Wang Mang's ridicule spread throughout the battlefield!

The Taoist priests around all swallowed hard, and cold sweat oozes from their foreheads unknowingly.

In the face of so many people's magical bombardment, there is no injury at all?

Is this still human? ?

Facing everyone's shocking eyes, Wang Mang whispered with a chuckle:

"The activity is almost done."

While speaking, Wang Mang squinted at the teleportation altar.

"I'll leave these people to you." Wang Mang's voice transmission echoed in the minds of the three at the same time.

The pupils of the three who heard this suddenly burst into bursts of light!

Swish... Swish!

The figures of the three turned into afterimages and suddenly came to Wang Mang's side.

After seeing this scene, the faces of those Taoist priests became even uglier.

One person is already tricky enough, I didn't expect to have a helper!

The Taoist priest who asked about Wang Mang's intention to come also chose to leave here as quickly as possible without hesitation.

The strange thing is that other people turned a blind eye to his escape, but all stared at Wang Mang's direction.

"Have you gone to rescue soldiers?" Wang Mang squinted his eyes, but the majestic Dao Yun that was ready to go out in his body did not burst out after all.

"I leave it to you."

As soon as the words fell, the three of them rushed to kill the group of Taoist priests like a runaway horse.


At this time, at the highest point of a tower with twelve floors.

An old man listened to the anxious report of the visitor with a calm face.

"Old Ancestor, a foreign strongman has come, and he is plundering and killing the people in Xuanbei!"


There are a lot of stupefied people talking here without stopping.

In the end, everything turned into one sentence: "Old Ancestor, think of a way!"

This person is the Taoist priest who escaped from the battlefield and came back to spread the word.

Seeing the panic on the latter's face, the white-haired old man whom he called the ancestor just gave him a faint glance.

"Has our world been attacked less often these years?"

"Compared to these intruders, the evil spirits suppressed behind the old man are the real terror."

"You take this and wake them up when necessary."

After finishing speaking, a jade pendant floated from the old man's body to the young Taoist priest.

"Go, don't bother me with such small things in the future."

"It's been getting more and more restless lately... Sigh."

Hearing the words, the young Taoist priest wanted to say something but finally swallowed it back.


At this time, the line of sight returned to the battlefield on Wang Mang's side.

With the massacre of the three, the entire battlefield has been infected by a pungent blood.

The two other than Abyss Xuanming were basically killing randomly.

A person with a strong realm has already reached the peak of the second ring.

The other has unmatched speed, and the sword in his hand is sharp.

In comparison, Abyss Xuanming seemed much weaker.

The strength of the Immortal Realm is still somewhat behind.

As time went by, more and more corpses piled up on the battlefield.

Under Wang Mang's instruction, the two also intentionally preserved the integrity of the corpse.

Compared with the original number of Taoist priests at this time, less than 20% remained.

Wang Mang, who had been watching the battle from behind, also sensed the escaped Taoist priest.

"Has a person come back?"

"Hehe, interesting."


With the return of the young Taoist priest, the Taoist priests who were killed and collapsed miraculously stabilized their turbulent hearts.

All of them gathered towards him as if they had found a backbone.

Seeing this scene, both Wang You and Guichen Tianzun frowned at the same time.

Before a few people could make a move, the returning young Taoist priest preemptively said in a very cold tone:

"Aren't you afraid of being liquidated for killing a few people?"

As soon as these words came out, don't really say anything, Wang You and the other three were all stunned.

Of course, he was a little baffled by the actions of this young Taoist priest?

When did the strong kill the weak and need to care so much?

"Hehe junior, what makes you have such confidence?"

Guichen Tianzun asked curiously.

While speaking, ripples began to ripple around his body.

The faint smile on his face made these Taoist priests feel chills.

The emotions of the people around him are naturally clearly perceived by the young Taoist priest.

He took a deep breath and took the jade pendant he got in his hand.

"In that case, let's leave them all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he ruthlessly squeezed the jade pendant in his hand.

In an instant, ten gray-brown streamers shot out from the shattered jade pendant, flying straight towards the sky.


Deafening thunder roared, and a terrifying vortex appeared above the sky!

The next moment, ten black coffins exploded from the sky.

Bang... bang... bang!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang, who was behind the three of them, also slowly came to the front of them.

Sensing the coffins standing upright on the ground, Wang Mang murmured calmly:

"A little ominous?"

"The smell of bad taste dominates the main theme."

As the coffin board fell, the scene inside also appeared in everyone's sight.

Inside the coffin are people in different costumes.

But their skin, without exception, is pale.

The slender and pitch-black nails combined with the smell of decay all showed that they had already left the category of human beings.

The next moment, ten people opened their eyes at the same time.

"Huh? It's been less than ten years since the last call??"

"Whose descendant are you?"


The few beings who came out of the coffin also cared about the surrounding situation, and questioned the young Taoist priest quite dissatisfied.

Faced with the questioning of the ancestors, the pressure of the young Taoist priest doubled in an instant.

"Seniors, this boy is the thirty-generation descendant of the Taoist ancestor of Tianzhi."

"I'm sorry for disturbing the seniors."

"But now please take action to maintain the safety of the Daomen."

After hearing his words, the faces of those who came out of the coffin looked better.

The top ten Taoist ancestors also turned their attention to Wang Mang.

When they realized that they couldn't see through the person in front of them, the faces of the ten Taoist ancestors all became solemn.

"It seems that this time there is a formidable opponent."

"Hmph, I hope that old thing has already prepared the sacrifice."

"Generation guards are not only unable to spend their old age in peace, they cannot even live in peace after death."

"It's useless to talk too much, let's work together to kill this person first."


In an instant, ten figures rushed towards Wang Mang at the same time.

The powerful and corrupt Dao Yun fluctuations occupied this space in an instant.

Facing the attack of ten people, Wang Mang said disdainfully: "The dead should stay in the soil, what's the matter with running out?"

As soon as the words fell, the ten people were surrounded by the huge space Daoyun.

In just one breath, the ten people disappeared in front of Wang Mang.

However, there was an extremely violent vibration coming from the ground.

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