I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2057 Death and Beginning!

The darkness under the abyss revealed a strange aura that made people tremble all over.

Bursts of black mist, like the ominous essence of the world, infect the surrounding chaos.

In an instant, the filthy chaotic air became the purest darkness and ominousness.

On weekdays, Wang Mang's vague murmur when he performed the Swallowing Dao Yun turned into a piercing and messy roar at this moment.

Such a voice, just hearing it once, is enough to make people crazy.

The filthy agglomeration of all things in the world, and the negative emotions contained in it, are unavoidable even for eighth-level powerhouses

The minds of the people around Wang Mang were also shaken suddenly, and unimaginable negative emotions and information kept pouring into their minds.

For a moment, the eyes of several people were dull, and two streams of blood suddenly left in their ears.

Next is the nose, and the eyes!

Just when their primordial spirits were about to be infected, the Devouring Dao Yun that Wang Mang had left on Wu Ya before suddenly gushed out.

This stopped the continuous output of that negative emotion.


The moment the black mist appeared, the domineering Ni of Guixu Power was immediately restrained.

The weird and ominous black mist spreads and infects across time and space.

Soon it was traced back to the source of the power of returning to the ruins.


Daoguixu, who was in the initial creation world, was puzzled for a moment, and immediately began to deduce.

After a while, he knew what had happened.

"Weird, are you trying to stir up trouble?!"

The loud voice pierces through the ages and shakes people's hearts.

As soon as the words fell, the black mist transformed into a human form.

"Don't blame me for being rude if you dare to attack him again."

As soon as the words fell, the human-shaped black mist immediately dispersed.

"Huh!" Dao Guixu snorted coldly, and immeasurable mighty power gushed out from his palm, easily obliterating the remaining black mist.


In the world of chaos.

The dense black mist that filled Wang Mang's surroundings suddenly began to dissipate.

Cracks in the abyss filled Wang Mang's surroundings, and black mist crazily poured into it.

After a while, the black mist had completely dissipated.

Wang Mang looked around in a daze, his mind still in a state of bewilderment.

But Wang Mang suddenly came back to his senses when he saw the few people lying on the chaotic turbid air.

Quickly tend to dispel the chaotic turbidity from everyone.

Except for Wuya and Gouzi, everyone else is still in the seventh class, and cannot be immune to chaos and turbidity.

At this time, Wang Mang's mind was completely awake.

My heart trembled suddenly.

The next moment, he quickly summoned the Chaos Pledge in his heart.

A dusty book floated in front of Wang Mang. When he saw the abyss that had been crossed out in his understanding, Wang Mang fell silent.

"System, what happened to the disappearance of the name on the Chaos Pledge?"

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice sounded.

【Ding! The contract object is dead! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang clenched his fists with an ugly expression.

At this moment, several people who were in a coma slowly began to wake up.

Wu Ya was the first to wake up.

He quickly glanced around, then rubbed his forehead with a distorted expression.

Grandma's, it feels like a few catties of water have been forcibly poured into her brain.

"Wang Mang, what happened?" He came to the latter's side and asked inexplicably.

The black mist was too terrifying, and they couldn't last even a second just because of the effect of those roars on the primordial spirit.

After Wang Mang glanced at him casually, he said in a stiff tone:

"I am not sure as well."

Just now he heard the system forcibly turn on the proxy strike, and then lost consciousness.

When the consciousness wakes up, the surroundings are the scene just seen.

Under that blow, even himself almost died, let alone the patriarch and Qing Yi.

Wang Mang felt a little suffocated when he thought that the two seniors died in that blow at the same time.

Do you want to go back to take revenge, but if that kind of attack comes again, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape.

Looking at the chaotic atmosphere around him, Wang Mang's eyes fell into a void.

After a while, Wang Mang, who wanted to understand something, said to Wu Ya:

"Wu Ya, you and Gou Zi will take them with you. I'm afraid I need to go somewhere far away."

Wu Ya, who still had a dull pain in his head, frowned, a little confused.

What happened?

Before he could open his mouth, Wang Mang said again: "This thing is for you, it has my strength in it."

"When the time comes, when the time comes, I will naturally come to find you."

"The three of them will be handed over to you. It is necessary to raise their bodies to the pseudo-eight realm level at the fastest speed."

After handing the Sword of Cutting Heaven to Wu Ya, Wang Mang patted Wu Ya on the shoulder and left.

Looking at Wang Mang's back, Wu Ya stood still and did not move for a long time.

Until the second dog who woke up came to his side and asked curiously:

"What is a person doing here? Why is the master missing?"

Wu Ya shook his head.


After wandering aimlessly through the chaotic realm for an unknown amount of time, Wang Mang stopped slowly.

The release of the Chaos Hungry Ghost here should not affect Wuya and the others.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly said in his heart: Chaos Hungry Ghost!

The moment the Devouring Dao Rhyme gushed out, a terrifying traction suddenly emerged from it.

The surrounding chaos was affected, rushing towards Wang Mang's position one after another.

The Chaos Beast within the coverage area of ​​the traction force was instantly torn apart by this terrifying traction force.

Even though he struggled in every possible way, he did not slow down the speed of being pulled at all.

As for the body-hardening brilliance gushing out of the Chaos Beast, it was completely absorbed by the vortex and became the nourishment for the Chaos Hungry Ghost to advance.

Wang Mang wandered in the chaos while strolling in the courtyard, and the hungry ghost of chaos was turned on the whole time.

Even though the absorption of chaotic turbidity has a very small improvement in the advancement of supernatural powers, it is better than boring.

At least Body Tempering Brilliance is pretty good.

In this way, it may be a few years or a few days.

Wang Mang couldn't remember how long it had been.

He only knew that under the constant absorption and devouring, the progress of the Chaos Hungry Ghost had already reached half.

The scenes day after day made his expression a little muddy.

Until this time, he unexpectedly came to the Time Realm Sea.

Wang Mang's numb mental state became normal when he noticed the incomparably rich power of time around him.

"Well, is this coming to Jiang Ye's lair?"

At the same time, Jiang Ye, who was recuperating in the sea of ​​time, also noticed that the power permeating the sea of ​​time was rapidly dissipating.

what's the situation?

The next moment, his figure disappeared in place.

After a while, he came to the edge of the traction coverage.

This inexplicable feeling, is that kid?

Triple Time Domain Gate!

With a silent recitation in his heart, half of his body was instantly converted into time matter.

Then he went straight to Wang Mang's object location.

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