Seeing this situation, the latter didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly urged Dao Yun to wrap his whole body up and down.

At the same time, he once again controlled a wave of Dao Yun to defend against the incoming attack.

At this time, it was on the side of Guichen Tianzun.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, he was sipping tea at this moment, his thoughts drifting far away.

At this time, he was thinking about how to win Wang Mang.

From the previous conversations, nothing useful was found.

Speaking of this guy, although his reputation is not very good, he is also well-known in the second ring universe.

This is the time when people are most likely to drift, and this guy is still so cautious.

It really is extraordinary.

But this is a bit difficult to do.

Could it be true that he was allowed to leave safely like this?

Thinking of the tribal area where Wang Mang was before, Guichen Tianzun couldn't help but dignify.

The things under that area can be incredible.

I have worked so hard to plan for so many years, once the news is leaked, the years of hard work will be ruined.

As soon as he thought about it, his eyes became ruthless, Dao rhyme surged all over his body, and he rushed towards Tianshu beside him.

If Wang Mang hadn't passed out at this time, he would definitely have discovered this situation.

The space has been slowly reinforced, and it is gradually becoming blocked.

Wang You and Wang Yu, who are not proficient in the way of space, can hardly detect this strangeness at all.

Before you know it, the space of this time is blocked.

Outsiders can't get in by using the teleportation altar, and people inside can't get out either.

The two attendants were still chatting at this time, but they didn't find anything at all.

The natives in this world, except Guichen Tianzun, have not noticed it.

It is not difficult for the Lord of Time to do all of this secretly with the Heavenly Venerable Guichen who is already at the ceiling level of himself.

The will of the world is still in a deep sleep, and Tianzun Guichen's control over the world will reach its peak.

Just like that, two months passed.

With the passage of time, Wang Mang in the cave has undergone a shocking transformation.

The most obvious thing is that four corresponding light clusters were born around it.

Corresponding to several supreme avenues.

On the position of his forehead, a mark of a six-pointed star suddenly appeared.

Among them, the four corners already reveal the brilliance corresponding to the Supreme Avenue.

It's just that Wang Mang's eyes are still closed at this time.

However, the terrifying aura rippling out of his body from time to time already indicated that he was about to wake up.

In the cave at this time, from time to time, auras of various colors are glowing.

The surging energy that was about to materialize continuously rippled out from Wang Mang's body.

Together with the previously arranged enchantment, it was also crumbling by the impact of this majestic energy.

You must know that the enchantment arranged by Wang Mang is unbreakable below the sixth heaven of the Eternal Realm.

It would take a lot of time even for the sixth heaven to resolve the mystery.

With Wang You and Wang Li guarding it, it is almost impossible to break it.

At this moment, a tide of majestic to the extreme surged madly from Wang Mang's body.

The rolling rhyme is like a galaxy, tearing apart several barriers outside the cave in an instant.

The terrifying movement caused the vision of heaven and earth to fall in an instant.

The will of the world, which was in a deep sleep, also woke up in an instant.

This terrifying movement also caught the attention of Tianzun Guichen in an instant.

Even though this place can shield perception, people are not blind.

The super beam of light that runs through the sky can be seen by everyone.

With just a breath, he disappeared in place.

At this time, the two attendants who were shaken away by this majestic force also looked at each other in shock.

Such a big movement? !

The two looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

The next moment, the figure of Guichen Tianzun appeared in the line of sight of the two of them.

The nerves of the two who were still surprised suddenly tensed up.

It came to him in an instant.

Seeing the two of them, Tianzun Guichen raised his eyelids, and looked straight at where Wang Mang was.

He frowned, he couldn't see anything clearly, all he could see was a dazzling light.

Such a majestic power, even when I broke through the eternal realm, I never had it, right?

Could it be Wang Mang in here?

He looked at the two suspiciously, and probably had an answer in his heart.

Not surprisingly.

At this moment, Peng Bai's power had surged to the extreme.

The torrential wind and waves combined with the terrifying power of the abyss and the sea leveled several surrounding peaks in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Tianzun Guichen couldn't calm down anymore.

Hastily tended to the power of his avenue to cover a radius of ten miles.

This prevents the place from completely collapsing.

All of a sudden, those forces that were surging around began to backtrack crazily.

It completely flowed back towards Wang Mang's body.

The next moment, the sound of a shackle breaking sounded.

Wang Mang also completely woke up.

As his pupils opened, his eyes seemed to penetrate through the ages, revealing an incomparable divine light.

In an instant, the three people present felt being watched by a terrifying creature.

This feeling is like being targeted by a scourge.

It is frightening from the deepest part of the soul.

At this time, Guichen Tianzun felt his scalp tingling.

The Wang Mang two months ago gave him only a sense of mystery.

It's different now, in such a short period of time, his senses brought by the latter have been turned upside down.

The opponent may already have the strength to compare with himself.

Wanting this, Guichen Tianzun couldn't help swallowing subconsciously.

On Wang Mang's side.

He looked at his mission information, squeezed his fist, and smiled on his face: "I'm already invincible."

The next moment he suddenly appeared beside Guichen Tianzun.

The latter was terrified and quickly moved away.

Regarding his actions, Wang Mang's eyes did not fluctuate in any way.

After feeling the surrounding space, Wang Mang smiled lightly and said:

"Oh? Have you blocked the space yet?"

"What does Tianzun mean by this?"

The moment he heard the words, Returning to the Dust Heavenly Venerable also caused Mo Min's panic.

"Hahaha, my friend was joking, aren't you afraid that outsiders will disturb the pleasure of playing?"

"You don't blame the old man for making good claims, do you?"

Hearing this, even Wang Mang, who is extremely calm now, can't help feeling that the old guy's face is really thick.

Wang Mang didn't say much, and the spatial dao rhyme seemed to block Guichen Tianzun's surroundings in an instant.

The latter's reaction was not slow either. On the surface, he still asked Wang Mang with a smile on his face, and Dao Yun surged out of his body, shaking the space Dao Yun away.

Wang Mang was not surprised at all. He is also in the realm of the ninth heaven of the eternal realm, so how could it be so easy to solve.

But still the same sentence, he is almost invincible.

No, it is invincible in the second ring universe.

Several strands of supreme dao rhyme, like a vortex, are intertwined with each other

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