Looking at the visitor, Wang Mang didn't have much emotion.

But Wu Ya beside him was not so calm.

The moment he saw the two of them, he invited with a smile on his face:

"The strength of the two is not bad, how about joining my forces?"

The moment he heard this, not only the two strong men from the Nine Heavens, but also Wang Mang couldn't stop his mouth from twitching.

These two people, Wang Mang, still had a one-sided relationship.

As for his identity, he must be the patriarch of a certain top power.

Wang Mang was shocked by Wu Ya's words if he really knew the identities of the two.

His status is at the top even in the second ring universe.

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help reminding:

"These two are probably the patriarchs of the top powers."

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Wu Ya's face froze immediately.

The next moment his face showed a serious expression.

A faint coldness flashed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, this kid has joined my power now, can you give me face, let's forget about the past."

Wu Ya said slowly, while releasing a little breath.

For a moment, the faces of the two patriarchs changed slightly, but they were not prepared to back down at all.

"Cultivation is not easy, now leave quickly and don't make mistakes."

"This kid has killed all the arrogance in our clan."

The moment he heard this, the corners of Wu Ya's eyes twitched.

This kid is too ruthless!

"Boy, how about one for each person?"

Wu Ya said without looking back.

"No problem." Wang Mang nodded, stretched out his hand to grasp it from the void, and the Heaven-Cut Sword appeared immediately.

The two patriarchs squinted their eyes, and ripples began to appear around their bodies.

"Two guys who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, dare to fight against me."

"Kill them!"

As soon as the words fell, the two acted decisively at Wang Mang together.

In an instant, Wu Ya made a move, and the invisible force rippled through the void, stopping one of them.

"Your opponent is me."


The other patriarch didn't hesitate after seeing his companion being stopped, and continued to kill Wang Mang.

Looking at a patriarch who attacked, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly glowed with scarlet light.

Immediately without hesitation, he waved his sword and greeted him.

The sharp sword light shattered the space in an instant, and roared to kill the patriarch.

The latter was not to be outdone, took out his magic weapon, and kept slashing at Wang Mang.

"Thief, you must die today!"

The meaning of Xiao Sha in the words is breathtaking!

Wang Mang, who was swinging his sword, laughed wildly when he heard this.

"Hahaha, you can give it a try!"

The magical weapons in the hands of the two were about to smoke, and the sound of clashing could be heard endlessly.

The prestige of the seventh-rank high-grade divine weapon spreads throughout the entire area.

In a short while, the two had exchanged hundreds of moves.


A muffled sound resounded, and Wang Mang, who had been hit by the divine soldier on the shoulder, backed away impressively.

The patriarch stood in mid-air, looking down at Wang Mang with a vague smile on his lips.

In the brief confrontation, the patriarch gained the upper hand.

Although there is Dao Yun all over his body to resist, Wang Mang still feels a surge of energy and blood.

The patriarch of the top power is well-deserved, and he is far from being able to compare with those regular ninth-layer powerhouses in the eternal realm.

Wang Mang took back the magic sword and took out another magic weapon.

Slaughter halberd!

Long time no see, old man!

Holding the massacre halberd, Wang Mang's heart was surging!

"It's my turn!" With Wang Mang's roar, the aura in his body suddenly soared wildly.

The five strands of dao rhyme are all directed towards the blessing of the slaughtering halberd.

I saw that Wang Mang waved his halberd at the patriarch from the air.

In an instant, the void collapsed, and a crescent moon seemed to have divine power, vowing to tear the enemy in front of it!

The patriarch's face changed slightly, and he immediately drove his whole body's Dao Yun towards the divine weapon in his hand to bless.


The oscillating sound soared into the sky, shaking for thousands of miles!

The continental plate on this side was wiped out by the terrifying power in an instant.

It shocked the creatures of the whole world!

"Huh, is it that strong now?"

The patriarch who wiped out Wang Mang's blow gasped heavily, his heart full of shock!

The kid who was killed so hard that he could only run away now has overtaken another car on a curve.

But things are not that simple...

The patriarch smiled again and said softly:

"It's a good seedling, but you still can't escape death today."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang appeared in front of him.

The massacre halberd carrying the power of destroying the world was slashing towards him at an extremely fast speed.


Wang Mang roared, and the massacre halberd in his hand shone brightly.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly saw the smile on the patriarch's face.

? ? ?

Not waiting for Wang Mang to be in the circle for a while, a bloody air wave burst out from the patriarch's body.

The extremely sublimated blood-colored Dao Yun easily withstood Wang Mang's shocking halberd!

"How is it possible?" Wang Mang's pupils shrank for a while.

At this moment, the patriarch with a smile on his face also whispered slowly:

"Secret technique, burning blood."

In an instant, a blood-colored dao rhyme that was stronger than before surged out, shocking Wang Mang back directly.

"Then what should you do with this move?" The patriarch smiled lightly, his gestures were relaxed and aggressive.

The void that slowly repaired itself around it was directly wiped out, and it was impossible to get close to it.

The blood-colored air wave was like a field, enveloping the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's expression finally changed.

It's just that from the surging fighting spirit just now to being expressionless.

"Does burning blood energy temporarily improve strength?"

Analyzing the opponent's moves, Wang Mang's emotionless voice reached the patriarch's ears.

For a moment, his brows were furrowed.

What kind of expression does this guy have? It looks really uncomfortable.

In an instant, the bloody Dao Yun rushed towards Wang Mang, as if to annihilate him.

"After a long time, you will naturally die."

Wang Mang said indifferently, and at the same time, the silver-white light became more and more bright around him.

The time dao rhyme glowed with the supreme characteristics of passage and retrospect, easily resisting the bloody blast.

"Hmph, soon you'll know if it's going to work."

The patriarch snorted coldly.

In an instant, the breath in the body soared, and the blood-colored air waves continued to spread towards the surroundings.

In a short while, the world was wrapped up.

How is this done? Wang Mang was puzzled.

But when there is blood rushing towards each other from time to time around him, he will understand.

Is it actually plundering the essence of blood energy in other people's bodies?

Wang Mang chuckled, and naturally he would not let him get what he wanted.

The next moment, Devouring Dao Yun is also frantically spreading towards the world.

Creatures of this world: Listen to me and thank you.


The two forces are constantly destroying the world, and the whole world is exhausted in a short while.

The patriarch without blood replenishment naturally had a gloomy face, but in the next moment, countless terrifying auras appeared in his perception.

A smile appeared on his face again.

"I said you will die today!"

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