"Who am I?" The white-robed man was stunned for a moment, then continued to speak:

"Let me introduce myself, my humble Jiang Ye."

"At the same time, he is also the agent of the God of Time in the chaos."

The agent of the god of time, the end of time?

"System, take back the divine pet!" he said silently in his heart.

When Gouzi was called out from the system space again, Gouzi naturally came to Wang Mang's side.

Looking at the unexpected guest in front of him, the eyes of some blindfolded dogs suddenly froze.

Got a stubble? !

Judging from the aura revealed by this person, he is definitely stronger than Wu Ya.

Runes emerged all over Gouzi's body, and his body began to swell.

Seeing Gouzi suddenly appear, Jiang Ye raised his eyebrows and looked at it with interest.

"Oh? Is there such a powerful battle pet?"

In this chaos, to say what is the most precious, besides the origin of other people.

There are also some exotic animals.

After all, chaos does not remember years, and the long road to practice is naturally extremely boring.

If you can be accompanied by a battle pet all the time, it will be very good regardless of the combat power or the relief of the boring environment.

There was a hint of greed in Jiang Ye's eyes, and he said meaningfully:

"It is a felony to offend the gods, but since you are not a local, I can consider not to care about you."

Hearing this, Wang Mang gave him a strange look.

At this time, Jiang Ye almost said:

"But the dog is to apologize for the offense."

As soon as the words came out, the dog immediately howled:

"Little boy, do you believe that Grandpa Dog will kill you in one go!"

Looking at the aggrieved Gouzi, Wang Mang somehow felt a little funny.

"Dog, you're not sure about taking down this little boy?" Wang Mang said via voice transmission.

Staring at Jiang Ye closely, Gouzi replied via voice transmission: "No."

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitched.

After looking around vaguely, he didn't even see Da Wuya's figure.

The next moment, Wang Mang expressed his generosity directly:

"No problem, you can take this dog back."

Gouzi:? ? ?

Jiang Ye:? ? ?

Both looked at Wang Mang at the same time, their eyes full of disbelief.

Gouzi: Am I such a dog?

Jiang Ye: Do you take it seriously when you say it casually?

He couldn't fix this sudden sentence.

But for the sake of Wang Mang's confession, he doesn't plan to care about it now.

Although the time god gave himself the task of finding trouble with this guy, he didn't say the specific time.

Accepting this dog and letting him live another thousand years is not too much, right?

Well very reasonable.

"Since you have sincerely repented, the Lord God must forgive you."

"If that's the case, then I'll take this dog away?"

Wang Mang chuckled a few times: "It's up to you."

He quietly said a few words to Gouzi's sound transmission to calm the latter's emotions, and Wang Mang even made a gesture of invitation to him when he saw Jiang Ye who was not moving.

He glanced suspiciously at Wang Mang and then at Gouzi who had changed back to his original form.

At this time, Gouzi suddenly got into the upper body, and asked Wang Mang with a disappointed look:

"Now that you meet someone else, you're going to throw me away, so what's the original pledge?"

The sudden stubble made the corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitch.

Facing Jiang Ye's strange gaze, Wang Mang had no choice but to cooperate with Gouzi.

He turned around blankly, and said mercilessly:

"God makes adults stronger than me, and staying by his side is better than me."

"This is to find a better next home for you."

At this moment, an untimely voice suddenly sounded:

"Ah, what are you two doing?"

The moment they heard this voice, Wang Mang and Gouzi trembled all over.

Wu Ya came back with many corpses of Chaos Beasts.

It's just that when I came back, I saw the scene just now.

Wang Mang gave Gouzi a hard look, and then explained solemnly:

"Ahem, isn't this when you encounter a strong enemy and prepare to retreat?"

"Stop talking, let's kill this guy together!"

While speaking, Wang Mang pointed to Jiang Ye.

Looking at Wang Mang's finger, Wu Ya realized that there was another person there.

In an instant, a fierce look burst out in his eyes.

Qing Yan has already surged out before opening his mouth.

"Leave now, or the three of us will join forces to make you die!"

No matter who this person is, Wu Ya immediately warned him.

They are both fake eighth ranks, Wu Ya understands their thoughts too well.

Whether it was the dead dog or the things in Wang Mang's body, they were all very attractive to them.

Facing Wu Ya's warning, Jiang Ye was stunned for a moment and then his expression turned cold.

"Boy, do you know the end of playing with me?!"

Silver and white light burst out from his body.

The vast and mysterious atmosphere stirred up chaos and blew towards the two of them.

Wang Mang squinted his eyes, and there was a faint scarlet flash in his eyes.

Now I have two fake eighth-level combat power here, how dare this guy still dare to make trouble?

Is it the confidence of strength, or is it a bluff?

"Do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, a phantom appeared behind Gouzi in an instant.


The first time Gouzi charged, Wu Ya, who was dripping with green flames, also followed in an instant.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang also released the Devouring Dao Yun and landed on Jiang Ye instantly.

Myriad Hungry Ghosts!

In an instant, the Dao of Devouring attached to Jiang Ye's body exploded with great gravitational force.

In a short period of time, the stupefaction caused the latter's time power to be swallowed up before leaving the body a few meters away.

By the time he reacted, wisps of green flames were already within reach.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang, who was in the distance, immediately stopped casting Ten Thousand Paths Hungry Ghost.

The huge gravitational force disappeared in an instant, and the extremely hot Qingyan approached Jiang Ye in an instant.


The billowing green flames exploded, heating up crazily beside Jiang Ye.

The dazzling light caused the three around to squint their eyes.

Faced with this blow, Jiang Ye was definitely injured.

This is Wang Mang's idea.

But the next scene immediately made him wait for his eyes.

The silver-white light suddenly flickered, directly covering Qingyan.

The extremely mysterious aura is vast and unpredictable.

The place where Jiang Ye is is concerned about the extremely fast speed backtracking.

That's right, backtracking.

Wang Mang, who had also used Time Dao Rhyme, was very sure that this was the backtracking of one of the two characteristics of Time Power.

Unsurprisingly, Jiang Ye appeared in his line of sight intact like a retrograde movie.

"The power of time is really difficult." Feeling the changes in his body, Wu Ya said to himself in a dignified tone.

Facing the menacing two and one dog, Jiang Ye said expressionlessly:

"Let's not offend the gods, but now you dare to attack the envoy of God."

"It seems that you are ready to die."

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