As soon as the words fell, half of Jiang Ye's body was completely transformed into a silvery white substance.

Facing Wang Mang's astonished eyes, he said coldly:

"Time stop!"

As soon as the words fell, a very oppressive breath suddenly gushed out.

For an instant, Wang Mang's body was covered by a terrifying force.

Can't move all over?

Encountering this situation again, Wang Mang seemed very calm.

After Jiang Ye tested the limit of his resilience, he would no longer be surprised by any situation.

Laughing dead, there is no limit at all.

As expected, the next moment, Jiang Ye's rainstorm-like fist greeted Wang Mang's head.

All of a sudden, the sound of bang, bang, can be heard endlessly.

In a short while, Wang Mang's head was blown off thousands of times.

Even so, Jiang Ye still couldn't let go of his hatred, and his fists became faster and faster, even using the acceleration time.

Seeing Jiang Ye who had gone crazy, Wang Mang flashed a strange smile.

Don't ask why it happened in a flash, because the next moment, his head exploded.

But such a small injury is not a problem for Wang Mang at all.

Seeing the soaring advancement progress of the Dao Hungry Ghost, Wang Mang couldn't say how happy he was.

In a state of rage, Jiang Ye not only punched Wang Mang, but the terrifying power of time around him continued to attack Wang Mang's body.

Although I don't know why the power of this product will continue to grow stronger, but it is also a good thing for me.

As for why he can continue to become stronger, he probably won't tell himself if he asks others.

Simply, Wang Mang allowed him to attack him continuously.

Anyway, I can't die, and the pain has long been worn away.

For the sake of improving his strength, I don't care so much about him.

Well, in fact, I can't resist.

At this time, Jiang Ye, who was half of his body mysterious, used the power of time that Wang Mang could not resist at all.

A simple time-stop completely suppressed him to the point where he couldn't move.

Can only let it be ravaged.

Hehe, it will be soon, Wang Mang said silently in his heart.

As long as the Dao Hungry Ghost is advancing, he will still be the one who laughs last.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is not.

After venting the anger in his heart, Jiang Ye, who gradually calmed down, also withdrew the power of time.

He knows that this is not only useless, but will continue to make the other party worse.

Once his whole body is assimilated by the power of time, the end will definitely not be so good.

Phew, fortunately my strength didn't make him stronger again, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Thinking of this, he turned into a white rainbow and left the place without the slightest hesitation.

Jiang Ye's sudden departure also confused Wang Mang a bit.

Hey, you said this person, he left without saying hello.

Wang Mang's mouth twitched suddenly when he saw the Dao Hungry Ghost who was still a little short of advanced level.

Damn, it's like this every time.

Wang Mang said that half of helping others, did not have children...

After he left, Wang Mang immediately found Wu Ya who was far away.

Seeing Wang Mang's appearance, Wu Ya hastily stepped forward and asked:

"Boy, are you okay?"

While speaking, he kept looking at it.

Wang Mang, who heard the words, said silently in his heart: He has been bombed many times.

"Not dead, but what happened to you two?"

"It was subdued by one move."

Hearing this, Wu Ya's face suddenly revealed a look of embarrassment.

Bitterness followed.

TMD, it's like I want to be suppressed by one blow.

He was a little speechless.

Although it was a fact that he was crushed, saying it so bluntly made him a little unsure of what to reply.

Seeing the silent Wu Ya, Wang Mang didn't continue to ask questions.

Immediately he picked up the dog.

"Damn, what's the matter?"

"I was so brave before, but I was knocked down with a single blow."

As soon as this remark came out, Gouzi immediately refused to accept it.

"If I can't beat me, can I do anything?"



Before it finished speaking, Wang Mang's lump had already landed on its head.

"Aww, why are you still doing it?!"

The dog kept thumping, but Wang Mang grabbed his neck, and everything was in vain.

"It's only been a long time to learn to talk back."

Wang Mang ravaged the dog expressionlessly.

After a while, Wang Mang, who put the dog down, also slowly said to Wu Ya:

"Come and try?"

Hearing this, the latter was also taken aback: "What?"

Wang Mang chuckled a few times, and said lightly:

"Of course it's strength. I want to see how strong I am now."

Wu Ya, after taking a deep look at Wang Mang, nodded in agreement.

To be honest, he was also curious about how strong the power Wang Mang used just now was.

Just being implicated turned out to be so difficult to resist.

What if it is face to face?

After finishing speaking, the two of them also went to the original battlefield for the first time.

Due to the destruction by Wang Mang and Jiang Ye, this area has not yet recovered.

There was no chaos around.

Seeing the two people fighting again, Gouzi couldn't help curling his lips.

The previous formidable enemy was repulsed by the master, but this Wu Ya foolishly agreed.

"Come on." Facing Wu Ya's solemn gaze, Wang Mang spoke first.

Hearing the words, Wu Ya took a deep breath, and suddenly a sharp look burst out from his eyes.

Wisps of blue flames spread out from his body.

The blazing high temperature began to distort the surroundings.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's face showed a touch of excitement.

I was in a panic when facing this Qingyan before, so what will happen to the ending this time?

Avenue Hungry Ghost!

Following Wang Mang's low voice, a vortex suddenly appeared in front of him.

The phantom shadow of a hungry ghost reveals an ominous atmosphere.

A huge traction came from the vortex in front of him.

Qing Yan, who was around Wu Ya, was instantly dragged and drifted straight towards Wang Mang.

The other side of the vortex seems to be a bottomless abyss, no matter how much power it absorbs, there is no limit.

During this period, Wang Mang took a little look at the advanced progress of the Dao Hungry Ghost.

Although it is also growing, the speed is countless times slower than before.

Tsk... Wang Mang was a little disappointed.

It seems that the speed of advanced progress is inseparable from the level and strength of swallowing power.

Feeling Wang Mang's invisible sense of oppression, Wu Ya swallowed involuntarily.

Although I saw his brave posture when I was in the distance before.

But only when you face this power directly, can you feel its horror intuitively.

Looking at Qing Yan who has already disconnected, he probably understands why the previous strong man escaped undefeated.

Facing such power, who can not have a headache.

Furthermore, the resilience of this kid's physical body is also unique.

The kind that can't be killed at all.

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