dao Yun and wrapped the corpses.

At the same time, he used traction to pull Guanghua towards him.

Wuya gave Wang Mang a strange look and then left.

As he disappeared from sight, Wang Mang immediately murmured in his heart: "Thousands of Hungry Ghosts!"

As soon as the words fell, an extremely cold breath gushed out of Wang Mang's body.

The phantom of a hungry ghost with a ferocious face and a huge gluttonous mouth slowly appeared around Wang Mang.

At the same time, the 300% increase in phagocytosis made the body-hardened light group accelerate rapidly.

In an instant, Wang Mang completely absorbed these light clusters.

As for the corpses of these Chaos Beasts, they were all devoured in just one stick of incense.

In the middle of the journey, Wang Mang's mind kept refreshing the system's prompts.

The absorption speed is not known how many times faster than before.

Wang Mang muttered in his heart.

I don't know what it will be like when it evolves into a hungry ghost of heaven.

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