With the three people's constant persuasion, Jiang Ye's anger gradually calmed down.

Considering that everyone is not easy, and Wang Mang can't be dealt with by himself alone, he decided to cooperate with these three people.

Immediately after he snorted coldly, he revealed all the details of the previous battle with Wang Mang.

Listening to his description, the three of them were amazed.

After Jiang Ye finished describing, they looked at the former in disbelief and asked:

"Is this true?"

"An ant actually has such strength!"


Facing the questions from the three of them, Jiang Ye chuckled a few times in disdain.

"If it weren't for this, I would have taken it down and sacrificed it to the Creation God."

"Are you still here to argue with you?"

He looked down upon the three of them, his tone full of disdain.

It can be seen that he really disdains three people.

As the messenger of the end of time, with the power of time, he is completely able to achieve foresight, thereby widening the gap with everyone.

A few people had argued with him about this before.

But he dismissed it, anyway, he got the benefit.

But now, forced by the situation, he can only condescend to cooperate with these idiots he despises.

To Jiang Ye's gesture, the few people didn't have much reaction.

You need to get used to it.

After all, other people's domain gates can be directly opened to all.

And the few people on my side are only three times at most.

If you are not good at doing things, the Supreme God will naturally not give you strength.

That's why they were so anxious to find Ye.

In the past, if the credit was robbed, it would be robbed.

But this time is different, the supreme god has clearly given instructions, if you win the target, you can get all the power of the domain gate.

Who is not excited about this!

Thinking of this, one of the three said to Jiang Ye cheekily:

"Brother, although you became an envoy later than us, you are definitely the best among us in terms of efficiency in handling things."

"You must have obtained all the power of the domain gate. This time, I owe you a favor. Can you..."

When he made such a statement, the two people around him also said:

"Ahem, brother, as long as it is useful, you can just say it in the future."

"Everyone is a family."

Looking at the three people's flattering faces, Jiang Ye's eyes faintly flashed with disgust.

Not enough, he said calmly on the surface:

"Hehe, the three fellow daoists are joking, since you all said so, how can I not have the beauty of an adult?"

As he said this, there were bursts of ridicule in his heart.

Three idiots, after so long, they are still thinking about the power of the domain gate.

Jiang Ye spoke again without changing his expression:

"Three, do you know any news about the Domain Gate from the Supreme God?"

After hearing his words, all three of them were taken aback.

After looking at each other a few times, they all spoke.


"We haven't even fully grasped the Domain Gate, so we don't have the time to think about it."

"Does my brother know something?"


After quickly looking at the expressions of the three of them for a moment, Jiang Ye had the answer in his heart.

"It's nothing, it's just that I have already mastered all the power of the domain gate, and I want to see what you have differently."

Hearing his words, the three of them laughed at themselves.

Yes, he has won the favor of the supreme god early on, and has mastered all the power of the domain gate.

But they have been standing still.

"My brother was joking. Comparing us to you isn't the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue."

"After what happened this time, I still have to rely on you, brother, to help me solve my doubts on the road of cultivation."


Hearing the three people's compliments, Jiang Ye naturally wouldn't take them to heart.

However, there was a little weirdness in the eyes looking at the three of them.

If they knew the power of their thoughts, it would be a reminder that could be triggered at any time, what kind of performance would it be?

Huh, it's going to be fun.

Jiang Ye thought to himself.

He will definitely not inform the other envoys of this situation.

"Okay, everyone, after hearing my news, do you have any plans?"

After Jiang Ye coughed a few times, he asked the three of them solemnly.

He was also curious about what the three of them thought after receiving the information he provided.

Facing Jiang Ye's question, the three of them looked at each other in unison.

One of them scratched his head:

"Uh, do you need any other plans, the four of us will fight together, is there anything we can't win in the Chaos Realm?"

Hehe, he really is a simple-minded guy.

Jiang Ye thought contemptuously in his heart.

Then he turned his attention to the other two.

The first person to answer seemed to be aware of Jiang Ye's dissatisfaction, and looked at the two people beside him in a daze.

At this time, the envoy on his right spoke:

"According to what you described, even the highest power cannot escape being swallowed, so the only place where you can attack is the flesh."

"Although his resilience is incomprehensible, it's still not enough for the four of us to suppress it at the same time, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ye raised his eyebrows, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Thoughtfully murmured:

"That's right, my time power alone is not enough to suppress that weird resilience."

"But what about four people?"

Having said this, he couldn't help thinking.

After a while, Jiang Ye said with some uncertainty:

"The power of the four envoys is indeed powerful, but they may not be able to completely suppress that kid."

"That kind of resilience is definitely beyond the normal range, and may even reach the regular level."

"No matter what kind of damage you receive, you can recover immediately."

"Even if the four of us suppress it at the same time, it will be very successful, not to mention the power that can swallow any material."

"The combination of the two is definitely not as simple as one plus one."

Having said this, Jiang Ye seemed to remember something, and added again:

"By the way, the weird power of that kid's devouring seems to increase with the power of devouring."

"Before, I didn't know these things, so I raised him up little by little."

His eyes were full of gloom.

After listening to his series of supplementary descriptions, the hearts of the three envoys suddenly thumped.

Grandma, are you sure this is not a certain angel?

Originally, listening to Jiang Ye's previous description, the three of them almost all asked the four of them to take action at the same time, and it was almost certain to win.

Although the kid repelled Jiang Ye, it was just repelling him.

Besides, even if he was a little stronger than Jiang Ye, so what?

There are still three angels on my side.

But now after listening to his supplement, the three of them were a little undecided.

Immortal resilience, suppressing the power to devour everything, now there is still a power that can grow with the devoured matter!

Nima, what a joke!

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