This time the Chaos Beast King appeared in front of Wang Mang.

The size is still very large and eye-catching.

But in terms of body shape, it looks very human-like.

If you don't take into account his dark and wrinkled skin, he is completely an enlarged human being.

This body shape is completely different from the ugly and abstract Chaos Beast King before.

Could it be another species that I haven't encountered before?

Wang Mang held his chin in thought.

The dog also stuck out his tongue.

"I'm going to smell such a bad smell."

Wang Mang glanced at Gouzi without knowing why, and asked curiously:

"What's the meaning?"

"Is it possible that the smell this time is different from the previous one?"

Gouzi covered his nose with his paws and said slowly:

"It was probably a very unique but not unpleasant smell before."

"The smell this time, there's a stench as soon as you get close."

"It stinks beyond description."

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but frown.

He took two breaths subconsciously.

But I can't smell anything.

He laughed awkwardly.

It seems that I don't have the talent of a dog.

"It seems that this Chaos Beast King is a little different."

After finishing speaking, he came to the side of the Chaos Beast King in a blink of an eye.

The moment Wang Mang appeared, the other party seemed to have understood in advance.

The fist with the afterimage roared towards Wang Mang, which immediately confused Wang Mang.

Fortunately, his reaction was not slow and he immediately used his hands to resist.


A muffled sound sounded, and Wang Mang's face turned ferocious as he spat out a mouthful of blood: "Draft..."

Before he could finish speaking, he flew out.

Wang Mang, who was flying upside down, slowly raised his head, but when he saw the huge figure in front of him, his pupils suddenly contracted.

So fast?

The moment this thought appeared, his right waist suddenly felt a huge force!

In this way, Wang Mang was forced to change the trajectory of his inverted flight.

The two people and the dog not far away looked at each other for a few times, both at a loss.

Gouzi: "By the way, do we want to help?"

Obviously, Gouzi was a little worried when he saw Wang Mang deflated when he met him.

This kind of situation almost never happened again after encountering Jiang Ye.

Although Wu Ya was a little surprised, he was not worried about Wang Mang.

"Don't worry, your master can't be killed."

"The resilience is probably below the eighth level, and no one can do anything about it."

Wang Lu nodded:

"That's right, with the master's strength, even if he can't defeat him, he can still kill his opponent."

"Besides, he hasn't used his power yet."

As the muffled sounds continued to echo, Wang Mang didn't know how many times he was attacked by the opponent in a short period of time.

Judging from the opponent's attack frequency and the long-lost dizziness in his mind, this guy's speed is definitely not satisfactory.

It can be completely compared to the time-spanning enemy he encountered not long ago.

And the power of the body is also extremely terrifying.

Every punch carries a power that makes it difficult to resist.

Wang Mang quickly analyzed the other party's information.

Some conclusions were probably drawn.

Absolute speed, physical strength comparable to the special Chaos Beast King encountered before.

The intensity of the psychic radiation is unknown.

The other party has not used it yet.

Next, you can prepare to counterattack.

Just when the humanoid Chaos Beast King was beating Wang Mang endlessly, a black water-like energy suddenly flowed out of Wang Mang's body.

A strange and ominous aura instantly filled the surrounding area for several miles.

Chaos hungry ghost!

With a silent thought in Wang Mang's heart, the ultimate pulling force suddenly exploded.

There is only a slight progress bar left before the Chaos Hungry Ghost reaches all the power needed to transform.

The moment Devouring Daoyun appeared, the humanoid Chaos Beast King immediately withdrew his half-swung fist.

Likewise, the entire beast instantly retreated a thousand meters away.

Wang Mang, who obviously started to use his power, made him feel the danger.

At this time, Wang Mang clasped his fingers together, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"It seems that you are destined to be the final sacrifice in the final stage of the Chaos Hungry Ghost."

Surrounded by the dark and flowing Devouring Dao Yun.

The extremely dark fluid is like an abyss, making people feel like their souls are falling into it at the first glance.

Even the chaotic turbidity cannot escape the end of being corroded.

Power that is even filthier than chaotic turbidity already has the ability to corrode some substances.

Wang Mang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his eyes flashed with aura.

The humanoid Chaos Beast King roared in a low voice, his whole body restless.

It opened its ferocious mouth slightly, and purple light gathered in it.

The extremely terrifying spiritual radiation also began to permeate from its body.

Wang Mang's pale eyes moved slightly.

Sure enough it is.

This level of spiritual radiation is very similar to the special Chaos Beast King encountered before, and even slightly surpasses it.

One's own Devouring Dao Yun can absorb and assimilate all matter, even the invisible power of enveloping spiritual radiation.

Naturally, he can also judge the strength of a certain force based on the speed of absorption and assimilation.

For example, the power of the Destiny Messenger was completely unbearable to me.

A random ray of power from the other party would probably take a lot of time to absorb.

The forces of the two began to collide for the first time.

The spiritual radiation that surged like a tide began to be corroded in a large area the moment it came into contact with the Devouring Dao Yun.

The power of Devouring Daoyun in the black water state is very terrifying.

Even this level of spiritual radiation couldn't withstand it for a while, and he was defeated.

As the spiritual radiation around the humanoid Chaos Beast King was broken through, Devouring Daoyun flowed rapidly and appeared next to the humanoid Chaos Beast King almost instantly.

The latter trembled for a moment, and the purple light in his mouth became more dazzling.

Seeing that the dark liquid power was about to contaminate himself, the humanoid Chaos Beast King immediately released the impact of power accumulated in his mouth.


There was a muffled sound, and an energy storm of purple light suddenly appeared.

The huge impact caused the Devouring Daoyun around the humanoid Chaos Beast King to continue to expand.

But when it expanded to a certain level, it slowly died down.

Moreover, Wang Mang's devouring Daoyun has not disappeared.

Even though the power of the explosion continued to expand, there was not much difference.

Under the package of devouring bad luck, the attack launched by the humanoid Chaos Beast King this time was like a dumb cannon.

Not even a hair was touched.

Wang Mang looked at it playfully, his hands still interlocked.

After thinking about the use of this Chaos Beast King, Wang Mang did not hesitate at all and directly controlled the liquid Devouring Daoyun to begin to erode her body.

In an instant, the Chaos Beast King began to roar repeatedly.

Wang Mang curled his lips and said calmly:

"Everyone behaves the same when they are about to die."

"It's so boring."

Just as Wang Mang was complaining, some tears suddenly flowed out of the corners of the Chaos Beast King's eyes.

Dark purple stamens bloomed from her body.

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