I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2085 The enemy of counterattack!

After hearing the system prompt, Wang Mang couldn't help but be shocked.

Then he quickly said in his heart:

"No, I chose task two."

"Did you say something wrong?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the system also sounded.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select task three successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

This time Wang Mang was completely confused.

Looking at the taskbar in the system, Wang Mang's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

What a fucking task to force yourself into!

Negative boundary.

To be honest, Wang Mang didn't want to go to this ghost place.

Unknown places represent unknown dangers.

This is still unknown in the world of chaos.

The rewards are so generous, and the corresponding risks are naturally not low.

After eliminating all these thoughts in his mind, Wang Mang continued to look at the Chaos Beast King.

Staring at the huge and ugly figure, Wang Mang slowly drove the Devouring Dao Yun in his body, and at the same time asked Wu Ya beside him:

"The purple crystal should not only be born by the very large Chaos Beast King, right?"

"Is it also in the body of a Chaos Beast we encountered before?"

Wu Ya raised his eyebrows, a look of reminiscence on his face.

After a moment, he nodded slowly and said:

"Yes, this has happened before."

"But that one has actually broken away from the category of ordinary Chaos Beasts, and is about to transform into the Chaos Beast King level."

"It just happened to be discovered by us."

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded thoughtfully.

The next moment, many whirlpools suddenly appeared around the Chaos Beast King.

The strong pulling force continued to tear its body from all directions, and soon the Chaos Beast King received the lunch box.

After dispersing the chaos around the Chaos Beast King, no purple crystals were found.

Wang Mang curled his lips immediately.

At this moment, the chaos around him suddenly rippled.

An unspeakable aura slowly spread from somewhere.

Wang Mang frowned and quickly glanced around, swallowing Daoyun and wrapping it around him.

"The coordinates are correct. It seems you are not in the wrong place."

A frivolous voice suddenly sounded.

Looking towards the source of the sound, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly stopped in chaos.

"Disperse." After muttering in his mind, the chaos wherever he looked instantly dissipated.

As the chaos receded, a figure suddenly appeared in Wang Mang's sight.

Physical training?

The other party's extremely strong body gave Wang Mang the first impression that he was a physical practitioner.

But unlike the previous Li Ze, the former was simply physically strong.

And this one gave Wang Mang a very strong impression.

The most important thing is that his own perception seems to have failed on the other party.

"Oh? Can you master chaos at this stage?"

The man looked confused, patted his head and murmured in a low voice: "That's not right, it's this time period!"

At this moment, many whirlpools suddenly appeared around him and surrounded him.

As Wang Mang recited a sentence silently in his heart, the ultimate traction force suddenly exploded.

Facing the traction that the Chaos Beast Emperor was unable to resist, the man stepped on his legs casually, and lines suddenly appeared under his feet.

At the same time, the whole person also escaped from the vortex.

Looking at this scene, Wang Mang looked very calm.

Sure enough, ordinary means can't help this person.

The dark Devouring Dao Yun continuously surged out of Wang Mang's body.

Swallowing Dao Yun with a strange aura instantly filled the area.

At the same time, Wuya and others were pushed to the distant chaos.

"Oh, it's still this thunderous move."

A joking voice came from Wang Mang's head.

Can you actually travel freely in your own Devouring Dao Yun? !

Wang Mang was shocked for a moment, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

"Who are you?" Wang Mang, who appeared in another direction, asked with a frown.

The man paraded at a high speed, constantly approaching Wang Mang in the Devouring Dao Yun.

"I'm just a nobody."

While speaking, there was a smile on the man's face.

That smile made his face look very unruly, full of confidence and arrogance!

Seeing the enemy getting closer, Wang Mang suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The origin is not simple.

After making a conclusion in his mind, Wang Mang restrained his contempt.

Dense whirlpools appeared around Wang Mang, forming an extremely chaotic gravitational field around him.

After activating the Chaos Hungry Ghost's blessing of Devouring Dao Yun to the extreme, all surrounding matter suddenly stagnated.

The next moment, countless chaotic and turbid air swept towards Wang Mang's surroundings like a demonic wind.

The scene seemed huge, but it also prevented Wang Mang's soul from being released.

Wang Mang lost his awareness of his surroundings and was also unable to detect the person's location.

His eyes quickly swept around, and his intuition told him that this person would never be hurt by his move.

"Here!" A neither gentle nor serious voice sounded from Wang Mang's right.

A bit of cold light flickered, and the bright white blade broke through the vortex around him and struck straight at Wang Mang's head.

Even if this is the case, will it still not be affected?

A large halberd instantly appeared in Wang Mang's hand, blocking it in front of him.


There was a dull sound, and Wang Mang's arm holding the Slaughter Halberd felt an irresistible force, and the weapon flew away from his hand!

In Wang Mang's disbelieving eyes, the white blade was still attacking his head unstoppably!

At this moment, it was too late for him to be frightened, and he stopped the white blade with both hands!

However, the opponent's strength was completely superior to Wang Mang's. Although he was intercepted by Wang Mang, the latter's arm was also cut into two sections!

"It seems that you are not exactly as per the rumors."

There was a smile on the corner of the man's mouth and the twinkling eyes, that was the gaze of a hunter looking at his prey!

Wang Mang, who couldn't bear to be repulsed, had extremely horrified eyes.

What level of physical body is this?

Eighth level?

Wang Mang gave up the idea in an instant.

The eighth-level existence probably no longer needs a physical body.

Wang Mang frowned and stared at the other person.

As if he noticed Wang Mang's eyes, the other party chuckled casually.

"I'm still a little disappointed."

"But it wouldn't be bad if I could kill you here."

After saying that, the white blade in his hand suddenly glowed with an extremely bright light.

Likewise, a faint white fluorescent light began to appear around his entire body.

Wang Mang's pupils shrank.

This breath is the breath of time.

From the future?

However, the other party obviously didn't intend to say more, and Wang Mang didn't intend to ask anything from him.

All over his body, the dark Devouring Daoyun surged like ooze, and a pair of pupils had already fallen into a hole.

"Are there any enemies coming in the future?"

"Is it because you are afraid of me in the future?"

"That's all, none of this is important. He is just an ordinary person who was not born in my era." (End of Chapter)

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