No wonder Gan is attacking the top powers alone.

Still successful.

While he is very capable, his background is also very good.

They are also the layout of a certain top power that stays in the world of chaos.

It should be considered the strongest combat power below the eighth level.

The way to defeat a giant is to stand on the shoulders of another giant.

Holding the space bag in his hand, Wang Mang's thoughts continued.

Should we directly fulfill the agreement with that guy, or should we take the opportunity to blackmail him?

After hesitating for a moment, he said to the people behind him: "Let's go to the Sea of ​​Time Realm."

With a wave of his hand, several people set off immediately.

Now that the advanced magical power has reached its peak, Wang Mang is not in a hurry to devour the power.

What we have to do now is to raise our realm to eternal perfection as soon as possible.

This is not difficult.

Just convert the swallowed corpses and materials into Dao Crystals.

The Dao Crystals provided by the Chaos Beast King are very sufficient.

There is no rush for this moment.

Now take the items in your hands to Jiang Ye to see who the future enemy is.

Soon, the group arrived at the Time Realm Sea.

The moment he stepped in, Jiang Ye also appeared immediately.

This time, he was no longer polite as before.

His eyes were fixed on the space bag on Wang Mang's waist.

Looking at his blazing eyes, he often directly picked up the space bag.

He said nonchalantly: "There is what you want in this."

"Are you ready with what I need?"

Jiang Ye smiled faintly.


"Any time, actually."

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but frown.

"If that's the case, then you go first."

"When it's done, I'll give it to you."

Jiang Ye looked at him deeply.


"Are you ready to start now?"

Wang Mang looked at the two people behind him and said slowly: "Just wait here."

"We'll go back as soon as we go."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang also nodded towards Jiang Ye.

The latter understood it instantly, and the power of time surged all over his body.

As the world began to spin, the two of them entered a very strange space.

There are countless picture timelines flashing around, and countless thin lines are like peeling off cocoons.

"These are the embodiment of the timeline, please don't touch them casually."

"Otherwise, I will have to work hard to get you when the time comes."

Jiang Ye, who was leading the way, reminded without looking back.

Wang Mang just responded lightly.

He was only curious about the strange things around him and had little interest.

I don’t know how much time has passed. It seems that there is no concept of time in this space. This understanding is missing in the senses.

As if in an instant, and as if after a long time, Jiang Ye suddenly stopped.

"This is what you want." He pointed at a black timeline and said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang's eyes rarely became serious.

"Which time period is it specifically?"

"Probably a thousand years in the future of the second-ring universe."

"Based on the remaining information from the last time transmission, this is where it is."

Wang Mang stared at the black timeline in front of him and said thoughtfully: "Did you not notice it at all when the other party teleported here before?"

Jiang Ye's expression froze, but he soon returned to his natural state.

"No, the other party doesn't know what means they used to shield the space-time fluctuations caused by the transmission."

"But fortunately he went back in a hurry, otherwise I might not have noticed it."

After Wang Mang glanced at him, his eyes fell on the black timeline in front of him again.

"So which point in time am I reaching now through this timeline?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ye patted his chest and said confidently: "Don't worry, his time and space coordinates have been exposed, so I can't make any mistakes."

"Through this timeline, the node you arrive at is the moment that person arrives back."

"You can even imagine the surprise in that guy's eyes."

Wang Mang smiled slightly and immediately said:

"Then send me in."

"When I kill him, you can bring me back."

"I will also deliver the things to you when the time comes."

After hearing this, he had no choice but to agree.

Jiang Ye knew that if he didn't agree, this guy would definitely not continue trading.

At that time, my past life may be a bit uncertain.

After not seeing each other for a short period of time, this guy's strength has improved again.

"It's time to go."

After finishing speaking, he slapped Wang Mang with his palm.

The latter's body flickered, turned into a stream of light, and suddenly escaped into the timeline.

As the world began to spin, Wang Mang suddenly appeared next to the person who attacked him before.

The moment the latter saw Wang Mang, his pupils trembled suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face: "How is that possible?"

The opponent can actually pursue him across time!

And at this time, Wang Mang's whole body exuded an extremely terrifying aura all the time.

They are completely different from when we met before.

In a short period of time, it is impossible to achieve such a big improvement no matter what, and there is definitely something fishy in it.

His mind was spinning very quickly, and he had a rough guess in a short while.

"It turns out you are also proficient in time methods."

"I was the one who got it wrong."

After saying these two sentences, his pupils suddenly dimmed.

Wang Mang calmly moved his hands and feet, with a mocking look on his face: "I have said before, you are just a mortal who was not born in my era."

"Even if time passes, if you offend me, you will still die."

"I'll kill you the same way."

While speaking, Wang Meng clasped his hands together.

In his body, the completely liquefied Devouring Daoyun instantly filled the air.

The gravitational field instantly covers this area, constantly pulling in all surrounding matter.

The latter seemed to have accepted his fate without any resistance.

Just like that, he was pulled by gravity and gradually approached Wang Mang.

But the moment he was about to come into contact with Wang Mang, a playful look suddenly appeared on his face.

"Idiot, you didn't expect that."

As soon as he finished speaking, the breath of countless time suddenly surged from his body.

Obviously, this guy wants to escape through time and space again.

Just when his body flickered in and out of sight, he was about to successfully escape from this time and space.

An even stronger force of time imprisoned it in place.

Wang Mang frowned and thanked the void.

Then he reached out and pinched the other person's neck fiercely.

"You kid really likes to play tricks on others."

"I originally wanted to give you a happy treat directly."

His expression was very gloomy, with a deep murderous intent in it.

Obviously, the repeated teasing had completely angered him.

Although the latter was strangled tightly, his expression remained unchanged.

Wang Mang was very dissatisfied with his performance.

Eternal destruction!

As he thought silently in his mind, countless pairs of green-haired arms suddenly stretched out from the opponent's throat.

The latter's eyeballs exploded instantly, and ferocious cracks appeared all over his body.

“Let’s feel the pollution.”

Wang Mang said with a ferocious smile

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