I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2019 Defeated in one hit!

The vast breath of time became more and more surging, and a steady stream of white lights emerged from his body.

"Let's transform." Jiang Ye said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, the passing power suddenly enveloped them.

The supreme characteristic of distorted chaos began to show its power.

In an instant, the two of them and the dog could feel the power lingering around them rapidly passing away.

The mighty power of time hastened the passage of power of Wang Mang and others.

Wang Mang was fine, he cast Ten Thousand Dao Hungry Ghosts around him, constantly absorbing the passing power.

Although it can't be completely absorbed, the remaining power of passing away can't break through the Devouring Dao Rhyme around Wang Mang.

In contrast, Wu Ya is not so easy.

The majestic golden power kept rushing out to resist, but was quickly wiped out.

The power of time is too overbearing, it is not difficult to resist at the same level!

When it comes to the power of rules, even a trace of power is extremely terrifying.

Once touched, you must die!

Don't confuse the Time Dao Rhyme used by Wang Mang with the time power used by Jiang Ye now.

The lethality between the two is sky by sky.

The same is true for Gouzi. The phantom of the ferocious beast behind him keeps roaring, but he can barely resist the passing power.

In desperation, he could only keep running and avoiding.

With just one move, Wang Mang and the others were beaten hard.

Jiang Ye looked down upon them disdainfully, and said coldly, "Ants."

The next moment, his figure turned into a white rainbow in a flash, and he went straight to kill Wang Mang.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's pupils shrank, and he quickly backed away and shouted: "Wan Dao Hungry Ghost!"

On the way Jiang Ye came, Dao Dao Devouring Dao Yun appeared, and the terrifying gravitational force instantly distorted the long rainbow.

It forced Jiang Ye to stop.

Ruowu Ruowu whispered, wandering around the latter's primordial spirit through the chaos, trying to infect it.

"Huh? Mental radiation??"

Jiang Ye glanced at Wang Mang in surprise, and released his perception indifferently.

In an instant, his expression was shocked, and he quickly withdrew his perception.

"Could it be that your kid is the incarnation of a Chaos Beast?"

Just for a moment, he actually had the idea of ​​falling into the abyss.

If it wasn't for the dispersal of the time Taoism enshrined in the soul, his sanity would have been affected to some extent.

"Hehe, is it a humanoid Chaos Beast? I don't know what it's like to kill it yet."

He chuckled a few times, looking at Wang Mang with murderous intent in his eyes.

In an instant, Wang Mang felt that he was locked by the other party.

A great sense of crisis spread in my heart.

Wang Mang was shocked.

At this time, Wu Ya was restrained by the passing power, unable to come to support at all.

The same goes for dogs.

This time, it was equivalent to facing each other alone.

The current self can't even match the general pseudo-eighth-order, let alone this is the best among them.

Wang Mang thought about it for a moment, but he couldn't get through this mortal situation.

An atmosphere of despair enveloped it impressively.

How could I meet such a powerful opponent!

The next moment, Jiang Ye's figure instantly appeared in front of Wang Mang.


"Now you know the fate of offending the envoy of God." Looking at Wang Mang with a face full of despair, Jiang Ye said to Wang Mang with sarcasm.

"If you offer that dog up, at least you can live longer."

"Stupid people always like to be self-centered, but they don't know that there are heaven and there are people outside the sky."

"Forget it, why tell you so much, anyway, the dog will still be mine after you die."

While speaking, a bright light suddenly burst out from his hand.

Wang Mang, who still wanted to resist, found himself unable to move.

After a while, the whole body was covered by a layer of time power.

Under the extreme wear and tear of passage and retrospect, Devouring Daoyun has already lost.

However, although the two special forces were obliterating Wang Mang's body, the powerful recovery power restored the corroded body parts in an instant.

After a stick of incense passed, Wang Mang's aura did not change at all.

"Huh?" Jiang Ye was a little puzzled, he had never encountered such a situation before.

After covering Wang Mang's body with his perception, he was shocked immediately!

what did he see !

Resisting the power of time for so long is still safe and sound!

What kind of body is this? ?

Jiang Ye was at a loss, and was a little dazed for a while.

"Hehe, you don't even have the power of time at this time."

Wang Mang's mocking voice came from the power of time.

Facing his ridicule, Jiang Ye was not angry.

Now he really wants to know what Wang Mang's body is made of.

Even the Chaos Beast Emperor couldn't resist his power of time for so long.

"Boy, I have changed my mind. As long as you are willing to surrender to me, how about letting you live?"

Jiang Ye said to Wang Mang with great interest.

Faced with this novel thing, he decided to take it back to study for a while.

After all, it's not always possible to encounter such interesting things in the chaos, isn't it?

"Hehe, you can kill or cut whatever you want." After realizing that he was safe and sound, Wang Mang became confident.

Jiang Ye, who was rejected, thought that Wang Mang refused to give up the dog to him, so he said:

"Well, if you are willing to surrender, not only can you get my blessing, but at the same time, I won't snatch that dog from you."

"How about it, don't push yourself too far."

His compromise was greeted by Wang Mang.

"Fuck you."

Hearing this, Jiang Ye's expression turned cold.

"Very well, I hope you can still be so tough later."

As soon as the words fell, the power of time surrounding Wang Mang suddenly boiled.

The two supreme characteristics were pushed to the extreme, constantly obliterating Wang Mang's body.

When the latter is fully erupted, the power of the two characteristics is extremely terrifying.

Even Wang Mang, who was blessed with that extreme resilience, felt a little overwhelmed.

The most intuitive thing is that just now, he can completely restore his original body, but now he can't keep up with the progress of being obliterated.

The balance between the two has been broken.

In this way, Wang Mang's body was constantly being erased and restored.

From the pain at the beginning, it is now numb.

I can feel my body being obliterated again, but the pain from the feedback is getting smaller and smaller until it disappears.

In fact, Wang Mang stopped paying attention to the situation on his body, and began to focus on thinking about ways to break the situation.

But after thinking about it, I still can't think of it.

Now the power is suppressed.

Devouring Dao Yun can only be transformed by speeding up the fusion with the original source of divinity.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang could not help but sigh.

But his throat was obliterated at that moment, and he could only sigh out a mouthful of air.


"The system, there is no way to speed up the progress of fusing the Devouring Dao Rhyme with the original original divinity?"

As soon as the words fell, the system's voice sounded impressively.

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