I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2049 Meet the front end.

Hearing these words for a moment, Wang Mang curled his lips.

What does it have to do with Wang Mang and me if there is a disaster in the second ring universe?

As long as it doesn't affect the few people I care about, no matter how it develops, it has nothing to do with me.

Facing his indifferent expression, the white-haired old man looked solemn and frowned.

If there is only this corpse, there is nothing to worry about.

It's not a big problem to suppress it with all the cards in your hole.

But now there are many uncertain factors like Wang Mang.

And this factor completely affected my plan.

And the face of the corpse, which was originally calm, became serious for a rare moment after hearing what the old man said.

If Wang Mang turned against him temporarily, the development of the matter would be completely unpredictable.

Immediately afterwards, he also quickly promised to Wang Mang: "After I fully return, there must be a place for you in the second ring universe."

"You don't have to worry about your safety, I can make a great oath."

Wang Mang, who heard the words, was very disdainful in his heart, but there was no abnormality on his face.

Lao Tzu's invincible strength has gone sideways in the second ring universe, still need you to cover it?

But in order to make it clear, the fake eighth-level intelligence Wang Mang can only show forbearance.

Now is not the time to fully contribute.

"If there is no objection, there is no need to talk about it. If you have this strength, old man, then stay here today."

Wang Mang said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of the two were polarized.

"Haha, that's right, old guy, let's forget about the grievances between us."

As the corpse attacked the old man, it laughed all over its face.

After the white-haired old man blocked the latter's Dao Yun bombardment, his heart suddenly sank.

It seems that today is destined to be a tough battle.

With that terrifying kid around, it's almost impossible to escape unscathed.

"Phew, since that's the case, the old man will have to do everything he can."

The white-haired old man took a deep breath.

The next moment, his turbid pupils suddenly became sharp.

Even though there was no change in the surroundings, Wang Mang keenly sensed that his primordial spirit began to tingle faintly!

His face changed slightly, and the vigilance in his heart soared.

Even the corpse retreated abruptly and came to Wang Mang's side.

Just when the two were puzzled, the old man's face changed suddenly, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spit out from his mouth. ,

"Old man, the eleventh generation Taoist ancestor! In the name of Wu ancestor, he sacrificed his whole life's efforts and invited the gods to descend!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his hands clasped together impressively, and the two ring fingers pointed towards the sky!


At this time, far away in the nameless space beyond countless epochs.

A vague figure in a Taoist robe suddenly stood up from meditation.

In an instant, this space was chaotic and violent, and countless unknown and terrifying auras surged.

"Is that old thing going to break through the seal?"

"Hmph, it's not that easy."

Following his cold snort, a cloud of indistinct turbidity abruptly split out from his body, rushing straight towards the place where the call came from.


At this time, on the battlefield of the three of Bewitching Star and Wang Mang, they were in the air.

Following the call of the white-haired old man, a vortex suddenly appeared in the sky.

Compared with the previous ones, the scope of the vortex this time is larger, and the aura emanating from it is extremely terrifying! !

It's not that Wang Mang didn't think about interrupting the old man during the period, but his attack was completely resisted by Mo Min's power.

This situation also made Wang Mang a little confused.

Without waiting for him to think too much, a blood-gray aura suddenly surged out of the continuously rotating vortex in the sky.

With the appearance of this thing, Wang Mang's face showed a rare dignified look.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me? Can this kind of power appear in the universe of the second ring?"

The corpse beside him also had a face hidden.

It's hard to imagine how an uncontrolled corpse could make such an expression.

But now is not the time to worry about that.

As the blood gray aura poured into the old man's body, the latter's pupils instantly turned scarlet.

The extremely berserk aura, like a huge wave, rushed towards the two of them crazily.

Fiendish, turbid, murderous...

Wang Mang didn't know how many different breaths appeared in his perception.

But without exception, these breaths are very strong and powerful!

In comparison, the breath accumulated in his body seems to be a small fight.

Without slaughtering the entire second-ring universe, it is absolutely impossible to condense such a terrifying momentum!

Wang Mang thought with a tingling scalp.

At this moment, the corpse beside him also spoke.

"Boy, don't keep your hands together."

"There is a remarkable existence on the opposite side!"

, "Don't die."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Wang Mang could respond, his corpse went straight to kill the old man with scarlet pupils.

The terrifying Dao Yun fluctuations condensed in the arm of the corpse, as if it wanted to shatter a corner of the second ring universe.

Although this kind of attack on oneself can continue, the price to pay is definitely not small!

Wang Mang thought this way, but the scene that appeared next made his pupils tremble!

I saw that the former white-haired old man was already surrounded by blood energy all over his body.

At the same time, the pale hair became extremely scarlet.

Most importantly, he just waved his hand and blocked the blow from the corpse.

The next moment, Wang Mang's figure disappeared, and a terrifying slash was sent directly from the space crack behind the old man!

The razor-sharp sword energy combined with the five supreme dao charms turned into a colorful crescent, tearing straight at the old man!

Although it was a sneak attack, Wang Mang could guarantee that his attack would be a high price even if a strong person in the ninth level of the Eternal Realm wanted to resist it.

But the old man had eyes on his back, and looked at it from a strange angle with his arm, and easily caught Wang Mang's attack.

And it's not over yet.

In Wang Mang's astonished gaze, the old man's strangely bent arm suddenly flickered with blood.

In an instant, a blood-colored light cluster appeared in the latter's palm.


There was a roar that shook the sky, and the place where Wang Mang opened up the space rift was smashed into nothingness!

That's right, nothingness, nothingness beneath the void!

If it wasn't for Wang Mang's fast running, he might have been seriously injured with just one blow.

When he reappeared, Wang Mang had already come to the side of the corpse.

"What the hell is this?" Wang Mang's tone was very serious.

The old man who couldn't succeed in one blow was also staring straight at Wang Mang.

The emotionless comments are like the deepest abyss in the world, which makes Wang Mang feel pressured.

"It's not a ghost thing, but it's true if you insist."

"Pseudo eighth-order evil spirit!"

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