Fierce winds spread from the direction of the ruins.

In a short time, it swept across several miles.

The area where Duan Heng and his group were was already filled with fallen leaves.

The group of people also used the power of the great avenue to permeate their bodies.

Duan Heng was the only one whose hair was messed up by the strong wind and his robes rustled.

When several people around him saw this, they couldn't help but feel contempt in their hearts.

At this time, Duan Heng gave the impression that he was a weakling who had just entered cultivation.

Feeling the vague gazes around him, Duan Heng acted like a weakling and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

However, no one noticed this because his hair was flying wildly.

They are just a bunch of dying people, why care about their opinions.

Within a few minutes, roars were heard one after another from the location of the ruins, followed by the aftermath of the collision with power.

The ground continued to tremble, and several surrounding peaks collapsed.

The flying sand all over the sky rolled up endless dust, like a sandstorm, and torrents of sand waves continued to surge towards the surroundings.

Finally, the old man had to accept the fact that he could not break the seal of the ruins even with all his strength.

He was panting, his chest heaving.

The weak Taoist rhyme lingered around it, and the light was a little dim.

Damn, this seal is too strong.

Although he could not open the seal, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The stronger the seal, the more precious the treasure inside is naturally.

There must be no one who is idle with nothing to do. Such a strong seal is arranged on the outside, but there is not a hair on the inside.

Furthermore, the sharp sword energy cannot be faked.

From the current point of view, there must be a magic weapon in this ruins.

It’s worth the trip!

The old man said in his heart.

But I need to get some help.

While he was deep in thought, petals suddenly began to rain from the sky.

The colorful petals turned into dots of starlight and slowly fell from the sky.

The old man who noticed something strange snorted coldly, and there was a layer of Taoism all over his body.

"Hua Ji, you came very quickly."

The old man said in a deep voice, with a chill on his face.

As he finished speaking, the petals falling all over the sky suddenly began to gather in one place.

"Lao Chen is still so angry despite his age. Do you need a little girl to help you calm down?"

A charming voice sounded, and an extremely sexy figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

A woman with a graceful figure and a cinnabar on her forehead looked at Mr. Chen with a charming look.

Every gesture and gesture seems to be extremely attractive, and the flirtatious eyes reveal a provocative look, which attracts endless reverie.

Such a beauty in the world, no matter where it is placed, will be sought after by countless men.

Mr. Chen raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "You really think that there is no one left in the Huajian Club, and you actually let you, the top leader, come to inquire for information."

Hearing this, Hua Ji covered her mouth and smiled and said nonchalantly: "Yes, the little girl is alone, and I don't know if Mr. Chen can take care of her."


A muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

At the same time, Mr. Chen and Hua Ji looked towards the sky together.

"Slutty fox, you will die if you don't hook up with a man for a day, right?"

A cold snort echoed through the sky.

It was followed by a flash of purple air and thunder.

In an instant, lightning and thunder suddenly began between the sky and the earth.

A man wearing a white robe suddenly appeared among the roaring thunder.

Seeing this situation, Mr. Chen suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

Hua Ji was stunned for a moment, and then a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face.

"Brother Hai, are you here to support the little girl?" Hua Ji said delicately, with a slight blush gradually appearing on her face.

It doesn't look like he's being pretentious.

A flash of thunder flashed across the eyes of the man in the thunder.

The next moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly fell next to Hua Ji.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind Hua Ji.

"Humph, I came with a mission this time."

A flash of disappointment flashed through Hua Ji's eyes.

But he soon adjusted his condition.

"I didn't expect that Lei Lei would be interested in this misty news."

Facing Hua Ji's question, Hai Ziying frowned and said, "I have no right to inform."

"If you dare to stop me then, I will definitely not hold back."

Hearing this, Hua Ji suddenly showed a heartbroken gesture.

"Brother, just take whatever you want."

"The little girl is yours anyway."

Seeing the two singing in harmony, Mr. Chen finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Huajian Hui, Thunder Hui, it seems that this time it will be a battle between dragons and tigers."

As soon as these words came out, the two people opposite looked at Mr. Chen at the same time.

Facing the gazes of the two men, Mr. Chen narrowed his eyes, with a sharp look in his cloudy pupils: "We, the Dragon and Tiger Guild, are bound to capture this relic."

"The president is already on his way."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two people couldn't help but change.

Hai Ziying: "Old man Chen, are you so sure that the news about the pirates is true?"

Mr. Chen's eyes flickered and he said expressionlessly: "Whether it's true or not, our Dragon and Tiger Society will decide on this relic!"

Chen Laosha said matter-of-factly, with a very tough attitude.

Seeing this, Hai Ziying snorted coldly: "It's a bluff. If that's the case, I'll kill you first!"

"Hua Ji, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a bolt of lightning and appeared next to Mr. Chen, charging directly at him with a thunderous fist.

"Huh?" Hua Ji was stunned.

"Just wait for me."

After saying that, bursts of flower petals suddenly floated towards Mr. Chen.

Being surrounded by the two men, Mr. Chen suddenly felt bitter in his heart.

Young people who don't respect martial ethics actually joined forces to deal with an old guy like me.

Just now he was bombarding the seal with full firepower.

The Dao Yun reserves in the body are still empty now.

Not to mention two, fighting one of them is very difficult and almost always leads to defeat.

After just a few minutes, Mr. Chen couldn't resist anymore.

Daoyun hadn't recovered much yet and couldn't fight at all.

"Our president will be arriving soon, are you two determined to persist in your obsession?!"

Old Chen, who was forced to retreat, scolded him.

Although his aura fluctuated and he looked very embarrassed, his momentum was not inferior to that of his opponent.

As soon as these words came out, the two of them were obviously worried.

Several conferences are all forces in the Abyss Star Territory, and their strength is naturally comparable.

Under normal circumstances, no fight to the death would break out.

After all, once the two conferences fight, both sides will lose, and other forces will definitely attack them.

This is also the reason why several major alliances have been coexisting peacefully for so many years.

Hai Ziying said: "Mr. Chen, you don't need to bring out your president to suppress me, if it's really like what the merchants and thieves said."

"No alliance can ignore this."

As soon as he finished speaking,

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