I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2091 A long-lost conversation!

Hearing this, Wang You nodded and then patted Duan Heng on the shoulder.

"Contact the owner of the power within you."

Duan Heng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, but he still did as he was told.

By controlling the Devouring Dao Yun in the body and inputting it in the opposite direction into the power transmission gate in the body, the situation that attracts Wang Mang's attention can be achieved.

Sure enough, after a while, a force that was beyond Duan Heng's control appeared around him.

The swallowing Tao Yun like black water began to slowly gather together.

Eventually it forms a human form.

Seeing Wang Mang appearing in front of him in the form of energy, Hei Yan's eyes wet and he said in a deep voice:

"Long time no see, kid."

Wang Mang, who was far away in the Chaos Realm, was silent for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Long time no see, Elder Heiyan."

Looking at the much older Elder Heiyan, Wang Mang couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

What is emotional is that this senior actually survived the previous turmoil.

Unfortunately, he is no longer the elder of the Nine Abyss Clan at this moment, nor does he continue to assist the leader of the Bone Clan.

After a short silence, Heiyan took the initiative and said:

"Boy, what have you been busy with lately?"

After Wang Mang thought for a moment, he replied:

"It's still the same as before."

"Let's try our best to improve our strength."

Although he is still planning how to destroy the nine abyss clans.

But Wang Mang didn't intend to tell Elder Heiyan this.

Otherwise, it would be bad to involve him.

Hei Yan glanced at Wang Mang with a faint smile, his gaze seemed to see through everything.

"Really, but I think these two little friends may have bad intentions."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang couldn't help but frown.

"This is the abyss world?"

His eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area, but he did not dare to confirm this unfamiliar scene.

But after seeing a hint of smile in Elder Heiyan's eyes, he probably got the answer.

Wang Mang, who was in energy form, gave Wang You a very unkind look.

Duan Heng at this stage should not be in this place at all.

This must be Wang You's fault.

The latter obviously felt Wang Mang's gaze.

He also said quickly:

"Master, aren't I going to inquire about the enemy's situation first?"

"Besides, if something unexpected happens, there will definitely be no problem in escaping with Duan Heng at my speed."

After hearing his explanation, Wang Mang ignored it and just continued to talk to Elder Heiyan:

"The leader of the Bone Clan died here. No matter what, I should do something."

"Not to mention anything else, but of course we have to do some things within our capabilities."

Kuroyan's much older face showed a hint of melancholy, and he smiled bitterly and said:

"You kid can't do what you say, I'm afraid..."

Halfway through, he shook his head and sighed softly:

"I'm getting old too. After all, I can't be the same as before."

"But again, before doing anything, you should make careful decisions."

"Leave yourself a way out."

Wang Mang naturally knew what he meant, and he just wanted to do what he could.

But in his heart, unless the nine abyss clans are destroyed, this matter will never get over.

If it weren't for the mysterious clan-protecting formation, he wouldn't have been plotting secretly.

Wang Mang didn't even pay attention to the people who surrounded the nine abyss tribes in the realm of chaos.

Except for Jiang Ye, the rest of the divine envoys were all useless.

Not even enough to kill himself.

He paused, nodded his head, and said with an attitude of being taught:

"I understand all of this."

"But next, Elder Heiyan may have to move to another place."

The moment he heard the words, Hei Yan knew that Wang Mang didn't take his words to heart.

He didn't say much about this.

Some things can be said once.

Talking too much is not only useless, but can also easily cause dissatisfaction in others.

He sighed in his heart and said without changing his expression:

"I'm afraid the old man will have to find a place to disarm and return to work. After all, the world still belongs to you young people."

"By the way, you have traveled to so many places. Do you have any good places in the world that you can recommend to me?"

"It doesn't matter anything else as long as it's pure."

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was far away in the Chaos Realm, also raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"No problem at all."

While saying this, he also looked at Wang You beside him.

"Next, you will be responsible for leading Elder Heiyan to find the world you want."

As soon as these words came out, the corner of Wang You's mouth twitched fiercely.

Good guy, my action hasn't officially started yet, and I've been assigned another hard job.

This is completely shooting yourself in the foot.

He was disapproving in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it.

I could only agree with a bitter look on my face:


After arranging the restless entourage, Wang Mang turned his eyes to Duan Heng.

To be honest, Wang Mang was not very satisfied with this container of his power.

There is no other reason. Duan Heng's improvement is still too slow.

What we are talking about here is not the realm of cultivation, but the physical body.

Only the physical realm is the bridge that can increase one's power capacity.

Wang Mang doesn't care about other people either.

After pondering for a moment, he slowly said to Duan Heng:

"Hurry up and improve your strength, and stop fooling around with that guy."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang in his energy form began to slowly dissipate.

And his last words also succeeded in making Wang You stay with a dark complexion.

After a brief silence, Elder Heiyan also spoke to break the embarrassment.

"Hahaha, this boy Wang Mang is still so careless in what he says."

"Let's go, young man. I'm old now, and the rest will depend on you."

After hearing this, Wang You took a deep breath.

"No problem at all."

In the realm of chaos.

Wang Mang was still looking around for traces of the Chaos Beast King.

I have to say that this world of chaos is really big.

My group has been walking for so long, but they have never reached the border.

The most important thing is that he has never encountered a duplicate place.

"Is it infinite?" Wang Mang murmured softly.

At this moment, Gouzi suddenly said:

"Ouch, I smell it again!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the three people couldn't help but light up.


Wang Mang immediately controlled the chaotic turbidity around him, causing it to disperse continuously.

The dog's nose kept sniffing, and after a moment he continued:


The moment he heard this, Wang Mang immediately rushed to the left.

Sure enough, within a minute I saw a Chaos Beast King.

However, this Chaos Beast King looked a bit strange, which made several people slightly stunned.

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