I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2099 The Creator God appears?

The next moment, the cyan arms spread rapidly under the influence of pollution, wrapping around the latter's body.

The power of these arms is powerful and strange. They are like cold iron chains, tightly binding the opponent, leaving him without the strength to move.

Wang Mang's fingers gently slid over the other person's throat, and it felt like touching cold steel.

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "You know what? This is just me holding back. I have a hundred ways to make you unable to survive or die."

His eyes flashed with fierce light, "If you still have a back-up, just use it."

The other party's face became more and more ugly as the cyan arms were wrapped around him. Black blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, as if he could no longer bear the torture.

However, his attitude remained firm and did not waver at all.

Wang Mang waited quietly for a moment, but there was no response from the other party. He shook his head gently, "If you have no other backup plan, then let me send you on your way."

As he spoke, he exerted a sudden force. The latter suddenly let out a shrill scream, but the sound was quickly swallowed up by those cyan arms.

His body twisted and deformed under the restraints of the cyan arms, and finally turned into a cold corpse.

Ah, it's all over.

Wang Mang looked around and found that this was a desolate world.

The two-ring universe after a thousand years?

Holding back his desire to explore, Wang Mang shouted into the void:

"It's done."

As soon as he finished speaking, a force of time suddenly enveloped him.

With a sudden spin, he entered that strange time and space again.

Looking at Jiang Ye in front of him, Wang Mang showed an intriguing expression on his face.

"The other party's power to travel through time looks familiar."

When Jiang Ye heard this, a surprised expression appeared on his face, "You...you feel it too?"

Wang Mang nodded. Of course he understood what Jiang Ye was referring to, because they had seen such power in the fragments of history.

That's right, it was when we were on the Invincible Battle Road.

Finally, the critical moment to challenge the mad ancestor.

It’s the same feeling that spans time and space.

"Do you know the invincible battle path outside the second-ring universe?"

Wang Mang stared at Jiang Ye closely, trying to see something from his expression.

Jiang Ye nodded, "I know."

Wang Mang took a deep breath, "That is a road full of unknowns and dangers. It is said that only the top experts who have entered the three-ring universe are qualified to enter it."

A trace of doubt flashed in Jiang Ye's eyes, "Have you ever entered?"

Wang Mang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Of course, otherwise how do you think I came to the Second Ring Universe?"

Jiang Ye was a little confused, "Are you not a native of this universe?"

Wang Mang said solemnly: "Of course not, I come from a very small place."

Jiang Ye's expression suddenly became serious, "Wait, why does it sound familiar?"

Wang Mang nodded, "Like the protagonists in those novels, I also came up from a much lower plane."

Jiang Ye fell into deep thought, "I see. So, the power of this period of time and space has some connection with the Invincible Conquest Road?"

Wang Mang sighed, "I'm afraid that's the case. The most important thing is that I also found some clues from the person just now."

The two looked at each other and knew in their hearts that this matter might not be that simple.

Jiang Ye said in a deep voice: "Then what should we do now?"

Wang Mang frowned slightly, "What should I do? Of course I'm going back."

"Now we have two choices." Jiang Ye looked at Wang Mang and said in a deep voice: "First, continue to stay in this time and space. Second, return to the present world and investigate the origin of the power of that time and space."

Jiang Ye pondered for a moment, "I suggest returning to the present world first. After all, the power of time and space there has already begun to show signs."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang's face suddenly changed.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?"

Wang Mang's heart trembled when he heard his words.

Problems with time and space are no joke.

Jiang Ye took a deep breath and said slowly: "Just when we first came to this time and space, the power of time and space in my body suddenly experienced an abnormal fluctuation, as if something was trying to get out of it."

Wang Mang's expression changed slightly, "Get out? Are you saying that there is something hidden in the power of time and space that shouldn't exist?"

Jiang Ye nodded, "Besides, this feeling has happened several times before, but it was very slight at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

Wang Mang fell silent, and things seemed to be getting more and more serious.

"According to what you said, there may be some secret hidden in the power of that time and space, or even..."

Jiang Ye sighed, "I'm afraid that's it, and if we don't solve this problem, I'm afraid we will be involved even if we return to the present world."

A trace of determination flashed in Wang Mang's eyes, "In that case, we have only one choice."

Jiang Ye looked at him and smiled: "Yes, there is only one choice."

The two hit it off immediately.

We must first find out the strangeness of this time and space.

Otherwise, you will be implicated when you return to this world.

Next, Jiang Ye and Wang Mang searched for a long time in this strange place in time and space, but found nothing.

They don't know if they are in the right place or if they are missing some important clue.

One night, Jiang Ye and Wang Mang were sitting by the campfire, discussing the strangeness of this time and space.

At this time, a faint light flashed across the horizon, and Jiang Ye immediately stood up and looked in that direction.

"Quick, follow it!" Jiang Ye said to Wang Mang.

The two followed the faint light through the forests and hills.

Finally, they came to a mysterious valley.

There is an ancient stone tablet here, with a line of text engraved on it: "The key to time and space, control time and space."

Jiang Ye and Wang Mang looked at each other, their hearts filled with surprise. They finally found a solution to the problem.

However, they also know that the power to control time and space is not so easy to obtain.

A burst of liquid Daoyun surged out of Wang Mang's body and eroded directly towards the stone tablet.

The huge gravitational force is like a tide, surging continuously.

The stone tablet clanked and glowed brightly.

The two people's eyes instantly condensed, and they both became extremely vigilant.

With a burst of light shining, a humanoid shadow suddenly emerged.

Wang Mang just stared at the shadow without saying much, but Jiang Ye was completely different.

He looked shocked.

"Lord Creator God!"

The moment he heard this, Wang Meng's face was shocked.

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