Wang You smiled faintly, his brows filled with confidence.

The speed rhyme around it slowly dispersed.

At the same time, the divine sword in the ruins also became silent.

The sword energy that permeated every corner of the world began to slowly dissipate.

Duan Heng, who was suspended in mid-air and wrapped in Devouring Daoyun, slowly landed on the ground.

His life aura became more and more vigorous, and as time passed, his physical realm continued to soar.

A little while later, when he had absorbed all the body-tempering brilliance this time, the realm of his physical body had reached the third level of eternity.

On the surface of his skin, a layer of faint luster shone from time to time.

The eternal aura of immortality slowly emerged from his body.

At this moment, his body has lost all kinds of impurities, and the structure of the muscles and veins in his body already has a trace of charm.

The physical body has escaped the end of being eroded by time.

But now his soul is still very weak.

Once you encounter someone who specializes in Yuan Shen's attack methods, you will inevitably die.

Just like encountering a Chaos Beast if the realm of Yuanshen is insufficient, there is no room for resistance.

But because Duan Heng can use Wang Mang's power at this time, he doesn't have to worry about this.

Similarly, because the physical strength has been increased exponentially, he can also drive more Devouring Dao Yun.

This is also the reason why Wang Mang keeps giving Duan Heng the tempered body brilliance.

It doesn't matter if your cultivation and soul are weak.

As long as his physical strength is reached, his power will help Duan Heng make up for any shortcomings.

What Wang Mang needs is just a container that has overwhelming hatred for the nine abyss tribes and can withstand his own power.

Only in this way can you minimize the harm you are involved in.

Among the nine abyss clans, the power of returning to ruins contained in that great formation was too terrifying.

Even across endless time and space, the terrifying power cannot be avoided.

Although I survived with the help of the system afterwards.

But after that time, all his Dao Crystals were deducted.

To save himself from such a dangerous situation, Wang Mang had no doubt that no matter how many Dao Crystal systems he had, he would deduct them without hesitation.

Instead of doing this, it's better to do it yourself.

Duan Heng slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of light also flickered out of them.

Has the physical body reached the state of eternity?

A strange feeling arose in his heart.

Although this kind of improvement is very fast, will it lead to an unstable foundation if it is too fast?

The moment this idea appeared, a strange emotion suddenly filled his mind.

The idea also disappeared.

Looking up at the darkening sky, Duan Heng took a deep breath.

The next moment, Devouring Daoyun surged out of his body.

He frowned, and after a moment, another force of great power emerged from his body.

Two forces surrounded him on his left and right respectively.

He stood there for a long time.

In the end, only Devouring Daoyun was left, permeating around him.

In the realm of chaos.

Wang Mang, who was traveling through the chaotic turbidity, suddenly had a smile on his face.

It seems that the erosion is complete.

How can one's own power be so easy to use?

It's impossible without paying some price.

"Ouch, Master, you are on the wrong track."

Gouzi's voice interrupted Wang Mang's thoughts.

After Wang Mang came back to his senses, he stroked the dog's head and continued to follow the path pointed by it.

In a short period of time, he found a Chaos Beast King.

The moment he saw this Chaos Beast King, Wang Mang suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Is he just an ordinary Chaos Beast King?

At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind!

【Ding! Detect the current situation of the host and give the host the following task options! 】

[Task 1: Collect the origin crystals of three mutated Chaos Beast Kings! 】

[Task time: Complete to get rewards! 】

[Task reward: The refining level of the initial source of divinity in the body is increased by 10%]

[Task 2: Collect six origin crystals of the mutated Chaos Beast King! 】

[Task time: You can get it after completing it! 】

[Task reward: The refining level of the initial source of divinity in the body is increased by 50%]

[Task 3: Collect the original crystals of ten mutated chaos beast kings, and enter the negative world through the formation formed by the original crystals! 】

[Task time: You can get it after completing it! 】

[Task reward: The refining level of the initial source of divinity in the body is increased by 80%]

The sudden mission made Wang Mang a little confused.

Collect the origin crystals of the mutated Chaos Beast King?

What formation enters the negative realm?

What is that place?

Wang Mang was puzzled.

"System, is the origin crystal you mentioned the one I encountered before?"

[Answer to the host: Yes! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but frown.

Continue to ask: "What is the negative realm?"

【Ding! Insufficient permissions! 】

Wang Mang:…………

To be honest, among the rewards of the three tasks, the one that most excited Wang Mang was definitely task three.

Things that can give birth to the six supreme powers will naturally not be ordinary things.

Although he coveted it, Wang Mang did not directly complete the selection.

He had no idea what kind of place the negative world was, and what was going on inside.

According to the nature of the system, the more generous the reward, the more dangerous the mission.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Mang also asked Wu Ya beside him:

"By the way, have any of you heard of the Negative Realm?"

The moment he heard this, Wuya couldn't help but be stunned.

"Negative Realm?"

"Under everything."

Upon hearing his second sentence, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly flashed.

"What do you know?"

Wuya nodded and said slowly:

"This world of chaos is actually more than what we see on the surface."

"There is also a negative realm that we generally cannot access."

"To be precise, the area covered by the chaotic turbidity and the negative world are a complete chaotic world."

Wang Mang's lips twitched and he had to accept this new setting.

"What's going on in the negative realm?"

After Wuya thought for a moment, he shook his head and said:

"I don't know much about this. The only rumor I know is that it is very dangerous inside, and there is no chance of death."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Mang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"Then how did you know?"

The latter naturally understood the meaning of Wang Mang's words.

"So it's a rumor."

"No, it should be said that when entering the realm of chaos, these messages were received by the memory."

Hearing this, Wang Mang also glanced at him suspiciously.

After thinking about it, he also muttered silently in his heart:

"The system selects task two."

The words just fell.

【Ding! Congratulations on the success of host selection task three! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

Wang Mang:? ?

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