After feeling the terrifying and boundless pulling force, the fighting spirit on Wu Ya's face disappeared without a trace.

I am no longer this kid's opponent.

Although it is difficult to adapt for a while, it is the truth.

When one's own strength is faced with this pulling force, at the limit, I am afraid that the only thing he can do is not to be sucked.

It has to go all out to stabilize the strength.

The speed of this growth...

After a few words of emotion in his heart, Wu Ya raised his hand and surrendered.

"I surrender."

Wang Mang, who was in the center of the vortex, was taken aback for a moment when he saw Wu Ya who was so straightforward.

Immediately, he had no choice but to withdraw his Devouring Dao Yun.

"Why, you can't do it before you start?" Wang Mang teased Wu Ya jokingly.

Hearing this, the latter laughed a few times indifferently, and put his arm around Wang Mang's shoulder.

"You kid is fine, now it seems that you have to cover me in the future."

This seemingly joking sentence also revealed the truth about the future of the three.

Seeing Wu Ya with a smile on his face, Wang Mang was startled, and replied seriously: "Of course."

"By the way, I want to ask, can the creatures of the second ring universe survive in the chaos forever?"

Wang Mang's sudden question made Wu Ya silent for a moment.

After thinking for a while, he gave a reply:

"Actually, I can't say for sure."

"This chaos is essentially a place of nothingness with chaotic turbidity spreading everywhere."

"It's just because the chaotic turbidity cuts off most of the Dao power, which makes this place special."

Hearing this, Wang Mang frowned and asked:

"When I first came here, wasn't I also in the Eternal Realm?"

"it should be no problem?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Ya couldn't help being speechless for a while.

Although it is true to say so, you cannot be a candidate for reference! !

After all, not everyone is as special as you.

You must know that for weak people, this chaotic turbidity will pollute the soul.

If one is not paying attention, he may lose himself and become a beast.

Thinking of this, he hastily added:

"No, for people in the second-ring universe, this chaotic turbidity is not insignificant."

"A few of your partners, including one in the Immortal Realm, don't accidentally kill them."

The corner of Wang Mang's mouth twitched, and he asked curiously, "How do you know this?"

Wu Ya didn't know, so he glanced at Wang Mang and reminded:

"The second ring universe, Gu Huanxing."

"My primordial spirit is still in your space kit, so you can perceive it naturally."

Hearing what he said, Wang Mang remembered.

Immediately, he also asked a question that he had been curious about for a long time:

"By the way, have you absorbed the source you got from before?"

It's not that he covets it, but Wang Mang is a little curious that Wu Ya didn't devour it, and how his strength has improved.

Also, that thing is really valuable.

The Jiang Ye I met before was too strong, and I couldn't take it down by myself.

Once you encounter other pseudo-eighth-orders in the future, you must not miss them.

Wu Ya didn't think too much about Wang Mang's question, and said truthfully:

"The absorption is over. After all, it has been sealed for so long, and its strength has been stagnant."

"If you don't absorb it, you will only stretch your hips even more than now."

Wang Mang nodded and asked the last question:

"Pseudo-eighth order can become stronger by devouring the origin of the same kind, so what will it look like after reaching the extreme?"

"Eighth step?"

Needless to say, this question was difficult for him.

"Did it reach the end?" Wu Ya murmured thoughtfully, his eyes somewhat reminiscent.

After a while, he also shook his head and replied:

"No one knows this, after all, no one has reached the limit of this road."

There was some trance in his expression.

Judging by his appearance, it was obvious that he still had something to say.

Wang Mang nodded, and said softly, "Really."

Then he looked away.

The next moment, a space ripple appeared impressively.

Gouzi also fell from it.

Wuya's sharp eyes and hands quickly grabbed this guy who was thumping in the air.

At this time, Wang Mang also looked up at Gouzi.

Then he looked back again.

"Now I need a lot of Chaos Beasts."

"Let's act, you two."

As soon as these words came out, Gou Zi and Wu Ya also stopped fighting.

After looking at each other, the two guys also said together:



Wang Mang nodded and continued to add:

"By the way, if you encounter other false eighth-orders, please notify me as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, two wisps of Devouring Dao Yun attached to their bodies.

"If there are any necessary things, wipe them out as soon as possible, and I will come as quickly as possible."

"And they will show me where I am."

"This time, we will carry out massacres on a large scale."

Wang Mang stared at the pupils of the two, and said expressionlessly.

"Then let's start now."

As soon as the words fell, they nodded and immediately disappeared from Wang Mang's sight.

After they all left completely, Wang Mang also left and came to a place full of chaos and turbidity.

It is very far away from the place where the previous battle was fought, and the impact is minimal.

"That's right, let's start!" Wang Mang's pupils froze, and the Devouring Dao Yun crazily gushed out of his body.

Avenue Hungry Ghost!

After the voice in his heart fell, the phantom of the hungry ghost suddenly stood up.

Obscure and incomprehensible murmurs filled the area.

The chaotic turbidity that was still wandering and spreading in disorder suddenly stopped for a moment!

The next moment, as if being pulled by something, they all gathered towards Wang Mang's position.

The traction force like a quagmire continued to spread towards the surroundings until it spread far away.

All the substances in this area seemed to be covered by the Taotao river, moving towards Wang Mang's position uncontrollably.

The closer you get, the harder it is to extricate yourself.

The terrifying traction seems to be the force of irreversible rules, and nothing can be resisted.

Some chaotic beasts who were in a state of confusion also sensed this strangeness, and kept roaring and wriggling their bodies.

But in such a gravitational field, their roars cannot escape the result of being distorted.

Some larger chaotic beasts do have the power to resist, but the result of doing so is that the body is torn apart and directly loses the qualification to resist.

On the contrary, it accelerated the speed of drifting towards the center of the abyss.

After a while, countless body-hardening brilliance flew towards Wang Mang.

As for the incomplete Chaos Beast that still retains a trace of vitality, it has not yet appeared in Wang Mang's sight due to its size and weight.

As for the spiritual radiation that comes with the Chaos Beast, it still cannot escape the fate of being devoured and absorbed.

During this period, body quenching brilliance poured into Wang Mang's body one after another.

This also greatly accelerated the advancement of Wang Mang's body to the pseudo-eighth level.

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