I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2031 The old man with a broken arm who came out of retreat!

At this moment, a pseudo-eighth-ranked powerhouse said jokingly:

"Originally, there were still some chances, but why did you want to die and step directly into the center of the formation?"

"I don't know what supports you to be so unscrupulous."

While speaking, he turned his eyes to Wu Ya again.

"Qingyan Vulcan? I heard of you when I first entered here."

"Now it seems that he is just a simple-minded reckless man."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and activated the formation at the feet of Wang Mang and others.

In an instant, a Xiaosha's aura immediately enveloped several people.

Dao after shadow of light flickered around Wang Mang.

At this time, Wang Mang did not wrap himself with Devouring Dao Yun.

Just standing in the center of the formation in a daze.

With the passage of time, the energy of the formation that was not obvious before is now extremely dazzling.

The kind that can burn people's pupils just by looking at it.

Wang Mang, who was in the middle, couldn't see the scene outside at all.

The two pseudo-eighth ranks also disappeared from his sight.

Surrounded by this force, Wang Mang had no intact parts all over his body.

Although his resilience is strong, the strangling speed of this formation is not slow at all.

If the two false eighth-orders outside saw the scene here, they would definitely be shocked.

Someone can use their body to forcibly resist the power of the formation!

This is a formation specially arranged to kill other fake eighth ranks!

After half a stick of incense time passed, the two fake eighth-orders outside the formation chatted:

"This time it's a bumper harvest."

"Not only is there a fake eighth-ranker, but there is also a spiritual pet of the same level!"

Hearing this, another person beside him answered with a regretful expression:

"Hey, a pseudo-eighth-level spiritual pet is a rarity no matter where it is placed."

"Unfortunately, unfortunately..."

While the two were chatting, the door of the room behind them was also pushed open.

An old man with a broken arm walked out of it.

After noticing the movement behind them, the two turned around at the same time.

After seeing the old man with a face full of gloom, they all thumped in their hearts.

"Friend Daoist Yi, your injury..."

Facing the eyes of the two, the freckled old man snorted coldly, and stared at the various parts that had become a gap without emotion.

"This hand is useless. The power of that dead dog is a bit weird. When the old man wiped it out, he missed the time to connect the broken arm.\

,"After finishing speaking, he let out a foul breath.

His time passed the two people in front of him, and looked at the formation behind them in operation.

"This is?"

Looking at the puzzled old man, the two fake eighth-rankers smiled at each other and said together:

"Yi Daoyou, do you want a dog or not?"

"Haha, the dog you met before is in this formation."

The old man with freckles has more than nothing in his eyes, huh? With a sound.

"That wicked beast brought people to the door?"

Hearing this, a fake eighth-order cheerfully responded:

"That's exactly the case, and Qingyan Vulcan was also brought in."

When he heard Qingyan Vulcan, the four words, the pupils of the old man with freckles suddenly shrank.

Some voices said: "Is this really true??"

Another fake eighth-order smiled and said, "Naturally it's true."

As soon as these words came out, the old man with freckles trembled all over.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Then he said three good things in succession.

Immediately, he spared the two of them and looked into the formation.

Seeing him so excited, the two false eighth-rankers behind him couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Then he walked to the side of the old man.

"Friend Daoist Yi, this formation is still in operation, what can you see?"


After hearing what the two said, the old man with freckles also calmed down his excited heart.

Then slowly opened the mouth and said:

"I lost my temper."

"However, there are only two origins of the pseudo-eighth order, how should we divide them?"

As soon as these words came out, the two fake eighth ranks beside him immediately looked at each other.

The next moment, one of them answered with a smile and said:

"Speaking of which, they were delivered directly to us."

"Since you didn't do much, how about the big one to heal Yi Daoyou?"

Hearing this, a look of joy flashed in the eyes of the freckled old man, but he still said with a straight face:

"Although that's what I said, but the formation was initiated by you, and the old man was in retreat the whole time. Wouldn't that be too good?"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the two false eighth-orders beside him suddenly became a little strange.

But on the surface, he still said cheerfully:

"What are you talking about? I think when we first came to Chaos Realm, we still relied on your old care."

"Yeah, now that senior is injured, we naturally won't be stingy with this little thing."

After getting the affirmation of the two, the face of the old man with freckles suddenly softened.

Then, with a smile on his face, he said:

"Okay! Old man, I really didn't see the wrong person back then."

"Little Mo, the old man suddenly remembered the Chaos Contract you mentioned to me before. He seemed to have collected a few copies when he was practicing in other places in the Chaos Realm."

Hearing this, the false eighth order on the right immediately became agitated.


Before he could finish speaking, the old man with freckles waved his hand and interrupted:

"No need to say much, after this incident, the old man will look for it."

The fake eighth-level suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said respectfully:

"Then thank you Senior Yi."

Now, even the title has changed from fellow daoist to senior.

At this time, the pseudo-eighth level on the left also looked ready to say something.

The old man who noticed his strangeness calmly said:

"You don't need to worry either."

After hearing this, what he was still talking about suddenly turned into gratitude: "Thank you, senior."

The old man with freckles stared at the formation in operation, his eyes were full of covetousness.

The origin of Qingyan Vulcan!

That is a strong man who has been well-known since he first entered the Chaos Realm.

When he absorbs his original source, his strength will definitely go up to a higher level.

With such expectations, it is also closely staring at the formation.


At this time, in the center of the formation.

Wang Mang raised his hand and was observing the speed of recovery from his injury.

The moment a scar appeared, it immediately healed, but the next moment the wound reappeared.

Repeatedly, the wound on his arm was always there in Wang Mang's sight.

After observing for a while, Wang Mang, who felt bored, also curled his lips and said:

"Forget it, they can't kill me anyway."

"Since this is the case, there is no need for this formation to exist."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang immediately said silently in his heart: Chaos Hungry Ghost!

As soon as the words fell, the Devouring Daoyun wrapped around Wuya and Gouzi suddenly erupted with a terrifying pulling force outward.

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