"Hehe, don't worry about it now, it's time to absorb the Chaos Beast."

Wang Mang chuckled and whispered.

With a 300% devouring power bonus, Devouring Daoyun can be said to be different from the past.

Now there is no need to worry too much about the realm of the physical body and the realm of cultivation.

The only thing that made Wang Mang feel a little difficult was the Yuanshen realm.

It's not easy to get divine value.

After all, there are very few tasks triggered in the Chaos Realm.

Finally, a mission appeared, and there was no treasure chest for the reward.

Tsk, it's not easy.

Standing above the chaos, Wang Mang held his chin with a troubled expression.

After a while, the dog also came back.

Seeing Wang Mang in a daze, Gouzi rubbed against his calf.

"Brother, don't be in a daze, I have a hard time isolating this body-hardening brilliance."

Wang Mang came back to his senses when he heard the movement.

Looking at the corpse of the Chaos Beast brought by Gouzi, and the brilliance of the quenched body, Wang Mang smiled.

Not bad, not bad, compared to the entourage, it is still more reliable.

If I knew this earlier, I should have gotten this guy out earlier.

Speaking of which, both Wang Lu and Xuan Ming are still in the system space.

Wang Mang, who released the Devouring Dao Rhyme to cast Ten Thousand Dao Hungry Ghosts, stopped Gouzi who was about to leave.

"Hey, Xiaobai, have you encountered other creatures in the system space before?"

Hearing the sound, Gouzi stopped, turned his head to look at Wang Mang and asked with a puzzled expression:

"What? Are there other creatures in that place?"

"Oh~" Gouzi suddenly stopped talking halfway, as if he understood something.

The next moment, it turned around and ran away.

"Stop talking, I will continue to work hard for my master!"

In a flash, it sank into the chaos and disappeared from Wang Mang's sight.

A few black lines appeared faintly on Wang Mang's forehead, who was stuck in place.

Gouzi's terrified look made him wonder if he was being too inappropriate.

But after thinking about it, I was spurring it.

Besides, when did I become a human being?

After devouring this round of tempered body brilliance, Wang Mang clenched his fists.

Feeling the surging power in his body, he was in a very good mood.

Looking at the hill-like corpse of the chaotic beast in front of him, Wang Mang casually controlled the devouring Dao Yun and began to speed up the devouring.

What he didn't know was that the spiritual radiation emitted by countless corpses of Chaos Beasts was extremely terrifying.

Even Wu Ya and Xiao Bai had to guard against it cautiously.

But as Devouring Dao Yun entered the arena, all these chaotic spiritual radiations were absorbed one by one.

Vaguely, Wang Mang felt that the murmur seemed a little clearer.

He frowned inexplicably and looked around.

Holding a wisp of Devouring Dao Yun in his hand and observing for a while, he didn't care when he saw that everything was still the same.

While waiting for them to send the Chaos Beast, Wang Mang also asked the system in his heart for news about Chaos.

I thought that I would still have insufficient authority at first glance, but I didn't expect that there would be a new answer this time.

【Ding! Answer to the host: Although in the chaotic world, pseudo-eighth-orders can be encountered in various places inaccessible, but in fact, they are collectively referred to as some basically differentiated regions. 】

[In addition to the general area in the Chaos Realm, there are also six great realm seas. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment, and murmured in a low voice:

"Six Great Realm Seas?"

"What kind of existence is that?"

【Ding! The six great realms correspond to the spokespersons of the six creation gods. 】

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang frowned, and asked in disbelief:

"In this chaos, isn't their power weakened, and what's going on with the spokesperson?"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice sounded again.

【Ding! Chaotic turbidity is the combined product of all dirty, evil and negative things in the world, and it is incompatible with the power of the rules of the six creator gods. 】

【Ding! Even though the place is extremely filthy, the six creation gods will still not let go of any place that can be monitored. 】

【Ding! If their power cannot function normally in the chaotic world, they will naturally use other methods, such as finding a pseudo-eighth-rank who is also in the chaotic world as a spokesperson. 】

Hearing these words, after Wang Mang pondered for a moment, he also raised the question in his heart:

"Isn't the Creator God omnipotent? Why can a chaotic turbidity resist their power?"

"Besides, those people can completely destroy the Chaos Realm if it doesn't work, right?"

"Why leave yourself a hidden curse?"

【Ding! Although the Creator God is supreme, he is not the supreme existence. 】

【Ding! Under the chaos is an endless abyss, and the most terrifying demons in the world are bred under the abyss. 】

【Ding! A demon at the level of a creation god, truly immortal. 】

A few short words immediately attracted Wang Mang's attention.

"A demon at the level of a creation god?"

"But aren't there six creator gods?"

"Six people join forces, killing him shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

【Ding! Under the abyss is the real immortality, gathering all the negative things in the sky. 】

【Ding! Unless all creatures in the world are no longer giving birth to evil thoughts, even a trace of him can be reborn through desire. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly chuckled a few times:

"So that's the case. Speaking of which, those creator gods probably have a lot of headaches."

"Everything in the world says that love is better than ruthlessness."

"But this sentient being gave birth to the most terrifying demon in the world."

"The God of Creation, who has been repeatedly frustrated, must also have strange emotions, haha, he is immortal."

Speaking of what Wang Mang had understood later, he laughed out loud.

The concept of the Creator God in my heart has also dropped to a level.

What kind of bullshit Chuangshi God is nothing more than a more powerful cultivator.

Chuang Shi Shen will not have trouble.

The Creator God is eternal and invincible.

The Chuangshi God can destroy everything in the blink of an eye.

The God of Creation transcends all cognition and can only be a vague concept.

Unimaginable, unknowable.

Those six people just cultivated the power of rules to the extreme.

After surpassing all living beings, he only considers himself the God of Creation.

How can a created creature conceive of His existence?

"If there is no high respect for the gods, it is blasphemy."

"Boy, are you brave?"

Suddenly a steady voice fell into Wang Mang's ears.

The unfamiliar voice made Wang Mang's whole body tense and immediately wrapped his whole body with the Devouring Dao Yun.

At the same time, he looked towards the place where the sound came from.

In Wang Mang's line of sight, he saw a man in a white robe standing above Chaos, staring at him with a half-smile.

Even through the endless chaos, one can still feel the incomparably mysterious aura of the latter.

For his sudden appearance, Wang Mang's heart sank, and he asked vigilantly:

"Who are you?"

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