Just like Hai Ziying said.

Once the news is confirmed, not to mention the surrounding alliances, even the behemoth of the Nine Abyss Clans will be alarmed.

Chen Lao naturally knew this.

The news that there are treasures in the ruins can be spread from anyone, but not him, Mr. Chen.

Otherwise, they will be liquidated by the major alliances afterwards.

Even the president would definitely not let him off easily.

So what he said before was all a bluff.

This is why Hai Ziying doesn't care at all what he said.

Although there are some minor frictions between the alliances, everyone can still maintain the same will on matters of great interest.

We fight among ourselves, and in the end everyone can share the benefits no matter how small they are.

If the news is spread, no one will have anything to eat when the nine abyssal tribes come.

Looking at the silent Chen Laohai, he grinned and said slowly: "Old Chen, in the end, you, the Dragon and Tiger Society, will be able to share the benefits anyway, so why should you be obsessed with it?"

"How much salary do you get per quarter? Why are you working so hard?"

At this time, Hua Ji also chuckled and added: "Yes, Mr. Chen, your status in the association is not low now that you are old. It's time to enjoy life."

"If you continue to work hard like this, if something happens to your old body, the loss will outweigh the gain."

"Why don't you go to our flower room and I'll let a few sisters take care of you."

Listening to the two people's words of dissuasion, Mr. Chen snorted coldly, rolled his sleeves and said

"The two little ones started preaching to me."

Although his tone was still very cold, his expression was obviously not as stiff as before.

Mr. Chen: "The ruins are right here. If you two can break the seal, it's up to you to decide what's inside."

The moment they heard this, Hai Ziying and Hua Ji couldn't help but look at each other.

How could this stubborn old man give in so quickly?

Something is wrong, 12 out of 10 something is wrong.

Judging from the appearance of this old guy, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the ability to deceive him.

Could it be a problem with the ruins?

Hai Ziying glanced at the ruins below without leaving any trace, and then said to Hua Ji Chuan beside him: "I'm going to see what's going on with the ruins."

"I'll leave this to you, old man."

Hua Ji nodded and said nothing.

Hai Ziying turned into a bolt of lightning, and appeared in front of the seal of the ruins in an instant.

Looking at the slightly shiny seal, a few arcs of electricity surged out of his palm.

After tentatively placing his palm on the seal, he realized that the seal in front of him had not changed at all.

And the electric arc he just fired has disappeared.

Hai Ziying frowned.

Although the arc just now had little power, its main function was detection.

Small, invisible arcs of electricity can pass through most things and reflect the situation back to themselves.

But this time, it just touched the detection arc and disappeared.

It's like it's been wiped out.

Next, Hai Ziying also changed several methods, but still failed.

Finally, he simply used the extremely violent Gang Lei and began to bombard the seal.

The crackling thunder danced wildly in the void, leaving a little aura of strength.

After a few minutes passed, Hai Ziying stopped.

At this time, his breath was a little ups and downs.

But it's not like Mr. Chen's Tao Yun is almost exhausted.

It seems that this old guy just used some force on the seal.

Hai Ziying immediately understood why Mr. Chen's Dao Yun was so weak when he was fighting against him.

After he stayed there and pondered for a moment, he stood up and returned to Hua Ji and said, "The seal below is a bit weird. Let's take action together."

Hai Ziying did not avoid Mr. Chen.

The corners of the latter's mouth curled up, with a gloating expression on his face.

Then he said unceremoniously:

"Boy, even if I try my best to exhaust my Daoyun, the seal of the ruins will not be weakened at all. You two little babies can still break the seal."

"It's a complete fantasy."

The moment he heard this, Hai Ziying responded mercilessly: "You are an old man. It's normal that you can't open it."

"let's go."


Wang You, who was hiding in the depths of the void, suddenly felt a little impatient when he saw the three people grinding away.

Not many people came, but the few who did came kept beeping.

We need to add some fire to these ants.

The next moment he also controlled the divine sword in the ruins.

On Hai Ziying's side, when the two of them were about to take action against the seal, a majestic and fierce sky-reaching sword energy suddenly erupted.

Ruili's sword energy seemed to turn into a rain of swords from the sky, constantly washing over the two of them.

Hua Ji, whose whole body was filled with Taoist charm, had countless cracks in her robe, revealing bursts of spring.

She bit her teeth and said, "Brother Hai, I can't resist it anymore."

Hai Ziying on the side is not much better.

The sharp sword energy kept cutting into his body-protecting Daoyun.

Every second there will be cracks in the Daoyun around him. Although it can be repaired in an instant, there is still sword energy coming through.


He pulled up Hua Ji next to him and wanted to retreat.

However, Wang You, who was hiding in the void, had new ideas at this time.

The two of them suddenly didn't look like ordinary friends.

It would be interesting to kill that girl, right?

Wang You had a look of interest on his face.

He had to make a big fuss about the matter, so that he might be noticed by the Nine Abyss Clans.

Only in this way can we better complete the tasks ordered by the master.

Thinking of this, he also controlled the endless sword energy to kill Hua Ji.

The sharp sword energy stagnated.

The next moment began to surge wildly.

The terrifying sword energy seems to be cutting off the world, and it is constantly glowing with sharpness.

Mr. Chen, who was not far away, felt his scalp numb and kept retreating backwards.

Hai Ziying's pupils were shaking, and his eyes were full of horror.

Seventh-level high-grade magic weapon!

In an instant, he confirmed the truth of the news in his mind.

At this time, he only felt a little stinging in his pupils.

He quickly pulled Hua Ji towards the distance.

But he soon realized something was wrong.

Although that sword energy was destroying the surroundings indiscriminately, the main killing targets seemed to be the two of them!

Shendu was stunned for a moment, and the terrifying sword energy was already close at hand.

Hai Ziying's heart thumped, and she subconsciously wanted to take Hua Ji into her arms.

But he only felt a light touch in his hand.


A crisp sound passed by, and a burst of warmth splashed into the sky.

Hai Ziying looked at Hua Ji in disbelief.

But only a section of the arm can be seen.

With the blood mist remaining around.

He was stunned for a moment.

When Mr. Chen, who was ten miles away, saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, and a chill went straight to Tianling Gai.

"Hua...Hua Ji?!"

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