As if the traction force of the abyss appeared, it immediately stagnated the power of the surrounding formations.

The next moment, all these forces rushed towards Devouring Dao Yun.

The Devouring Dao Rhyme under the blessing of 2000% devouring power seems to have turned into a black hole at this moment, and no matter can escape the fate of being absorbed.

After only a few seconds passed, the formation that was still in operation fell apart.

The next moment, there was a loud cracking sound, and the formation completely disappeared from Wang Mang's sight.

At the same time, the three of them, who were still waiting outside the formation and had been refined to only bones, were also confused by the sudden scene.

Before they could think too much, the extremely terrifying traction came from the shattered formation.

It acts on their bodies in an instant.

Surprised, the three unanimously used their strength to prevent accidents.

But something happened that they didn't expect.

I saw that the power that was still surrounding them a second ago was uncontrollable in an instant, and rushed straight to the center of the formation!

Before there was any doubt, there was a burst of contempt from the center of the formation.

"Hehe, are you the old guy who bullies my dog?"

The three of them followed the source of the sound and looked towards the center of the formation.

Wang Mang stepped out slowly, with Wu Ya and Gou Zi beside him.

Forces at all levels are pulled by gravity, and they keep rushing towards the Devouring Dao Yun around Wang Mang and the two.

A very spectacular tide of power just floated around them.

Although it looks spectacular, for the power needed to advance to the Chaos Hungry Ghost, it is completely the difference between the stars and the bright moon.

This is why after casting the Chaos Hungry Ghost, the Devouring Dao Rhyme is like a black hole, constantly devouring the surrounding matter but never stopping.

This time, the power needed to advance to the level of a chaotic hungry ghost is not infinite, but it is only a little short.

After sizing up the progress of the next step, Wang Mang withdrew his gaze.

If this continues, even if it has been in a state of phagocytosis, it will take years and months to meet the advanced needs.

Looking at the three fake eighth-rankers again, Wang Mang said to the leader with a broken arm with a smile on his face:

"Ants trapped in the mud, what should you do next?"

At this time, the power of the three of them was continuously overflowing, rushing towards Devouring Dao Yun.

According to this progress, it is estimated that it will be drained in a short time.

The old man with a broken arm had a very ugly face. He has never encountered such a thing in the world of chaos for so long.

Your own strength will be out of control!

In fact, it is a bit of an exaggeration to say that it is out of control.

But if they don't use power to replace them, then what is pulled over is their own bodies.

Even the messenger of the end of time can hardly resist such a pulling force.

Let alone these three people.

After just half a stick of incense passed, they couldn't hold on any longer, and the power in their bodies was completely exhausted.

Staggering even more, he approached Wang Mang and the others.

Seeing the three people gradually drifting towards him, Wang Mang frowned.

The next moment, four vortices suddenly appeared and surrounded them.

The four vortices erupted with irresistible traction at the same time, constantly tearing their bodies apart.

Bursts of murmurs echoed around their primordial spirits, as if someone was whispering in their ears.

Gradually, the three lost their vitality.

Gouzi and Wuya beside Wang Mang couldn't help swallowing after seeing the whole process of the fall of the three of them.

This method of death is no less than five horses torn corpses.

After Wang Mang stopped casting the Chaos Hungry Ghost, the vortex that wrapped the wreckage of the three disappeared immediately.

As soon as he waved, the remnants of the three appeared in his hands.

Next, Wang Mang, who is familiar with the road, took out the three spines in a series of silky small combos.

He casually threw the remnants of the three of them aside.

At this moment, Wu Ya hastily opened his mouth to remind:

"Boy, their corpses are also a good one..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Devouring Dao Yun quietly gushing out from the three remnants, devouring them completely.

After Wang Mang glanced at Wu Ya, he threw the two fake eighth-level spines to Wu Ya and Gou Zi.

It was the old man's that he had left for himself.

"Go back and refine it."

"I don't want you to hold me back."

Hearing this, the corners of Wu Ya's mouth immediately turned up.

As for Gouzi, he was holding the bone in his mouth at this time, and the halazi had already flowed out involuntarily.

If Wang Mang hadn't said to wait to go back, he would have started on the spot.

After Wang Mang looked at the progress of the physical realm on the personal panel, he suddenly said:

"Wait, there is still one thing to finish before going back."

While speaking, Wang Mang also released the three people in the space kit.

Looking at the chaotic surroundings, the three people who appeared from the space kit were a little confused.

Did you escape successfully?

This was the only thought on the minds of the three of them.

As everyone knows, the truth is that Wang Mang never walked through from the beginning to the end.

It's just that the surrounding courtyard just now has been absorbed by the Devouring Dao Yun.

Looking at the group of people, Wang Mang was silent for a moment, then ordered:

"Gui Chen, you can follow Wu Ya to practice in the chaos."

Hearing this, Guichen Tianzun agreed without hesitation.

Then Wang Mang spoke again and said:

"Gouzi, is it okay for Wang You to leave it to you?"

At this time, Gouzi's eyes were full of bones, so he could still listen to Wang Mang's words.

Wang Mang, who didn't get a response for a long time, couldn't help kicking him.

Gouzi staggered, and the spine in his mouth almost fell off.

"Who! Who sneaked up on Grandpa Dog!"

Gouzi has a ferocious face, as if he is going to tear his sneak attacker apart in the next moment!

After seeing this scene, Wu Ya who was at the side couldn't help covering his eyes.

Sure enough, the next moment, a loud muffled sound sounded.


The dog flew upside down.

The next moment, a space ripple appeared, and Gouzi's figure fell out of it.

The moment it stabilized its body, an earnest smile appeared on its face.

"Hey, it turns out to be the wise and powerful master who shines forever!"

Wang Mang resisted the urge to give this guy another kick, and said angrily:

"You will take Wang You to practice later"

"is that OK?"

Hearing the words, the dog glanced at Wang You secretly, and immediately responded:

"No problem, no problem."

"Safety is a small matter, don't worry leave it to me."

Wang Mang nodded, waved his hand, and they were ready to go.

In an instant, the four of them disappeared in place.

Only Wang Mang and Shen Yuan Xuanming were left.

Looking at the dazed Abyss Xuanming, Wang Mang patted him on the shoulder.

"Xuan Ming, your road to leapfrog starts here."

Abyss Xuanming heard this, although he was a little puzzled, but he was still inexplicably excited.

"Can I find lost memories here?"

After Wang Mang thought for a while, he gave the answer:


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