I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2056 The power of returning to the ruins.

The will of the world is covered with circles, people sleep at home, and the disaster comes from the book.

Numb brothers, I'm afraid this is not for me.

Looking at the power that was so powerful that it completely violated the limit of Dao Yun, the will of the world could only feel ten thousand grass and mud horses running past in his heart.


At this time, on the side of Abyss, the vision around him has been distorted, and all kinds of substances are rushing towards him.

If this continues, the world will soon be swallowed into nothingness.

Looking at the surroundings that have fallen into chaos, Abyss Jiuming gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice:

"Don't stop, don't tell me you want to destroy this place?"

It's a pity that no matter what the sound is at this time, it can't be relayed to the ears of the abyss.

Seeing that the other party had no intention of stopping, the chief of the clan took a deep breath and sighed softly:

"You forced me to do this."

"Clan protection formation, get up!"

As soon as the words fell, Peng Bai's power of returning to the ruins surged from the body of the patriarch.

At the same time, the nine floating islands that were still on the verge of collapse stabilized in an instant.

A power shield between nothingness and reality appeared, and nine pillars of energy piercing the sky shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, an energy storm above the sky quickly spread towards the surroundings.

In a short while, the whole world was enveloped.

The power of returning to the ruins all over the sky is brewing in the sky, and the terrifying aura of eternal coercion spreads from the void.

With such power, even Wang Mang, who was far away in the Chaos Realm, trembled in his heart.

Wouldn't it be an eighth-order shot? ?

"Patriarch, don't stand still, run away as fast as possible."

"Remember, don't worry about anything, just run away!"


Wang Mang hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Abyss.

At the same time, the Devouring Dao Rhyme in the body is continuously pouring into the Chaos Deed.

No matter what, I will definitely save you!

After roaring in his heart, he suddenly activated the boost of the Chaos Hungry Ghost!

At the same time, in the top world of the abyss.

The power of returning to the ruins brewing above the sky is getting stronger and stronger.

The supreme aura made the whole world tremble.

Even if this is just a trace of power left by the supreme power, it is also an absolute power that can overwhelm all Tao!

Looking at the abyss skeleton that had disappeared, the clan leader's expression was very complicated.


After finishing speaking, he immediately withdrew his gaze and turned back to the territory of Yifen.

The rest of the patriarchs who were not involved in this matter also looked at Tianqiong.

"Has it actually gotten to this point?" The Nine Patriarchs sighed slightly.

After a few breaths of time, the vast power of returning to the ruins above the sky suddenly burst out with immeasurable divine light.

The monstrous situation made the creatures in this world throbbing.

The abyss skeleton that had come to the edge of the world only felt a tingling scalp.

A great sense of crisis pervades the heart.

The supreme mighty power instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding world.

Feeling the illusory yet real taboo power, the will of the surrounding world trembles.

For fear of being shocked by an aftermath.

Abyss, holding Qing Yi's dangling palm tightly, with a gloomy expression.

Almost in an instant, the vast and vast power of returning to the ruins has appeared near the abyss.

The moment this force appeared, the surrounding space and void instantly collapsed, and nothingness surged.

The terrifying power shook for nine days, making people unable to resist.

At the same time, a pulling force that was deeper than before suddenly burst out from the Devouring Dao Rhyme.

A series of vortices floated beside the abyss skeleton.

Ruouowu murmur sounded out loud.

It was almost a face-to-face time, and Pan Bo's extreme power of returning to the ruins was absorbed a little.

But this is undoubtedly just a drop in the bucket.

Is the supreme divine power so simple?

The power of returning to the ruins is between illusion and reality. It can be said that he is the power of fantasy, or the medium between existence and non-existence.

For example, if a person grows to the seventh level, then apart from his true spirit, all others, regardless of their cultivation or chance, will be affected by the power of returning to the ruins.

From being to nothing is an unimaginable reversal process, which violates the principle of the operation of all things, but actually exists.

There is Tao and there is no Tao. Everything is affected by the cycle of time, causality and fate.

And Guixu is the balance point, and anything that involves reversal cannot escape the influence of Guixu.

Or it can be said that those powers have borrowed the characteristics of Guixu.


The conclusion of cause and effect, the paradox of time, the communication of fate, the reincarnation of all things, and the boundless space!

There is infinite power and possibility among the five.

But the five great powers overlap and influence each other.

Guixu is the balance point of all these.

All reversals are returning to ruins, and all irrational parts of logical thinking are also returning to ruins.

Another major characteristic of the power of returning to the ruins is transcendence. Things in fantasy are always unrealistic, but they also contain infinite possibilities.

The unfathomable power of returning to the ruins exploded with its unique characteristics, trying to erase the reality that Wang Mang helped Abyssal Hulk.

The most intuitive thing is that under the influence of the Chaos Pledge, an entity actually becomes somewhat illusory.

Wang Mang, who was ignorant of the characteristics of the power of returning to the ruins, could also feel that an unusable change was taking place in the Chaos Contract.

At the same time, a system notification suddenly sounded in his mind.

【warn! The props are being tampered with by unknown forces, warning! The system is under an unknown attack. 】

The sudden warning sound shocked Wang Mang's pupils.

What the hell? ?

The next moment, he suddenly felt his body begin to change.

Some kind of completely invisible mysterious power is trying to obliterate itself!

For a moment, Wang Mang only felt that the whole person was caught in the mood of self-denial.

A great emptiness filled his heart.

An unknown force is obliterating something important to him!

The domineering power directly and abruptly eliminated the reality that Wang Mang existed in the past.

At the same time, Wang Mang from all previous timelines disappeared.

It was as if this person never appeared at all.

Next, that power will touch his future.

What are the consequences of a person's past and future being erased?

Cold sweat permeated Wang Mang's forehead crazily.

The past is the evidence to prove that you have existed, or can appear in the present.

There is no future, either it will disappear in the next second, or it will fall into reincarnation.

This is also the real reason why Wang Mang suddenly switched between illusion and reality.

"System, what should I do now?!"

[……*\u0026*\u0026……… @\u0026 # . 】

【Ding! Deduct all the existing dao crystals and start beating! 】

As soon as the words fell, a dense black mist erupted from Wang Mang's primordial spirit.

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