boom! boom! boom……

A few people broke free from the unknown depth of the ground in embarrassment and looked at Wang Mang with angry eyes.

After suffering such a big loss, the ten Taoist ancestors did not plan to try again.

The other party's unfathomable spatial attainments are enough to cause headaches.

In an instant, ten different Dao rhymes surged out from their bodies.

Obviously a few people are going to get serious.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang, who was still full of emotions, was also a little disappointed.

Now that several people are covered by Dao Yun, if Dao Yun forcibly transfers them using the space, the consumption will not be so large.

Of course, this is not what Wang Mang cares about, anyway, you can play with unlimited power.

However, Wang Mang had to pay attention to the powerful aura constantly emanating from the space kit.

"Can't wait anymore?"

"Then the fun is over."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang clapped his hands fiercely.

In an instant, an invisible breath spread out from his body.

At the same time, the space around Wang Mang also shook violently.

This action of his immediately shocked the hearts of the ten Taoist ancestors, and a fatal crisis filled their hearts.

Before the ten people could react, Wang Mang's right arm burst out with an incomparably bright light.

There are also invisible ripples on his left arm!


Following Wang Mang's unsalty words, the space within a radius of ten miles suddenly began to riot wildly!

The formless and formless space collided with the silver-white divine light, bursting out with the might of destroying the world.

The collision of the two supreme forces, just the aftermath of the eruption, is enough to shatter people below the Eternal Realm.

Let alone the ten Dao ancestors in the center of the outbreak.

Under Wang Mang's deliberate control, the surrounding space began to collapse with the power of time.

Chaotic and disorderly space, chaotic time power.

The two detonate each other, and the power is far more than one plus one!

"How is it possible!" A Taoist ancestor roared in disbelief with a terrified expression on his face!

Dao Yun around it surged wildly as if he didn't want money.

They who had already died together felt the breath of death again at this moment!

The ten people were already strangled by the turbulence of time and space at this moment.

If it wasn't for overloading Dao Yun to resist, then they might have been cold.

But even so, it couldn't be completely resisted.

At this moment, the turbulent flow of time and space is like a turbulent giant wave, and the few people are like small boats, which are in danger of being overturned at any time.

Finally, after a few breaths, a Dao ancestor was instantly swallowed by the violent turbulence of time and space because of the exhaustion of Dao rhyme.

In just one breath, the breath of the Taoist ancestor disappeared.

This scene also made other people look gloomy.


At this time, Wang Mang, who had ignored it, also withdrew his gaze.

After this blow, there is no need to think that these ten people will definitely not survive.

Although the correction of the world is constantly trying to repair this chaotic area, but his spreading space power can't stop swallowing Dao Yun at all.

The kind that swallows as much as you come.

This situation naturally attracted the attention of the World Will of this world.

But when it sensed the terrifying and boundless power in Wang Mang's body, it decisively chose Congxin.

Just kidding, that power can easily destroy this world.

Although I don't know the purpose of the other party, but as long as you don't come out until the last moment, you will be right.

What if you were to ask the will of the world what to do in its final moments.

The will of the world said what else to do, and it will be done in a good time.


After the turbulence of time and space subsided, everything became quiet.

Whether it is those Taoist priests or the ten Taoist ancestors, they have all returned to ashes.

"it's over."

Wang Mang whispered softly, looking at the original place with deep eyes.

For a moment, the eyes that had been hiding in the void met Wang Mang's.

At the same time, the pupils of the other side appeared in the minds of both of them.

It's just that the reactions of the two are completely different.

Wang Mang was still very calm, talking to himself with great interest:

"Is it another Nine Heavens?"


At this time, the highest point of the Town Demon Tower was thousands of miles away.

"Phew, such oppressive eyes!"

"The current juniors are just amazing."

The white-haired old man's tone was a little floating, and his faintly trembling arms revealed his current state of mind.

His somewhat muddy pupils looked towards the door behind him, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"Ah, eventful autumn."

After a soft sigh, his figure immediately disappeared on the futon.


Since Wang Mang detected that peeping gaze, he rushed towards that direction with full firepower.

As for Wang You and Shen Yuan Xuanming, they were all taken into the space by him.

What space are you asking?

That is of course a space kit.

As long as the other party doesn't resist, the space kit can accommodate three people.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was in a hurry, also stopped suddenly.

"The Lord is finally willing to appear."

After he whispered, the space not far away suddenly began to fluctuate.

After a while, a white-haired old man appeared from it.

Seeing this old man, Wang Mang squinted his eyes immediately.

Ninth Heaven of Eternal Realm, stronger than Guichen Tianzun.

Although the other party is old, the incomparably strong Dao Yun precipitation in his body is real.

In Wang Mang's perception, it is like a shining sun, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

"Old man, this time is not suitable for going out for a drive."

"Hehe, old guy, I'm already old, and I don't want to mess around."

Hearing his answer, Wang Mang didn't say anything. It just silently mobilized the Dao Yun in the body.

The same goes for the old man on the opposite side.

Just when the two of them were at war, the space bag on Wang Mang's waist suddenly glowed brightly.

There was a faint trace of a terrifying aura, which immediately made the face of the old man on the opposite side change wildly.

"What did you bring here?!!"

Wang Mang didn't answer, but frowned slightly.

The next moment, a ray of light flashed out from the space kit.

After the corpse appeared between the two of them, the white-haired old man also launched an attack without hesitation.

Dao Yun, as thick as an abyss, gushed out crazily and bombarded the corpse completely.

At this moment, the closed eyes of the corpse suddenly opened.

Then he stretched out his hand to block the continuous bombardment of Dao Yun.

"Hehehehe, boy, we meet again." This sentence was said to the old man.

The latter also output the Dao Yun with a serious face when he heard the words.

However, his actions were obviously futile, even though Dao Yun's bombardment seemed powerful.

But he was always pinched tightly by the corpse with one hand.

Finally, the corpse seemed impatient, and with a fierce wave of his hand, all these dao rhymes were wiped out.

Seeing this scene, the old man's face changed wildly and finally he couldn't calm down.

"Boy, do you know how much disaster your actions will bring to the entire Second Ring universe!"

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