I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2100 Chapter 2103 Time inheritance!


Creator God! !

Wang Mang couldn't stop trembling in his heart.

Is it so outrageous?

Wang Mang glanced at Jiang Ye, and then returned to the figure.

Judging from the aura around the other party, it should be the end of time, right?

Wang Mang felt a little calmer.

After all, it seems that he and the other party don't have much of a feud.

The people I had offended before were the Messenger of Destiny and the other was Dao Guixu.

The rest are no big deal.

"Haha, I'm not a creator god."

"Just a lost old man."

The afterimage of the white-haired old man shook his head casually.

At this time, Jiang Ye's expression also calmed down.

Although this one is very similar to the God of Creation.

But there are still some differences in the smell.

"So, is it the remnant soul left by the Creator God?"

Jiang Ye was thoughtful.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth fiercely.

What's the matter, it's not the eighth level where you were surprised.

But the cause and effect is big enough.

It actually involves the remnant soul of the Creator God.

"Lao Deng, so what is going on here?"

Knowing that the other party was not the Queen of Creation, Wang Mang lost his previous politeness.

It's normal to think about it.

After all, that's what he is.

After staying in this birdy place for so long, he was naturally very unhappy.

"Haha, this young man."

The remnant soul of the Creator God was also lifeless and laughed dumbly.

There are very few people who can enter this time and space.

He was also very happy if someone was willing to talk to him, an old man, for a few more words.

If you think about it carefully, before these two people came, there was only that sly-looking boy who would ask me for advice from time to time.

"You are very courageous. This is a very important time and space."

The old man said meaningfully.

There is a smile between the eyebrows.

Jiang Ye frowned and asked humbly:

"Senior, dare I ask where this is?"

I cleared my throat and said slowly:

"This space-time is the birthplace of the God of Creation, so this space-time is also called the 'source space-time'."

Wang Ye couldn't help but frown after hearing this. Source time and space?

Doesn't that mean that any random changes here may affect the original time and space of origin?

In other words, this may have something to do with the original origin?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also discovered a problem.

That is, he doesn't know when he started to come to a new time and space.

This is definitely not the timeline after 1,000 years as Jiang Ye said before.

If he interferes excessively in this time and space, will it also affect the original time and space?

The more Wang Mang thought about it, the more he became confused. If he had known this, he would never have come to this time and space so easily.

"Lao Deng, please tell me in detail what is going on here."

Jiang Ye was also very calm. He found that the more he came into contact with it, the more unusual he found this place.

The place where the Creator God was born must have extraordinary significance.

The old man didn't show off, and simply explained some of the situations in this time and space.

"This space-time is the original place of origin of the God of Creation."

"This space and time already existed a long time ago."

"It can also be said that this space-time is the earliest origin of all derivative time-space."

"Other time and space were slowly derived with the permission of the Creator God."

"And because this space and time is the earliest place of origin, even if something happens in other places of origin, it will not have any impact on this time and space."

"And because of this, this space and time has always been protected by the God of Creation."

"Of course, there are many opportunities in this place of origin."

"But these opportunities are all imprinted by the divine will of the Creator God."

"If you take it privately without the permission of the God of Creation, it is equivalent to running wild on the territory of the God of Creation."

Wang Mang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the word opportunity.

"If we can enter this place, it should be equivalent to the permission of the Creator God, right?"

Wang Mang said matter-of-factly.

Obviously, he has set his sights on the opportunity mentioned by the old man.

Hearing what Wang Mang said, the old man also frowned and pondered for a moment.

"That's right, maybe the God of Creation is watching your every move right now."

"By the way, have you ever seen a boy with a sinister look on his face?"

"My old friend hasn't been here for a long time."

As soon as these words came out.

Wang Mang and Jiang Ye couldn't help but look at each other.

The two of them said no at the same time.

After all, it was Wang Mang who killed his old friend with his first kick.

To admit it boldly is to ask for trouble.

The old man sighed leisurely and said slowly: "This guy doesn't know, come and see me, an old man."

"That's all, do you want to control time?"

"Time is actually divided into countless small grids."

The old man said, dipped some saliva on his finger and wiped it lightly on the table.

Before the two of them could agree, a simple sand table appeared in front of the three of them.

The old man picked up a branch and drew a striped path on the sand table.

"This is the timeline." "Each grid represents a time node."

"Before the node, after the node, they are all on this straight line."

As he spoke, the old man picked up another branch and drew lines from one node to another on the sand table.

"And this is the timeline." Wang Mang and Jiang Ye looked at the intricate and winding lines in a daze.

"Master the time, to put it bluntly, master these nodes."

The old man looked at the two of them and asked, "Do you understand?"

The two nodded.

Although it sounds very simple.

But when I think about it carefully, I find that it contains too much knowledge.

"Senior, is there any way to deepen your proficiency in mastering time?" Jiang Ye pondered for a moment and finally asked this question.

The old man smiled: "Of course there are ways."

"But it's not something a little kid like you can master."

"I know you also have some power over time." The old man gave Jiang Ye a meaningful look.

"But after all, we still rely on the domain gate in your body."

"You only control time, not master it."

Before Jiang Ye could react too much, the old man smiled and waved.

An irresistible force of time suddenly enveloped them.

After a while, the two of them returned to that wonderful space.

At the same time, the timeline that was supposed to be black also returned to bright white.

Jiang Ye was still immersed in the old man's preaching just now.

Wang Mang, on the other hand, looked around with a blank expression.

Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

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