At this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on Wang Mang's face.

"There is a prey hooked!"

The corner of his mouth lifted into a weird smile.

Then the pitch-black devouring dao rhyme completely covered the surrounding area.


At this time, it is far within the limit covered by the gravitational force released by Devouring Dao Yun.

A fake eighth-rank burly man with a shirtless upper body also looked at the chaotic turbid air constantly drifting towards a place with incomparable differences.


Looking at the strange turbid air, he thought to himself:

Could it be that there is a Chaos Beast Emperor in that place?

It is probably right that it can absorb chaotic turbidity and cause such a huge abnormality.

With my current physical strength, can I hunt it down?

Dazed in a daze, he was a little entangled in the thin chaos of chaos.

Originally, in today's business, I wanted to find a stronger Chaos Beast to practice.

However, my luck has not been very good.

After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, he became ruthless and flew directly into the gravitational field.

Damn it, guys!

The closer he got to the direction where the chaotic turbidity was rushing, the more he could feel that his body gradually seemed to be a little out of control.

But it's okay now, as long as you exert a little force, you can break free.

"Grandma, does this Chaos Beast Emperor still have a domain?"

"Looking at the speed at which this chaotic turbidity is surging, you must have 800 mouths to inhale like this."

"It's really not possible, just run away if you knock down the wound."

For the Chaos Beast Emperor, who has not yet faced him, he still has some drums in his heart.


At this time, Wang Mang, who was in the package of Devouring Dao Yun, felt a little excited when he sensed the prey that was getting closer.

He has already slowed down the increase in phagocytosis, for fear of being discovered in advance.

After a while, the prey entered the dangerous range.

Wang Mang chuckled a few times, and directly turned on all the blessings of the devouring power of the Dao Hungry Ghost.

In an instant, the surrounding gravitational force increased sharply, instantly turning a hundred miles around into an intensified gravitational field.

The terrifying traction like an abyss spread out from the vortex.

At this moment, the big naked man, who was still a few miles away, suddenly found that the traction force acting on his body increased.

"Something's wrong!" Noticing the strangeness, his face changed drastically after he let out a low heh.

Just when he took some action and was about to escape, he realized that his actions had already been greatly affected.

He mobilized all his strength to try to break free, but the price was the piercing feeling of tearing from his body.

Even with all his tendons, he couldn't resist such involvement.

If he insists on going his own way, there won't be too many parts left on his body until he escapes.

Losing this pseudo-eighth-level body is no different from death in this chaotic world.

The almost fatal situation made his nerves tense, and he kept thinking of ways in his mind.

But the faint murmur kept disturbing his thoughts, making it almost impossible for him to think deeply.

At this time, he had to endure great pain just to keep his body standing in place.

As time went by bit by bit, that traction continued to increase.

That's right, Wang Mang is quickly approaching his position.

The closer the distance, the higher the quality of the gravitational field.

After a while, the two met.

But at this time, Wang Mang's whole body was completely wrapped in the Devouring Dao Yun, and the surroundings were dark and deep.

Even the power of perception can't get close to it and is swallowed up.

"What the hell?" The naked man subconsciously swears when he saw the darkness.

The next moment he shook his head violently.

Damn it, that murmur was getting louder.

He had to use strength to wrap the soul, but he could still hear it so vaguely.

Gradually bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes.

Wang Mang, who was devouring Daoyun, looked at the big man in front of him, and couldn't help thinking.

If he directly uses the Devouring Dao Yun under the blessing of Dao Hungry Ghost to absorb it, then he probably will turn it into the energy nutrients needed for advanced supernatural powers.

However, the origin of the pseudo-eighth order is still very valuable.

One tenth is one trillion Dao crystals.

It feels too extravagant to directly take all of them to be absorbed by Dao Hungry Ghosts.

After a while, Wang Mang had a plan in his mind.

It is better to swallow two for one person.

Take half of the origin and exchange it for Dao Crystal, and use the other half to advance the supernatural powers of Dao Hungry Ghost.

Just do what you say, and in an instant, the Devouring Dao Rhyme covering him is like a tide flowing back, sinking into his body one after another.

Following Wang Mang's appearance, the naked man immediately realized that there was actually another person inside.

In an instant, his mood sank to the bottom.

It seems that I have encountered the rumored gangster.

Not only a lot of information flooded into his mind, but he also greeted Wang Mang:

"Fellow Daoist, I don't know if there is something to do with me?"

While speaking, the power in his body began to surge.

Hearing the words, Wang Mang smiled lightly, his eyes were like deep Tan without any emotion, and he just looked at him directly.

His silence made the atmosphere dull.

The big naked man also stared at him closely, guarding against Wang Mang's every move.

After a while, Wang Mang suddenly said:

"There is indeed one thing that needs your help."

"Meeting is fate, fellow daoists won't reject me?"

As soon as these words came out, the naked man swallowed faintly.

Some tremblingly asked:


After Wang Mang heheed a few times, a murderous intent suddenly shot out from his eyes!

"Lend me your origin!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang's figure flashed, and he punched him in the face.

I don't know when to start, but Wang Mang likes to start with slapping his face first.

After all, this is definitely the best way to fluctuate the other party's emotions.

As for why you want to do this?

Wang Mang said that he just likes to see that others can't kill him and still look dissatisfied.

A punch landed, but was blocked by the big man who had been prepared for a long time with a wave of his elbow.

In an instant, a distance spread across Wang Mang's whole body, causing him to be shocked.

boom! A muffled sound sounded, and Wang Mang immediately stepped back a few steps.

But compared to Jiang Ye who exploded his arms at every turn, that's it.

Anyway, I can't die, so it doesn't matter.

After fighting the big man so happily for a while, Wang Mang was also repulsed again.

I have to say that although this guy is not as strong as Jiang Ye, he still crushes him in mere hand-to-hand combat.

The big naked man on the other side was also a little surprised.

Why do you always feel that the other party is a little weak?

The black power that the other party used just now is really weird.

But if you take advantage of the other party's inattention, you will kill him with one blow!

Are you safe?

While thinking like this, his eyes were also tightly locked on Wang Mang.

Looking for opportunities.

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